I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 328 Seemingly fake but true

Qin Shu didn't know where they were going, so she thought for a while and said, "Do you know where the nearest city is?"

The three young ladies laughed, and the older one pointed to the gap between the two mountains in front of them and said to the two of them, "Go out from there, go east, and cross another mountain, and you should be able to see it."

Qin Shu smiled and thanked them, and led Pei Ya back to find Tie Niu and the others.

The men were swimming in the water with their bare arms, and Pei Ya took a look and turned away embarrassedly.

Qin Shu didn't even look at them, and took out the hand-drawn map that Pei Patriarch had given her before they entered the secret realm from her storage ring.

Although the map was drawn relatively simply, the general direction could still be seen clearly.

Qin Shu was surprised to find that the place where Pei Patriarch had settled was actually this lake that he had dug himself?

It had been at least a thousand years since Pei Patriarch last entered the secret realm.

I didn't know where I was a thousand years ago...

Qin Shu guessed that the time and space here should be chaotic.

Although she has come to this lake now, it is hard to say whether she came at the same time as Pei Laozu.

She put away the map. She had memorized everything drawn on the map, and called back the people who were bathing.

"Let's go."

Two of them were still a little unhappy when they heard this, but because they regarded Qin Shu as the one who broke the ban of the Fire Tribe, they dared not say it openly even if they were dissatisfied.

They could only mutter in a low voice: "We have just swam for a short time and we have to leave..."

"Yes, we are tired for so long, just relax." Another person also said.

Qin Shu heard it, and her eyes fell on the two people who were talking. After the two found out, they quickly shut up.

Qin Shu said: "Now that we have left the Fire Tribe, it is time to go our separate ways."

She asked herself that her ability was limited and she could not bring so many people who were not related to her.

Du Shi was hired by her and signed a soul contract, but she didn't know the rest of them. What if they stabbed her in the back at a critical moment?

And these people originally thought Qin Shu was powerful and wanted to follow her to pick up the leaks, but they didn't expect that this person would chase them away!

"Daoyou, we are all from outside, and we must unite to deal with these natives!"

"Yes, Daoyou, we all listen to you, and we will do whatever you ask us to do."

"You two idiots, why don't you apologize to Daoyou." Someone scolded the two people who complained just now.


Qin Shu quickly raised her hand to interrupt them, "Don't say anything, it's not your fault, it's my own problem... I've been in the mountains for a long time, I have social anxiety, I'm uncomfortable in crowded places, and I'm even more uncomfortable talking to strangers..."

When the others heard this, they were stunned. Pei Ya thought of how she looked when she asked the three women for directions just now. She chatted with them for a long time, but she didn't see that she was uncomfortable at all.

But since Qin Shu said so, the others couldn't stay with her forever, so they had to leave in twos and threes.

Seeing that everyone had left, Qin Shu turned to Tie Niu and asked him, "Brother, do you have anywhere to go?"

Tie Niu quickly waved his hand, "Brother, you'd better stop talking to me. I'm also socially anxious."

Qin Shu: "..."

Seeing his serious look gradually couldn't help laughing, Qin Shu rolled her eyes speechlessly, "I'm just trying to get rid of those people."

Tie Niu laughed, "I remember that the little monk in Putuo Temple treated you like a brother. If you are socially anxious, everyone in the world is socially anxious."

Tie Niu didn't understand the meaning of social anxiety at first, but when Qin Shu said she was uncomfortable, he roughly understood it.

Qin Shu didn't care about his teasing and said, "Let's go, don't forget what you came in for."

When she said this, everyone straightened their faces.

Yes, they entered the secret realm to find treasures and opportunities. Now they have been here for almost ten days and have not found anything...

We have to hurry up.

Qin Shu took out the flying magic weapon with a flip of her hand. Everyone saw her action and gradually realized that the spiritual energy could be used here.

"Can the spiritual energy be used?! We are out?" You Zijin was the first to shout.

Qi Liu also took a look at the golden spiritual energy in his hand and laughed happily, "It's true, we should be out!"

His current cultivation is also in the late stage of foundation building. If he can use spiritual energy, his situation will improve all of a sudden.

Qin Shu couldn't say for sure, "It seems to be like this for the time being, let's go into the city first."

Although there are many disputes in crowded places, the news is also complete, which is better than their random search.

Not long after the group sat on the flying magic weapon, the small fishing village by the lake, the woman weaving nets, and the small fishing boats on the lake all disappeared.

At the same time, a sound rang in Qin Shu's mind, "squeak."

Qin Shu was stunned. Xiao Xiao rarely sent her messages. Could it be that the little bird had caused trouble again?

"Xiao Xiao, what's wrong?" Qin Shu responded with some worry.

Xiao Xiao's voice came again, "Shu Shu, this is an illusion everywhere, you have to be careful."

Qin Shu was really surprised this time. She thought that after leaving so many real small worlds, she finally came to the real secret realm, but she didn't expect Xiao Xiao to say this.

"Illusion?" These illusions were too real for even her to detect.

"This lake, this mountain, everything here is an illusion?" Qin Shu asked back.

"Not all, Xiao Xiao can't tell, some are real, some are fake..."

Seemingly true and fake, the truth can confuse people more.

Xiao Xiao's childish voice sounded again, "Shu Shu, you must be careful, the illusion here is very powerful, if you indulge in the illusion, you can't get out."

Since Xiao Xiao specifically reminded her, Qin Shu would naturally take it to heart.

"Don't worry, Xiao Xiao, I know."

Qin Shu not only took care of herself, but also told her companions to be careful of illusions.

Finally, they arrived at the city on the map. After flying for a whole day, they also understood that everything in the loop should be a smaller version.

This city is larger than the city they guarded in the first camp battle. People entering the city lined up in a long queue and paid the spirit stone to enter the city.

Qin Shu looked up and saw several people holding umbrellas.

They can't be called people, because... they have no feet, no shadows, and seem to be floating on the ground.

Are there ghosts here? Is this an illusion?

Qin Shu fell into deep thought, but there was no one here who could help her solve her doubts.

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