I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 347 Look what's over there

By the time we came out of the bathhouse, it was already sunset.

Qin Shu hummed a little tune, put her hands behind her back, and walked happily towards the top of her mountain.

As soon as I arrived at the door of my house, I saw the white-haired man standing in front of the door.

Maybe he heard Qin Shu's footsteps, and he turned around and looked at Qin Shu. There was no fluctuation in his gray eyes, but there was a bit more accusation on his face.

"Fellow Taoist Qin Shu, I've had such a hard time waiting for you." He said quietly.

Qin Shu hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Why are you here? Is something wrong?"

As soon as she said these words, Sui Han became even more speechless, "Fellow Taoist, you invited me here and then just threw me out the outer door and ignored me? You promised to teach me how to train my body? Are they just empty words? I owe you this." It doesn’t matter if I trust you like this, it doesn’t matter, when I leave tomorrow..."

Qin Shu's scalp went numb when she heard it, and she quickly explained: "No, I went to the Sword Sect today to meet my master. The master punished me with swinging the sword five thousand times. I just came back... Don't be angry, I will teach you right away." you!"

Suihan's face turned slightly bright, "That's fine, then where do we start practicing?"

Qin Shu touched the technique that Orochi had given her before, and then thought of Orochi's previous instructions.

His kung fu cannot be practiced by others, so Qin Shu moved her hand to another set of body-building techniques.

"Now, take a look at this first." Qin Shu handed over the jade slip in her hand, "It's not a great skill. You practice with this first, and then change it if you find a suitable skill in the future."

Sui Han took the jade slip and used his spiritual sense to explore it. He nodded slightly and agreed.

If you want to practice any physical training, you must first practice from self-weight to weight-bearing.

Qin Shu set a small goal for Suihan, "Tomorrow, you can come to my place from the outer gate and run five times back and forth!"

When Sui Han heard this, his brows immediately wrinkled, "Isn't it a bit much?"

Qin Shu shook her head, "Not much."

Her eyes fell on Suihan's hair again, she touched her chin and said, "Your hair color is a bit too ostentatious. Many people know that the white-haired person is Suihan. This is not good."

"What should we do?" Sui Han asked her.

Qin Shu rolled her eyes and almost couldn't hold back the smile on her lips, "How about...dye your hair?"

Suihan: "..."

He felt that he was probably crazy for agreeing to let Qin Shu dye his hair.

Of course, he also thought Qin Shu was probably crazy because she dyed his hair red.

Does it seem to her that red hair is not as conspicuous as white hair?

He looked at the mirror in his hand, his eyes full of resentment, and he could not hide the thought of stabbing her heart.

Qin Shu was very satisfied with this. She patted the unnecessary dust on her hands and performed another cleaning technique.

He stared at Sui Han and looked around, then said twice, "Not bad, not bad, it does look good! It makes me want to dye it."

The hair dyes in the world of immortality are made by alchemists using various spiritual plants and do not harm the hair.

Sui Han was so sincerely praised by her that he didn't know whether he should be angry or not.

Qin Shu continued: "Go back and come back tomorrow. Remember to run the exercise I gave you while running."

When Suihan came the next day, he happened to meet Chiyu and Hexin who came to see Qin Shu.

Akabane is now only one step away from a breakthrough. She came to see Qin Shu this time because the two of them had not seen each other for a long time and wanted to catch up on old times.

And it is also because she is going home. The Fire Bird clan has its own family inheritance place. When they break through to the great realm, they will benefit more by going back to the inheritance place to break through.

He Xin has also reached the sixth level of Qi training at this time. Although he is not as good as Qin Shu and Chi Yu, he is still the best among the disciples who entered the sect in the same group.

At this time, she could already face the huge gap between herself and her two little sisters, but she still couldn't help but be attracted by the beating red mass not far away.

She raised her finger and pointed to the distance, and asked Qin Shu: "Sisters, what do you see over there?"

Qin Shu and Chi Yu looked at it at the same time, both stunned.

When Suihan came closer, Qin Shu recognized it. She didn't expect that the red hair would be so gorgeous under the sun, it almost blinded her eyes.

She coughed and said to He Xin, "He is a guest. Please be polite to him later."

The two nodded honestly, and then Suihan ran over.

His face was always pale, but today he didn't know whether it was because of exercise or because of his red hair, but he looked pretty good, with two thin blushes on his cheeks.

He just ran to Qin Shu, and before he could speak, he coughed violently again.

Blood snaked down the corner of his lips. Chi Yu and He Xin were both startled, but Qin Shu took out a bottle of top-quality Pei Yuan Dan and poured two pills for him.

Then he performed the Cleansing Technique casually, and then said: "That's right, the blood vomited today is much less. Keep up the good work."

Suihan's unfocused eyes moved to her face, easily catching a hint of schadenfreude.

Seeing this, He Xin said with some concern: "Shu Shu, who is this person? Why is he vomiting blood like this? Let him sit down and have a rest."

Qin Shu raised the corners of her lips at her and winked, "You also know him, the one who told us fortunes from Tianji Pavilion."

He Xin suddenly thought of something and his eyes widened, "Why don't we let him run away? He didn't even help me figure it out back then, so I won't speak for him anymore."

Akabane looked into Suihan's eyes, "His eyes..."

"Blind." Sui Han said this himself.

Chiyu said apologetically, "Sorry."

Sui Han didn't care about these, and Qin Shu didn't care even more. Seeing that he seemed to be lazy while talking to them, she urged him, "Run faster, don't rest. If you rest any longer, you will run this lap in vain."

Sui Han had just run two steps when Qin Shu remembered something and called him, "Xiao Sui!"

Sui Han: "..."

This address... really makes people feel at a loss.

Qin Shu saw him turn around and threw the porcelain bottle in her hand over, "You keep it. If you vomit blood again, take drugs. Don't feel bad! We have a lot of elixirs in our Dan Sect!"

After Sui Han ran away, Chiyu looked at Qin Shu, "Is he from Tianji Pavilion?"

Qin Shu nodded, "He said he wanted to practice with me, so I brought him back."

"With such a high level of cultivation, he wants to practice with you?" Chiyu was really surprised.

Qin Shu was curious after hearing this, "What is his cultivation level?"

She really didn't know this. She had never asked Sui Han what his cultivation level was. She only knew that he was very powerful.

Chi Yu shook his head, "I don't know either. The Eye of Truth can only see those who are two realms higher than me. This person is at least in the late Jindan stage."

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