I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 340 Visiting Tianji Pavilion

Seeing the frustration on Patriarch Pei's face, Qin Shu almost couldn't help laughing.

Qin Shu didn't laugh out loud until he was far away.

"What are you laughing at?" Ruiming's voice came from behind Qin Shu.

Qin Shu turned around and glanced at him, her eyes lit up, "Senior Brother Ruiming, why are you here?"

Ruiming smiled meaningfully and listened to him say: "I didn't quite understand why you asked me to accept him as a servant before, but recently I suddenly can understand."

Qin Shu laughed and followed Ruiming back to the house.

"After you left, I had nothing to do, so I thought of coming over and sitting."

While he was talking, he poured Qin Shu a cup of tea.

Qin Shu only smelled the smell and looked at him in surprise, "What kind of tea? So high?"

Ruiming laughed, "Ye Qinglong Spring water is brewed into Fuyang Yuelong Tea."

Qin Shu clicked her tongue twice, "I really didn't realize that, senior brother, you are also the one who will enjoy it later."

Ruiming raised his eyebrows and explained: "Pei Yuansheng offered it as a gift."

Pei Yuan Sheng is the real name of Patriarch Pei. He is really afraid of the crane clan's innate skills, and now he just wants to feed him with good food and drink.

Qin Shu took a sip of tea with a smile and sighed: "Yes, it can help me stabilize my state."

Ruiming knew this from the moment he met her. Now when he heard her talking about it, he asked, "Have you achieved a breakthrough?"

Qin Shu nodded, with a look on her face asking for praise, "That's natural. Although it can't compare with your breakthrough speed, senior brother, it doesn't diminish your reputation too much."

Ruiming looked at her with a look of helplessness on his face, "What kind of breakthrough speed do I have? I'm just recovering part of my previous cultivation. Junior sister, your breakthrough speed is already quite fast. Even if you look at the entire Dongzhou, few people can do it. and."

Qin Shu was not too self-effacing this time. She recalled that her small goal when she first came to the world of immortality was just to build a foundation.

Now she is in the middle stage of foundation building, and only three and a half years have passed.

Patriarch Pei went to pick peaches. This trip would take at least half a month.

Qin Shu had obtained the Secret Ice of the Setting Sun and couldn't wait to find a place with strong fire spirit to temper her body.

She said that the crater where the Fire Clan was originally located was very suitable, but it was a pity that she did not have the Setting Sun Ice at that time.

Qin Shu was not surprised that Ruiming wanted to leave with her, but she still asked more, "Brother, don't you wait for your Tao'er?"

"No wait, senior brother, I'm so old, what good things haven't I seen?" These old-fashioned words coupled with his face really made people a little incompetent.

At the same time, his words made Qin Shu even more curious.

She approached Ruiming and asked him with a gossipy face, "Brother, how old are you now?"

Ruiming seemed to think for a moment, then glanced sideways at Qin Shu. In Qin Shu's expectant eyes, he calmly replied: "I don't remember."

Qin Shu: "..."

Seeing that Ruiming had already walked away, she quickly chased after him.

"If you don't tell me, why don't you tell me? Why don't you wait for me? Senior brother! When you grow up, you won't be as cute as you were when you were a child..."

Pei Ya stood in the corridor, watching the two brothers and sisters leave from a distance, holding a painting in her hand.

The painting was not painted by her, but by her husband.

There is only one shark on the painting, standing on the messy ancient battlefield.

The sun shines through the water and casts patches of light, giving the whole picture a fragmented beauty.

There was a line of small, not very nice words written on it, [Madam, I’m leaving. I also want to say sorry to you. It was me who concealed my identity at the beginning and messed up your son-in-law selection ceremony. If you encounter difficulties in the future, please send me a message and don't keep silent. Finally, I sincerely wish my wife to find a good husband. 】

Pei Ya knew that once she left, the two of them would really have nothing to do with each other from now on.

After she found out that she was a woman, she really wasn't angry about it. Instead, she was a little envious of her and grateful to her.

If it weren't for her, he might have died long ago.

It was precisely because of meeting her that I realized that there were women living so freely in the world.

"Goodbye, husband." She called her one last time, watched her walk away, then looked away, and turned around lonely.

After Qin Shu came out of Pei Mansion, she went directly to Qi Liu's grilled fish shop and ate grilled fish again.

Qin Shu really couldn't hold it back this time. She quietly ran to find Qi Liu and chatted with him: "Old Liu, how do you grill this fish? Why don't the fish I grill like this?" What is the function of condensing spiritual energy?”

Qi Liu took a trip to the Sanghuai Secret Realm with her and felt a lot closer to her.

When she asked about it, she smiled cheerfully and said: "It's not a brilliant thing, it just uses a kind of spiritual plant from our dwarf clan. When Qin Daoyou is free in the future, he can also go to our dwarf clan to transfer." If you turn around, you might gain something.”

Qin Shu smiled and responded, "Just what you said, I will definitely go there in the future."

Tieniu was still saying goodbye to Qi Liu reluctantly, and Qin Shu said from the side: "Every banquet in the world comes to an end. Besides, there are also jade slips for messengers! If we encounter any good secrets next time, You can also invite all six fellow Taoists to go together.”

Tieniu sighed, patted Qi Liu on the shoulder, then turned to Qin Shu and said, "Junior sister, You Zijin also said that we should wait for him."

It was a good thing that he didn't say this. When he said this, Qin Shu didn't want to stay for a second. She quickly urged: "Go! Go! I don't want to accept him as my disciple."

Tieniu didn't know why, but he still followed Qin Shu into the teleportation array.

Qi Liu was left standing there in a daze for a long time, then he took out his ears and said to himself: "Junior sister?"

Could it be that I heard it wrong? Why did Fellow Daoist Qin suddenly become a female cultivator?


When they arrived at Scarlet Gold City, they were about to part ways.

Tieniu wanted to go back to the Hidden Moon Sect, so he turned to another teleportation array.

Qin Shu did not rush back to Scarlet Gold City. Instead, she clasped her fists at Ruiming and said, "Senior brother, I have some important things to do, so I won't go back yet."

Now that Ruiming has recovered his cultivation, he naturally has to go back and give an explanation to Mr. Fucheng, so he agreed, "That's fine, I'll go back first. You should be more careful out there."

"Yes! Senior brother, don't worry! I will be careful!"

She watched Senior Brother Ruiming board the teleportation array in Scarlet Gold City, and then turned around and headed directly to Tianji Pavilion.

The outside of Tianji Pavilion is much more lively than their Xuantian Gate, and even the busiest shops in Tailai City can't compare to this place.

People lined up from the mountain gate to the foot of the mountain, and even Fang Yan City not far away was full of people.

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