I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 327 Lotus Leaf and He Tiantian

Qin Shu admitted that she was wrong. She was wrong in not questioning the boss.

She thought about countless possibilities. She thought that he might escort the Fire Tribe people to the teleportation array. She also thought about the possibility that he would fish up the Teleportation Array, or that he would redraw a teleportation array. She even thought about the possibility that he would kill the Fire Tribe people and silence them. Have thought about it.

I never thought that he would break the restriction and leave so simply and crudely.

Oh, no, she should have thought of it earlier. He was like this when he was in the Beast Control Sect.

After Xie Shiyuan finished all this, he turned into a small snake and entangled itself on Qin Shu's wrist.

All this happened without warning, so that Qin Shu fell from the sky without any preparation.

She reacted quickly and took out a flying magic weapon and sat on it, accusing Xie Shiyuan in her heart.

But thinking that he might have run out of spiritual energy, he was forgiven.

"Everyone, come out." Her voice spread throughout the crater.

One after another, members of the Fire Tribe came out, and all they saw was a slender figure.

The old patriarch glanced at Qin Shu with complicated eyes, then raised his head to look at the sky. He suddenly noticed something and burst into tears.

"The restriction... the restriction has disappeared! The restriction that has trapped us for tens of thousands of years has finally disappeared! We can get out!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone cheered excitedly.

Qin Shu and others were infected by their joy, and the smiles on their faces became a little real.

Now that the restriction is broken, they can get out.

I hope that when they go out this time, they will be greeted by a real secret realm, and there will not be so many weird little worlds.

The old patriarch gave everyone one day to go back and pack their things, and everyone would leave here together tomorrow.

Qin Shu and others were also treated as distinguished guests by the Yinhuo tribe, and a table full of delicious food was prepared for them.

At dawn the next day, everyone gathered in the ancestral hall of the Fire Clan.

Qin Shu also planned to join her friends, but was stopped by the old patriarch waiting in front of her door, "Little friend."

She looked over in surprise and saw the red face of the old patriarch with a smile. He was holding a cane in one hand and handed the box in his hand to Qin Shu with the other hand.

"We don't have much use for keeping this thing, so let's give it to my little friend. Meeting each other means we are destined to meet each other. If my little friend leaves here in the future, it would be nice if he could occasionally think of me, the Fire Clan."

Qin Shu held the wooden box and felt a little strange when she saw him leaving on crutches.

She tilted her head and thought for a moment, but to no avail, she finally put the wooden box away and followed him.

She watched all the Qinhuo clan members bid farewell to their ancestors in the ancestral hall, and one by one stepped on the volcanic wall and leaped out under the leadership of the old clan leader.

Until everyone came out, everyone looked at the mountains and rivers in the distance, the morning sun and the morning dew, and cried with joy.

"It's out, it's finally out!"

"If possible, I still want to go back to my hometown to see it."

"I heard that the grass in my hometown will bloom with small fiery red flowers and green leaves, which are very beautiful."

Qin Shu was about to turn around and ask where their hometown was and whether they wanted to travel far together.

But when she turned around, she saw that everyone behind her was like a summer halo that would disperse with the wind with a wave of her hand.

She froze on the spot, her eyes gradually becoming moist, she was clearly a living person just now, why... why is this happening? It was like a movie that ended like this.

Their red faces were still filled with excitement, which became blurry little by little. The wise old patriarch seemed to have expected all this. He slightly raised the corner of his mouth towards Qin Shu, raised his right hand, and pointed the back of his hand upward. He raised his head, seeming to signal her to move forward.

Until all the light and shadow disappeared, only eleven of them were left alone on the originally bustling hilltop.

"What...what's going on?" You Zijin was the first to speak.

Everyone shook their heads, no one understood.

"Are they still alive?" Du Shi asked again.

This time, Qin Shu spoke, "Live."

A person will die three times in his life.

The first time was when he breathed his last. Biologically he died.

The second time was when he was buried, people came to his funeral to remember his life and in society he died.

The third time was when the last person who remembered him forgot about him, and that's when he truly died. [1]

Perhaps this was the purpose of the old patriarch giving him the box.

This old wise man strives to leave some traces of the Fire Clan tens of thousands of years ago in this world.

You Zijin breathed a sigh of relief, "It scared me. Just stay alive. I think what they looked like just now must be a projection. Maybe they are living well in some corner of the world at this time."

The originally heavy atmosphere, when he said this, everyone relaxed.

"Let's go down the mountain and have a look. Let's see if there will be another flood or volcanic eruption here." Tieniu said.

Everyone laughed after hearing this, but Du Shi and others who had never experienced it didn't understand what they were laughing at.

By this time, the snow in the crater had long since melted, and the path down the mountain was different from the one they remembered.

Not only is the road different, the terrain is different, everything is different.

Except...that lake.

Qin Shu stood by the lake, looking at the small village located by the lake, as well as the fishing boats fishing in the lake, and the girl singing Lotus Leaf He Tiantian...

Not only Qin Shu was silent, but You Zijin and others were also silent.

It was only five days ago that they dug the lake here. How come the willow trees by the lake have grown so tall in just a few days?

Du Shi and his friends walked over and jumped into the water, calling them excitedly, "Come and soak together! It was too hot in the Fire Tribe these days, and it burned my skin. Now it's finally normal!"

Tie Niu and his friends also ran over, only Pei Ya followed Qin Shu.

Qin Shu turned around and smiled at her, "Madam, shall we go over and say hello to those locals?"

Pei Ya nodded in response. Here, no matter what she said, she would respond.

They came to the small fishing village, where three women were weaving nets. They were also surprised to see someone coming.

"There are guests!" The younger woman shouted, and the other two raised their heads when they heard the voice.

Seeing that they were indeed two unfamiliar people, they straightened up and looked at Qin Shu and the others.

Qin Shu walked over, keeping a polite distance from them, and then asked with a smile: "Three sisters, my husband and I came here with a friend. We passed by here and were a little confused about the direction, so we thought of coming here to ask for directions."

The three young women laughed when they heard this, and the younger one asked again: "Where are you going?"

Note: [1] This is what Zhang Ailing said, not the original words, but it is roughly the same meaning.

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