I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 316 Do you have a good plan?

Pei Ya was startled to see her entire body exposed outside the shield, and quickly shouted: "Husband, be careful, swords have no eyes."

You Zijin also thought that this man was crazy. He didn't dare to rush out even wearing the robes, and there were always places on his body that the robes couldn't protect.

I'm afraid that among the six people in their team, only Tie Niu understood her best. He directly raised his hand to take the shield handed over by Qin Shu and said: "Don't worry, junior brother, I'm here!"

Qin Shu grinned at him, raised her sword and rushed towards the cloud ladder that had just been set up beside the city wall.

Although her body skills were not blessed by spiritual energy, her physical strength alone was still better than that of ordinary people.

She ran up and jumped a foot high, using her toes to gain strength on the cloud ladder, and climbed towards the city wall with a blue cloud.

"Kill her!" Someone on the city wall roared.

At this time, Qin Shu had no time to distinguish whether the voice came from the soldiers here or the monks who came with them. She could only be very alert and avoid the crossbars and boulders thrown from the city wall.

As for the arrows, they really could not cause any harm to her.

The three-meter-high city wall might be a natural moat that was difficult to climb for other mortals, but it was much easier for Qin Shu and others.

However, when she was about to reach the top, a strong wind blew over her head.

Qin Shu instinctively realized that this attack should hurt her, and turned her body to avoid the attack.

However, the opponent did not give up the attack because of her avoidance. The blade turned and chopped at her again.

Qin Shu turned over and kicked the sword.

Qin Shu had a chance to catch her breath, and at the same time she recognized that this person should be one of the monks who entered the secret realm with them.

Maybe this person's cultivation is higher than hers, but now that no one can use spiritual energy, she is really not afraid of anyone here in terms of physical fitness.

Qin Shu borrowed the power from the cloud ladder again and jumped onto another cloud ladder beside her.

This person chased after him relentlessly, and at this moment, an arrow flew over and directly deflected the sword.

Qi Liu's voice came over, "Brother, don't worry! I'll cover you!"

Qin Shu also took advantage of this gap to quickly jump up, jumped over the city wall, and landed on the top of the wall.

With her blocking the attack, more and more people climbed up the city wall behind her.

The other cultivators in the city defense camp have not yet realized their responsibilities. Seeing that the city has been broken, they don't need to fight desperately.

It's better to surrender in time and see if there will be any other changes in the secret realm.

They have been here for two days and have been trapped on the city wall.

Every time they want to go down, they will be stopped by the soldiers here.

But they didn't expect that at the moment of breaking the city, they didn't have the chance to surrender at all. All the people defending the city suddenly disappeared.

Qin Shu stood on the high city wall and looked around, but found that the city at this time was like an empty city.

Where are these... people?

Before she could figure it out, the next moment, the scene in front of her changed again.

She was still standing on the city wall, but all the traces of the war around her disappeared. A soldier ran over, saluted her, and said, "Commander! General, please go over!"

Qin Shu was stunned. How did she become a commander?

Curious, but she had to go with the flow and continue the plot.

"Lead the way." She put away the sword in her hand.

Following the leading soldier, she went down the city wall and went to the general's mansion.

The pedestrians on the road and the people of all kinds of trades were exactly the same as in the secular world.

Qin Shu frowned and wanted to ask Brother Tie Niu where they were now, but she didn't know how to ask.

It was not until she reached the gate of the general's mansion and saw the two familiar figures guarding the gate that she smiled again.

Tie Niu winked at her, and Qin Shu held back her laughter and entered the gate.

The general's surname was Gao. He looked at Qin Shu with a worried look and said, "Commander, you were outstanding in strength when we broke the city yesterday and turned the tide, so today I invited you to have a chat. Today, Pan the thief led 400,000 troops to occupy 30 miles north of my city. It seems that there will be another tough battle. I wonder what the commander thinks?"

Qin Shu: "?"

Good opinion? How can she figure out what's going on?

Didn't they just break the city? Are they going to fight again?

Could it be that... they have changed their camp and become the defenders?

"I am stupid and have only some brute force. I really don't have any good ideas. I will follow the general's command in everything." Qin Shu said.

The general heard this and looked at her meaningfully, "That's good."

Qin Shu ran to the general's mansion and found Tie Niu and You Zijin, asking them where the others were.

The two didn't know either, they just said they would be here when they opened their eyes and couldn't leave.

"There will probably be another battle tomorrow, you guys keep watch, I'm going to rest first."

You Zijin: "..."

How to rest? People on guard don't deserve to rest.

The sky gradually brightened, and a familiar charge horn sounded again outside the city wall, and Qin Shu quickly climbed up the wall.

"Kill!" The roar was deafening.

This battle was exactly the same as theirs yesterday, and the monks who were frantically attacking on the opposite side were all very familiar, and one of them with a knife was particularly familiar.

Qin Shu understood this time, it seemed that the camp had changed.

She raised her sword and stepped forward to resist, knocking down a man with one sword, and shouted loudly: "The tide has turned! I will not let you come up today!"

There were many people following her, and Qin Shu had already discovered that these people were the soldiers who were in the same camp with them yesterday.

The more people survived under her protection, the easier it would be to defend the city today.

Sure enough, the stalemate night passed quickly, and the soldiers who attacked the city retreated.

Qin Shu shook her numb arms and shoulders, and couldn't help but click her tongue twice.

"This is more painful than physical training."

Tie Niu, who was slumped on the ground, also laughed when he saw this, "Yes, I didn't feel so tired even after practicing boxing three hundred times."

Qin Shu raised her hand and put it on his shoulder, saying, "Brother, just think of it as physical training here, and you won't feel that this illusion is meaningless."

Tie Niu raised his eyebrows, "You are good at comforting people."

After saying that, he raised his hand and touched his stomach again, and said with emotion, "It's been too tiring these days, and I have lost a few pounds of meat."

Before Qin Shu had time to speak, another soldier ran over, saluted to her, and reported, "Commander, the general invites you to come over for a chat."

Qin Shu frowned, supported herself on the ground with her hands, and stood up, "Let's go, lead the way."

The general was still standing in the study, with a huge map on the desk. He looked at Qin Shu and asked word by word, "Commander, you are extraordinary. If Pan the thief attacks again tomorrow, do you have a good plan to deal with it?"

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