Qin Shu looked up at the tall and majestic city wall, and an idea suddenly came to her mind.

Can they change sides at night?

Now that they have spiritual energy, it is easy for them to climb over such a city wall.

But Qin Shu was a little worried about what other changes her actions would cause.

She thought for a while and finally asked her teammates, "Have you all had a good rest?"

The others nodded slightly, Qing Yi glanced at Qin Shu but said nothing.

But You Zijin on the side said loudly: "No!"

Qin Shu chuckled lightly and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't have it. Just wait for me here and I'll come as soon as I go."

"Senior Brother Tieniu, help me take care of my wife."

Tieniu nodded in agreement, and Pei Ya asked anxiously: "Husband, where are you going?"

Qin Shu raised her lips and smiled, "Go explore the road and wait for me to come back."

After she finished speaking, she stepped on the Piaomiao Fairy Trace Body Technique and left.

However, the moment she touched the city wall, as if she touched some switch, a sharp voice pierced the entire night sky.

"Night attack!"

On the city wall, gongs and drums sounded in unison, and the next moment it was light again.

In the distance was another attacker who was well prepared, as if the whole day's fighting yesterday had not had any impact on them.

Qin Shu was silent. Seeing that the arrow above her head was about to penetrate her, she moved flexibly to avoid it.

She quickly backed away. She didn't even need to listen. She just guessed that these people were scolding her.

Qin Shu stepped back with a tense face and said to the others: "There is no other way, let's fight."

If you can't change your camp, you can only lead the attackers to defeat the defenders and enter the city openly.

You Zijin was so angry that he yelled, "You're a guy who succeeds more than you succeed! This is good! I just rested for a while and now I have to fight for another day. Who can withstand it!"

Qin Shu was not angry after hearing this, but smiled at him and said calmly: "A real man can't say no."

You Zijin's anger was blocked by her words.

He was so angry that he raised his only heavy weapon, which was a hammer, and said to Qin Shu: "I'll let you go for now. Next time you poke the basket, I'll kill you to sacrifice the flag!"

Qin Shu didn't take his words to heart at all. Instead, she looked at the hammer in his hand and raised an eyebrow and asked, "Why is there such a big hammer? Can you handle it?"

You Zijin got even angrier, "You fart! Master, I come from a family of weapon refiners! I can't even hold a hammer?!"

Qin Shu suddenly realized it and gave him a thumbs up, "Awesome!"

When she praised him, You Zijin couldn't speak anymore.

Don’t reach out and hit the smiling person, right?

Of course, there is no time to talk nonsense.

The soldiers had already rushed in front of them, and they had to charge with them.

Qin Shu realized that these people were on the same side as them, and acted extremely brave and good at fighting. She not only protected their people, but also the soldiers around her.

After two hours, Qin Shu faintly discovered that although there were many soldiers, they were vaguely divided into four parts.

And the team they came to outside the city happened to be the fourth team.

Thinking about it this way, she felt that she had to protect these people and avoid unnecessary casualties.

After such a long fight, Qin Shu also discovered that the injuries suffered by these people were all physical injuries.

For her at the fifth level of body refining, it didn't seem to cause any harm.

She threw the shield directly to her teammates, rushed to the front with her sword, and shouted, "Cover me! I'm going to the top!"

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