I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 346 She is only thirteen years old

"What treasure is worth breaking the family rules and owing me twelve lashes to find it?" You Zijin's grandfather's voice came from the jade slip.

You Zijin curled his lips, "Now that I have a master, you can't beat me if you want!"

Thinking of the golden thigh he found for himself, You Zijin felt that his back was straighter than ever before!

His old man was still passing the jade slip and sneered softly, "Your master is not sure whether he wants you or not, but it's really wild. I thought you had found yourself such a powerful master, but when I asked, he was just a Foundation-building monk..."

After hearing what his old man said, You Zijin suddenly became unhappy.

"What happened to Foundation Establishment? My master has a bright future!"

"I said you brat, what did your master do to you? To make you admire her like this?"

"I didn't lower my head. My master is so awesome!"

"Oh? Then tell me, what's her magic trick?"

When You Zijin heard this, he immediately became energetic and heard him say proudly: "Although my master has just established the foundation now! But she is only thirteen years old!"

You Lao: "..."

There was silence for a long time on the Jade Slip, and then You Lao's voice came over again, "You brat, this is not a joke. If you build a foundation at the age of thirteen, you are a peerless genius."

You Zijin defended: "I'm not joking. My master joined Xuantianmen when he was ten years old, and I have only practiced for three and a half years now. Anyway, I am committed to this master, and I will never go back no matter what you say!"

After he said this, he put away the jade slip and never looked at it again.

Only You Lao was left shocked alone with the jade slip of the message. The foundation was built in three and a half years?

Would Xuantianmen accept such a talented and beautiful person as her disciple? I'm just afraid that this brat's wish will come true.

You Lao sighed, and finally acquiesced.

No matter whether you can become an apprentice or not, just treat it as a familiar face. With such talent, there is still a long way to go! If she can give her a little help when the brat in his family encounters difficulties in the future, it won't be in vain for the brat to praise her so much.

Qin Shu didn't know that You Zijin was showing off to her family all the time. At this time, she happened to run into Master Bu Kun, whom she hadn't seen for a long time, at the martial arts arena.

"Huh? Who is this?! It turns out to be Wang Jian's beloved disciple! Why are you willing to come back?" Master Bu Kun said with a smile.

Qin Shu also happily gave him a fist-cup salute, "Uncle, it's really been a long time since I last saw you. It is comfortable to practice in the sect, but after all, the progress is much slower, so I chose to go out to practice."

Bu Kun raised his hand and smoothed his beard, and couldn't help but admired: "If all my evil disciples were like you, my old man would really have a lot less worry... It's just that there is unrest outside now, so you should be more careful when you go out to practice. That’s it.”

Speaking of this, Qin Shu thought of something, looked at Master Bu Kun with a solemn expression, and said: "Uncle Master, this disciple went out for training this time and met several ghost cultivators in a secret realm."

Listening to her talk about ghost cultivators, Master Bu Kun's expression became serious.

Qin Shu continued to say: "When I was chatting with them, I tried to ask about Senior Sister Yingzhen. They were very enthusiastic and said that Senior Sister Yingzhen had a high level of cultivation. She was in the same sect as them and had become a disciple. Under the Ghost King’s Sect…”

Yingzhen is also an outstanding person in the entire Sword Sect. When she was attacked by Luoyun Sect, among the monks who were injured, Yingzhen was the one with the highest cultivation level. The entire Xuantian Sect did not expect that a disciple of the Golden Core Stage would encounter danger when going out, and he was also the most powerful swordsman among all the monks.

Later, in order to find out the truth behind the murder of his disciples, the leader proposed to collect the souls of his disciples who died in vain, and it was Yingzhen who provided the most critical evidence.

After this soul gathering, she successfully went to the ghost world and became a ghost cultivator.

Now that I heard that she was living well in the ghost world, Master Bu Kun also sighed.

"Her life should not be cut off. I hope she will go well in the future!"

While the two were talking, another rough voice came in, "Did you hear that my good disciple is back?"

Qin Shu quickly turned around and saluted, "Disciple pays homage to the master!"

Master Wanjian put his hands behind his back, snorted coldly when he heard this, and said: "Now you remember that I am your master? You came back yesterday, and you just came to Jianzong today. After you came, you didn't come to pay homage to me first. ? Is there anyone like you?”

Qin Shu hurriedly stepped forward to beg for mercy, "Master, please don't be angry. My disciple came back late yesterday, so I didn't want to disturb you, so I came here quickly today."

Wan Jian didn't listen to her explanation, "That old guy Ling Xu is one step ahead of me, so I admit it?! How come even Bu Kun can see my disciple first?"

Qin Shu quickly added: "I just happened to meet him, so I said a few words to my uncle."

Wan Jian's temper calmed down a little, "I just heard you talking about Ying Zhen? How is Ying Zhen? Is she okay?"

"I heard from those ghost cultivators that now that I have a powerful ghost king as my teacher, it can be considered a good place to go."

Bu Kun glanced at Wang Jian and asked, "What? I heard that your disciple was back, so you rushed over here like crazy?"

Wan Jian ignored him, but casually took out a token from his hand and handed it to Qin Shu.

The token looked like it was made of stone, but it felt like a hot egg. Qin Shu almost didn't hold it.

Her eyes fell on the writing on the token, and she saw the word "flame" written on it.

Qin Shu looked up at him curiously and asked, "Master, what is this?"

"The ancestor of the Yan family sent an invitation, saying that their Red Flame Valley's Fire Festival, which is held every sixty years, is about to begin. Please go and join in the fun. Everyone will bring their juniors there to broaden their horizons. This time, you should go with me, your master." said Master Wang Jian.

Qin Shu's eyes lit up. She had just got the Canyang Mi Bing, and now she was thinking of choosing a place with rich fire spirit to try out the effect.

And the Red Flame Valley of the Yan family, just by hearing the name, you know it must be right!

Qin Shu's face was immediately overjoyed, and she bowed to Master Wang Jian, "Thank you, Master, for your support!"

Master Wang Jian snorted, "That's good to know. I think of you, little thing, when I come back, but you don't come to see me first, which is really abominable. I will swing the sword five thousand times later. Can you do it?"

"Yes!" Qin Shu answered decisively.

It's just swinging the sword five thousand times. For her now, it's really a piece of cake.

Qin Shu stood in the gravity stone formation and swung her sword. The disciples coming and going recognized her and greeted her enthusiastically.

Qin Shu was surprised to find that... the hairstyles of the senior and junior sisters of the entire Sword Sect...

all became buns and high ponytails? They were all heroic, but their styles were completely different from before.

More and more people came to the gravity stone formation. Qin Shu saw that she was running out of space to swing her sword. Five thousand strokes were almost enough, so she quickly put away her sword and ran to take a bath.

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