Everyone thought for a moment and retracted their hands in unison.

At this time, among the remaining people, the number of people with white bubbles has been reduced by half.

It was also at this time that everyone discovered that the defense of white bubbles was the weakest. As for the defensive attributes of bubbles of other colors, everyone was not able to accurately estimate them for a while.

Once they had this understanding, the monks whose bubbles were white immediately retreated quickly with great vigilance.

Qin Shu was originally on the periphery, but seeing that she could no longer fight, she withdrew her sight and swam towards the west.

The bottom of the sea was vast, but she just felt like going west.

There were many people choosing the same direction with her. As she swam, she took out the jade slip and waved it among the crowd.

"Have you all come in? Where are you? Why haven't you seen anyone?"

When she sent the message, Tieniu was looking at the two huge clam shells on his body and fell into deep thought.

When the jade slip of summons was illuminated, he recovered his mind and took out the jade slip of summons.

"Junior brother, I don't know where this is. There are seaweeds everywhere. By the way, I also turned into a huge clam. I don't know what kind of material the clam shell is made of, and it's quite heavy."

Just as Tieniu finished speaking, You Zijin replied, "Guess what happened to me?"



Everyone had different opinions, and You Zijin finally replied: "You may not believe it, but I turned into... a shark."

Qin Shu imagined You Zijin's face, paired with a mermaid's tail...

Suddenly, I felt that the mermaids in fairy tales suddenly became obscene.

At this time, Pei Ya also spoke, "I have also become a shark."

Qin Shu's expression brightened slightly when she thought of her appearance, and she came back to her senses at this time.

It seems that each of them has a different trump card, but they just don't know what each one's role is.

The defensive effect of clam shells is probably much better than their bubbles, but their movement speed is probably not very good.

The shark's movement speed must be very fast, but its combat effectiveness should not be impressive.

Qin Shu asked where they were at this time and what their surroundings were like. The final outcome was not surprising at all. As expected, they were not in the same place.

Qin Shu could only tell them to keep in touch and see where they could meet.

As soon as she said this sentence, there seemed to be some movement above her head.

Qin Shu immediately dodged and then saw what was attacking her.

A giant fish, this fish has two big eyes on its left and right sides. One eye alone is almost as tall as half of Qin Shu's height.

Qin Shu climbed up the fin of the giant fish with her backhand. Feeling the speed of her movement at this time, Qin Shu began to feel relieved.

No wonder people often say that they are like a fish in water. That's probably true. Isn't this speed faster than she can swim by herself?

Save her energy so that she can better grab the baby when she gets there.

Qin Shu had a good thought in her heart. When she lowered her head, she saw several monks sitting on the backs of the giant fish.

Qin Shu:......

Sure enough, if she can think of it, someone will naturally think of it.

She grinned and waved to the people below, "Hello."

She landed on the back of the giant fish and used her spiritual energy to firmly attach herself to it.

Several people looked at each other for a moment, but no one took action against Qin Shu.

When Qin Shu saw this, she knew she wouldn't be able to fight for a while, and the spiritual energy condensed in her palms also dispersed.

At this moment, the only woman among the four looked at Qin Shu and asked innocently: "Aren't you the Holy Son just now?"

Qin Shu glanced at the girl lightly. Don't think that she couldn't see it despite her innocent appearance.

She clearly asked this intentionally, without any good intentions at all.

Sure enough, as soon as she said these words, the other three people immediately looked at Qin Shu warily.

"Are you an Aboriginal?" someone asked.

Qin Shu hummed calmly and looked at them meaningfully, "So what? We want different things."

She didn't even know what these people were looking for, so she just said this to confuse people.

She could guarantee that these words came from the mouth of her holy son, and it would probably spread to the ears of all the monks who entered the secret realm within a short time.

After hearing what she said, the four people on the other side were obviously interested, so they came over and asked, "Holy Son, do you know anything?"

Qin Shu smiled cheerfully and glanced at them one by one with eyes that seemed to be able to see through people's hearts. When she finally landed on the uneasy and kind-hearted woman, she paused for a longer time.

It wasn't until the female cultivator was disturbed by her gaze that she withdrew her gaze again and said, "We want different things. You want a real treasure, but we want... the power of will."

She was talking nonsense, but combined with her status as the Holy Son, her words suddenly gained a little more credibility.

"Holy Son, do you know what treasure we are looking for? We are destined to meet each other. If you can show us the way, when we get to the place, we will also help you get the wish you want."

Qin Shu shook her head, "The god has given an oracle, and he wants to find the next god. We are all servants of the god. We dare not interfere in the process of the god selecting candidates. Everything is determined..."

As she spoke, she gradually closed her eyes. With the golden bubbles covering her body, it was as if she was covered with a halo, and she really looked like a spokesperson for the gods.

The staring fish swam all the way to the west, as if there was something good in the west that attracted it.

Qin Shu and others also arrived at the place smoothly. The staring fish hit the restriction and knocked the people on her back off.

Qin Shu looked up and saw a large flat seabed in front of her. It didn't look like a place where treasures were hidden.

She raised her hand and touched the air in front of her, and a transparent restriction appeared in front of her.

This restriction was not isolated from everything, at least the sea water could flow through easily.

When Qin Shu was trying to figure out how to unlock the restriction, suddenly her finger actually passed through the restriction? ?

Qin Shu was surprised, and suddenly there was an irresistible suction in the restriction, sucking her in.

This change also made the people around dumbfounded, "What's going on? Can only the natives enter?"

"But there is nothing here? What does it matter if you can't enter?"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a sudden earthquake, and then a tall and beautiful crystal palace appeared in front of them.

Qin Shu didn't even think about it, and walked over directly.

Since the pie in the sky has fallen on my head, how can I not eat it?

Sure enough, I chose the right direction! The method of overcoming difficulties is really true!

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