I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 339 Seven Treasure Glazed Tower

Qin Shu's attitude became more respectful, and she heard her ask: "Are you...Senior Sang Ji?"

The light and shadow was wearing armor, and when he laughed, the armor seemed to chirp with his laughter.

"He's a smart boy."

After he said this, he was slightly stunned, as if he thought of something, and then said: "You have always been a smart boy."

Qin Shu quickly waved her hand, "I don't dare to take it seriously, it's just some cleverness."

Sang Ji shook his head, "If you hadn't gone through my many tests, you wouldn't have met me, so there's no need to be so arrogant."

Qin Shu didn't speak anymore, and Sang Ji's eyes gradually became distant, "This is the battlefield of the battle between gods and demons. Back then, I led hundreds of thousands of immortals to resist the demons here, and countless geniuses were killed here. Including The seniors of the Fire Clan you met.”

Qin Shu's expression became solemn, and Sang Ji continued: "I promised the seniors of the Yinhuo Clan to keep the fire for their tribe, but I couldn't help them. I never expected that the Yinhuo Clan would be trapped in the volcano and the clan would be exterminated."

Qin Shu heard him mention it and took the opportunity to ask, "Senior, why can't the people of the Yinhuo tribe get promoted no matter how hard they practice?"

Sang Ji sighed, "After all, the small world here is just a small world supported by me. The spiritual energy is abundant at the beginning, but it will eventually be used up later."

Qin Shu couldn't understand even more when she heard this, "But when we just stepped into the little secret realm here, we felt that the spiritual energy was very abundant? Even the spiritual plants here grow better than outside."

"That's because they are all dead. After the monk dies, the spiritual energy in the body will return to the world..."

Qin Shu was silent.

At the same time, she also thought about another level. It was rumored that no one from the outside world had ascended for many years.

It is said that in the early years, there were many monks who ascended to the upper world. At that time, the more spiritual roots the better.

And now even a single Heavenly Spiritual Root cannot ascend. Could it be because Senior Sang Ji said this, that the spiritual energy of the world is no longer enough?

Sang Ji was still talking, "In the blink of an eye, the border we were guarding went through countless evolutions but ultimately did not fall into the hands of the demons. We have deserved our death."

The smile on his face looked a little relieved. He lowered his head and looked at Qin Shu in front of him, "When I died, I didn't have any regrets in my heart. I just sighed at my cultivation." No successor has been found yet. Now, after tens of thousands of years, you, a little boy, have gone through many tests and won my heart. Now I will pass on this magical weapon to you. Please take good care of it in the future."

After he finished speaking, another box appeared on the table.

With a wave of his hand, the box lid disappeared, and a pagoda appeared in front of Qin Shu's eyes.

Sang Ji added: "This is the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda. It can help you break formations, defend you against enemies, and assist you in your practice. I pass this treasure on to you, and I have only one request. Please accept it, little friend."

Qin Shu nodded, "Please tell me."

"If there is a demon clan fighting for this thing in the future, and you cannot protect it, please let it die with that demon clan! Don't let it fall into the hands of the demon clan."

Qin Shu looked at the colorful pagoda on the table and listened to his words again, her heart couldn't be calm for a long time.

In the end, he nodded mechanically and said dryly: "Junior, I promise you."

Sang Ji solemnly placed the pagoda in Qin Shu's hands, with a happy smile on his lips.

At the same time, Qin Shu also noticed that her body was gradually becoming transparent, so she asked anxiously: "Senior! Senior! What's wrong with you?"

Sang Ji smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, it's just that the remnant soul has stayed here for too long and it's time to disperse."

Qin Shu frowned and called out again, "Senior!"

Sang Ji waved his hand, "Go out, follow your heart, and be an upright person."

The figures beside him faded, and the house gradually disappeared.

When Qin Shu came to her senses, she was standing on the grassland at the beginning again, still holding the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda in her hand.

This pagoda exudes dazzling light, and you can tell at a glance that it is a great treasure.

Qin Shu quickly put the treasure away and looked around to see if anyone else had seen it.

A man is not guilty of carrying a jade, but she doesn't want to live a miserable life of being hunted down because of this tower.

She took out the jade slip and sent a message to Tieniu and the others. When she learned that they were going to pick spiritual plants, she joined their team.

Three days later, the Sanghuai secret realm began to become unstable, and everyone in the secret realm was ejected.

Qin Shu was the last to leave. She saw that the mountains, rivers and lakes in the secret realm had collapsed. I am afraid that the Sanghuai secret realm will forever become a legend in the world of immortality.

Qin Shu and others stood on the beach, their shoes wet by the waves.

Everyone was saying goodbye to each other. The monks hired by Qin Shu came to Qin Shu to settle their commissions, and Qin Shu asked them to go to Nishang Pavilion to settle their commissions.

Everyone left happily, except You Zijin who stood behind Qin Shu with a calm face, showing no intention of leaving.

"Aren't you leaving yet?" Qin Shu asked.

You Zijin shook his head, "If you don't leave, I will follow you."

Qin Shu looked at him in surprise, "Why are you following me?"

"My old man said that he should make friends with powerful people." You Zijin said confidently.

Just when Qin Shu was trying to find a way to reject him, You Zijin continued: "I'm different. I don't want to be friends. I want to become your teacher directly!"

Qin Shu almost popped her eyes out, "Are you serious?"

You Zijin raised two fingers directly, "If you don't believe me, I can swear."

Qin Shu quickly stopped him, "I believe you, but I really don't have anything to teach you."

You Zijin was more direct, "Just teaching me a little will be enough for me to learn for a long time, such as...your swordsmanship? Body training?"

Qin Shu was a person who was afraid of trouble. Although You Zijin was very sincere, she still rejected him mercilessly.

"Forget it, my own cultivation has not improved. It is not appropriate to be distracted at this time, and accepting disciples is distracting!"

What she didn't expect was that You Zijin was also stubborn. He said he would not leave no matter what, and he kept following.

After Qin Shu chased him away several times, she had no choice but to let him go.

Anyway, after she handed Pei Ya to Patriarch Pei, she would leave this place.

When they arrived at Pei's house, Patriarch Pei was about to go out.

"You're back? Did you get anything?"

Qin Shu nodded, "I picked a few spiritual plants."

After that, she looked at Patriarch Pei again and asked, "Are you... going out?"

Patriarch Pei's face turned a little unhappy, but soon turned into helplessness, "The master wanted to eat the fairy peaches in Nanshan, so he asked me to pick them myself."

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