"Everyone go? What if they don't go?" Qin Shu asked.

Tie Niu was stunned when she asked this.

After a moment, he raised his hand and scratched the back of his head, "I don't know, and no one told me."

Qin Shu smiled, "Let's see tomorrow."

They must go. If they don't follow the setting of the secret realm, it means that they may get nothing in this trip to the secret realm.

However, at noon on the second day, Qin Shu knew what Senior Brother Tie Niu meant when he said that everyone must go to the temple fair.

As soon as noon arrived, everyone didn't even have time to think about whether to go to the temple fair, and the scene in front of them suddenly changed.

The tall and majestic temple in front of them stood on 9981 steps.

Qin Shu stood in the crowded crowd and found that there were strangers around her.

Her height was not very advantageous, and she couldn't find Senior Brother Tie Niu and his figures.

The people here might not all be monks, there were also natives from the city. They looked at the temple on the steps with a pious look on their faces.

It is precisely because of this that Qin Shu can clearly tell who is from outside.

She was just about to look for Brother Tie Niu and the others when she heard a voice above everyone's head.

"Queue up! Burn incense!"

As soon as these words came out, Qin Shu and the others were pushed by the aborigines to stand in the queue.

Whenever someone wanted to leave the team, they would be pushed back by the aborigines, "Don't run around, this is disrespectful to the gods."

Qin Shu did not move around, but took out the communication slip and sent a message to Tie Niu and the others, telling them to queue up first and wait until they leave here and then meet up.

Seeing that the communication slip could still be used, Pei Ya and the others were not so panicked.

With low cultivation and being so passive, anyone would feel uneasy.

The team was moving forward slowly, and some people in the back gradually began to lose patience.

One person wanted to leave, but was stopped by the aborigines, and the person immediately became angry.

"Is it not okay if I don't burn incense?! If you want to line up, take your time. I won't serve you anymore!"

"Don't be disrespectful to the gods!"

"What the hell gods! I must leave today. I don't want to see who can stop me!"

The man raised his hand and cast a spell, but the moment it hit the natives, the spell disappeared.

All the natives knelt down and worshiped devoutly, "God bless me!"

And the monk who wanted to leave immediately was also illuminated by a beam of light suddenly emitted from the temple, and the whole person suddenly... disappeared.

Qin Shu's heart skipped a beat when she saw this. Even if the cultivators who came here were not very skilled, they had to be at least at the Nascent Soul stage to kill a person out of thin air.

Just a beam of light had such power. Who are these natives worshipping?

Could it be the owner of this secret realm?

Qin Shu pondered while following the team obediently.

She went up the steps and entered the temple gate, and a huge incense burner came into view.

Behind the incense burner was a continuous thick fog, which made everything behind it a little unclear. Only some eaves could be seen.

An aboriginal walked over, knelt three times and kowtowed nine times, and then lit a stick of incense.

The misty smoke could not cover the determination in her eyes. She was mumbling something, but no matter how hard Qin Shu tried, she could not hear clearly what she said.

Soon it was Qin Shu's turn. She imitated the aboriginals and lit incense.

But at the moment when the incense was inserted into the burner, the originally misty smoke suddenly went straight up to the blue sky, and it also emitted a faint golden light.

Before Qin Shu could react, the aboriginals who were presiding over the worship suddenly came over, piously bowed to her, and shouted: "Holy Son."

Qin Shu: "???"

What's going on? She didn't even know who she was worshipping here! How did she suddenly become the Holy Son?

Qin Shu was invited to the temple, and she just discovered that they were worshipping a middle-aged man holding an incense burner.

Qin Shu took a look at the statue, but strangely, she saw it, but she still had no impression of it in her mind.

It was as if this memory was deleted out of thin air.

A man in black robes wearing a half-red gold mask saluted Qin Shu respectfully. Qin Shu also learned from the natives and asked excitedly: "Am I really the Son of God?! Oh my God! Such a good thing actually fell on my head?! I wonder what the Son of God needs to do? I am willing to serve the gods!"

The man in black robes looked at Qin Shu in surprise when he heard this. Obviously, her reaction was really surprising.

She could even hear the man in black robes muttering, "It shouldn't be. According to the oracle of the Lord God, the Son of God should be an outsider."

He was a little confused, but the incense did suddenly rise up according to the oracle of the Lord God, and it emitted a faint golden light.

When Qin Shu heard this, a sly look flashed in her dark eyes.

The black-robed man said again: "Son, please move to the back of the hall and wait for the ceremony to begin."

Qin Shu followed him. The hall was built in the style of their Dongzhou, not much like the Endless Sea. It seems that this so-called god must also be a Dongzhou person?

I just don't know if this god is really capable, or is just fooling people...

After the attendants she brought left, she was the only one left in the back of the hall.

She looked at the statue in front of her that was one size smaller than the front hall but still very large. She thought for a moment, then took two steps forward and knelt on the futon.

As I said before, it’s always okay to be respectful to your seniors.

The man in black robe outside the hall looked at Qin Shu kneeling motionless in front of the statue, and also fell into deep thought.

This...maybe really is an aborigine.

At this moment, Qin Shu, who was kneeling on the futon, was already thinking wildly. Looking at the fanaticism of the believers outside, maybe the wish was quite effective?

How about she try it too?

Qin Shu did what she said, closed her eyes and started to read, "Xinnu is young and short, please ask the gods to make Xinnu grow taller... By the way, there is also my second senior brother's business, I hope it can be better." The better he does, I hope he can find the person he is looking for as soon as possible. And Senior Brother, I also hope he can pay off the foreign debt as soon as possible..."

She didn't know how long she had been talking about it. She had already talked about everyone and everything she could think of, and then someone came in from outside.

"Holy Son, the messenger invites you to attend the ceremony."

Qin Shu responded, climbed up from the futon, and followed them to the square in a daze.

Then he watched in confusion as the man in black robe inserted three incense sticks as thick as his arms into the incense burner. After mumbling for a long time, an invisible door finally appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

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