I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 331 Don't believe your eyes

Qin Shu looked at everything in front of her. Although she looked calm, she was shocked in her heart.

Wow, it was full of layers! Could this be the real entrance to the secret realm?

Just as she was thinking, she could feel the fluctuation of the communication jade slip.

But her identity at this time was a native, and she could not use such things that would expose her identity for the time being.

As the black-robed man chanted the spell, the door gradually became solid.

The black-robed man glanced at the attendants, and immediately two attendants understood, walked out of the crowd, and pushed open the door.

The door was filled with smoke and emitted a deep red light.

Then the black-robed man said loudly: "Go! Believers of the gods! Go and find what you want and what you yearn for! The gods will bless you!"

Some people moved, but most people did not.

As more and more people went in, others could not stay any longer.

What if there is really a treasure, wouldn't you miss it if you go to play?

But Qin Shu did not move, her Du'e Gongfa was running wildly. In addition, she was surprised to find that almost all the aboriginals here did not go in.

This is obviously abnormal!

People are close to each other, and there is a saying that good things should not flow to outsiders.

If the gods really have any treasures, why would they not leave them to their most devout believers, but let outsiders like them scramble to grab them?

Fortunately, Tie Niu and others saw that Qin Shu did not move, so they did not move.

Until Qin Shu's operation of the method of overcoming the evil began to slow down, the red light in the gate began to turn into red gold.

Only then did the aboriginals walk in one after another, and Qin Shu also raised her steps, like the local aboriginals, put her hands together, closed her eyes and walked in.

The monk originally had extraordinary five senses. Although she closed her eyes now, she still smelled a little blood.

Qin Shu frowned more and more tightly. I don’t know how long she walked, and the bloody smell lingering in her nose gradually faded, until she suddenly felt relaxed and opened her eyes.

At this moment, there was a cliff thousands of feet behind them, and they didn't know how they got here.

No wonder these aborigines had to walk with their eyes closed. If they couldn't see, they wouldn't know how to get here even if there was a road to such a deep cliff.

More and more people stopped beside her. In front of them was an endless sea. No one could tell whether what they were looking for was on the island or on the bottom of the sea.

Everyone came from the Endless Sea, and now they showed their magical powers in front of the sea.

Qin Shu watched the aborigines plunge into the seabed and followed them in.

Not long after they walked, Qin Shu suddenly noticed something wrong. These people seemed... to have lost their lives.

She quickly stopped, took out the boat she had prepared long ago, and pulled them on board one after another.

"You can't go down first. There are corpses all over the seabed here."

No one likes the feeling of soaking in the sea water, even Pei Ya, who grew up in the Endless Sea.

Qin Shu's fire spirit circulated around her body, and her clothes dried quickly.

She looked up at the shore, and almost all the aborigines were gone.

Qin Shu thought of the way they walked into the sea without fear of death, and a word suddenly appeared in her mind.


What is going on? When she first came here, Xiao Xiao had reminded her that there are illusions everywhere, but they are a combination of reality and illusion, and you will be fooled if you are not careful.

So are these people who jumped into the sea real people or illusions? Qin Shu frowned, and suddenly felt that she was not well-educated and could not even distinguish reality from illusion.

She sat cross-legged on the boat and began to empty her mind to feel.

What should real waves look like? What should sea breeze look like? The sun on the beach can burn off a layer of skin when it shines on your body.

When a person begins to distrust his eyes, senses become the most important method of judgment.

Pei Ya, who was sitting next to him, took out a handkerchief to wipe her sweat. Qin Shu suddenly opened her eyes and looked at the handkerchief in her hand.

It's made of silk from the silkworm.

Pei Ya loves shark yarn and will never use anything other than shark yarn.

At this moment, the scene around her changed.

She was still kneeling on the cushion behind the temple, but everything around her had changed.

The once magnificent back temple had become decayed, and there was a sense of decline everywhere.

Qin Shu stood up and looked around. She opened the door and walked to the front yard. She didn't know where the originally lively crowd had gone, and even the ninety-nine steps were covered with moss.

She was stunned for a moment and asked loudly, "Is anyone there?"

No one answered, so Qin Shu walked into the temple again and found a stick of incense in front of the statue in the temple.

She thought for a moment, then walked over, picked up the incense, lit it and inserted it into the incense burner, "The believer only wants to get the treasure and leave here, please bless me!"

The moment the incense was inserted into the incense burner, Qin Shu saw that the statue in front of her suddenly lit up.

She thought it was the god's psychic, so she immediately looked up.

However, the scene she saw next made her start to daze.


The face on the statue turned out to be hers? Is this to tell her that it is better to rely on oneself than on others?

Qin Shu sighed, and just as she was about to look around to see if there was another way out, the scene in front of her suddenly changed, and she appeared again in the scene where the man in black robes burned incense and opened the door.

This time, the red light did not appear at all, and all the natives and monks ran towards the door happily.

After entering, there was no fog.

Because they were directly at the bottom of the sea as soon as they entered.

Everyone was wearing a protective shield like a bubble, the only difference was the color.

Some were white, some were red, some were black, but Qin Shu... was golden.

The bubbles seemed to wrap everyone and drift with the flow. The bubble of an unlucky guy accidentally hit a coral, and the bubble broke immediately. He couldn't breathe and quickly floated to the surface of the sea.

Everyone saw this and understood that the bubbles on their bodies were the key to their staying on the seabed.

Qin Shu quickly swam away, and just as she swam away, the people behind her suddenly started to attack each other.

The fight seemed to become white-hot in an instant, and countless bubbles broke. After the bubble broke, either use your own magic weapon to stay on the seabed, or you can only float up.

Seeing that the number of monks remaining on the seabed suddenly decreased by one third, one monk reacted and shouted: "Stop fighting, have you noticed that there are only monks here? There are no natives at all? Maybe what we are fighting for this time is what they want? If we fight among ourselves in advance, will we still have a chance of winning when we face those natives?"

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