I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 348 The Big Red Flower That Can’t Be Cut Down

He Xin took a deep breath after hearing this, but Qin Shu was relatively calm.

Thinking about it, he knew that Suihan was praised as a god by the immortal cultivation world, so his cultivation level would naturally be good.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but click her tongue twice.

It is indeed rare for such a high level of cultivation to torment oneself so miserably.

Of course, this is not an exception, the big snake is too!

He Xin listened to the two of them talking, but he touched his chin and praised her at an awkward angle, "This hair is a good color, it's rosy."

As soon as she finished speaking, Qin Shu held her hand, her eyes filled with excitement of finding her soulmate.

"Sisters! You are indeed the sister I personally selected. You really have a good sense!"

When He Xin saw this, he was stunned for a moment and then asked: "Is it possible that his hair is your fault?"

Qin Shu nodded her head reservedly, "It's not just that I'm here."

Akabane clicked his tongue twice, "In that case, I'm really curious. Where did you pick up such a good-tempered high-level monk? Generally, all monks after forming a pill have eyes on their foreheads. How could you let you do this? Manipulating?"

Qin Shu raised her eyebrows and said, "Maybe this is personal charm?"

Her arrogant little appearance was so disgusting that Akabane turned away.

He Xin took Qin Shu and started gossiping about her little apprentice, "Sister, why did I hear people say that you have taken on a disciple? You are currently on the rise, so taking on a disciple will definitely distract you..."

She was indeed thinking about Qin Shu. After hearing this, Qin Shu could only sigh helplessly and asked her: "Xin'er, have you ever heard of dog skin plaster?"

"Huh?" He Xin's eyes widened, and he suddenly realized something, and burst out laughing, "So you are also being entangled by someone!"

Of course, after laughing, He Xin still took her hand and explained it to her, asking her to distinguish priorities and not to delay her bright future for a piece of shit plaster.

Qin Shu responded, "Don't worry, there won't be any delay."

In order to reassure He Xin, she also gave an example.

"Look at my master, I have been worshiping at Lingxiao Peak for so long and I have never seen him a few times."

He Xin: "..."

She subconsciously turned her head to look at Akabane, and saw Akabane pursed her lips and nodded seriously, "Yes, that's exactly it."

He Xin sighed, "I thought you direct disciples were different from our inner disciples, but it turns out everyone is like this..."

None of them had a master to guide them, and their cultivation speed was too fast.

Qin Shu was keenly aware of her mood swings, raised her hand and patted her shoulder, and said comfortingly: "Sisters, the master will lead you in. Practice depends on the individual. Okay, it doesn't take much to accept a disciple."

These words seemed to really explain the matter of You Zijin, but they also subtly comforted He Xin.

She laughed and said, "That's good."

A few people talked and laughed for a long time before Akabane said goodbye.

"We say goodbye this time, and I don't know when we will see each other next time." Today's Hexin seemed to be feeling particularly easy.

Qin Shu interrupted with a smile: "It will definitely not take long. According to the qualifications of the young senior sister, she is just a foundation builder. She may come back tomorrow."

Akabane also laughed, "That's really hard to say."

Every time they, the Fire Bird Clan, break through to a great realm, they have to go through a baptism. The better the qualifications, the longer it takes to break through.

When she was young, she heard her ancestors say that her qualifications were the best among the five generations.

I hope she won’t be left too behind by her junior sister when she returns next time.

The three of them practiced sword practice for a while in Qin Shu's yard. Chiyu's sword energy was blocked and struck directly at a large bright red flower next to Qin Shu's experimental field.

She was startled, she quickly put away her sword and ran over to check.

But she found that the flower had been struck by her sword energy without any damage, and not even a trace was left behind.

Chi Yu was surprised. She turned her head and looked at Qin Shu beside her, and asked: "Little junior sister, what kind of flower are you looking for? Is it so powerful?"

After all, she was also a monk who had comprehended the sword energy. Although her cultivation was not high, there was no reason why she didn't even leave a trace.

This spiritual plant is definitely of high quality.

Qin Shu couldn't understand it herself. She shook her head and said, "You may not believe it, but this flower has been blooming for more than three years."

When she was transplanted from the outer gate, she had not bloomed so beautifully, but one day, suddenly overnight, she bloomed like this.

She had been reading books in the library for so long, but she still couldn't find out what kind of spiritual plant this sudden mutation was.

Akabane laughed, "You are just a little confused, that's all. If you don't know, you don't know. The flowers are blooming quite beautifully."

Even so, after they left, Qin Shu still asked Xie Shiyuan to inquire.

"Orochi! Is Orochi here?"

"Lao Xie? Why don't you just say nothing?"

"Didi, Didi, Snake, speak up!"

Finally, Xie Shiyuan couldn't stand her thoughts anymore, so he reluctantly replied, "Huh?"

The hoarse and deep voice had a slightly rising ending, as if the willow branches blown by the spring breeze stirred up a pool of clear water.

Qin Shu's brain suddenly shut down. At this moment, she temporarily forgot about her... What were you asking?

"What's wrong?" Seeing her delay in speaking, Xie Shiyuan asked again.

Qin Shu came back to her senses and smiled, "Orochi, you are well-informed. What kind of flower is this? Why have I never seen it before? And this flower has been blooming for three years and it is still so beautiful. It should be It’s not a treasure, is it?”

Xie Shiyuan sneered, "You little thing who has never seen the world."

Qin Shu pursed her lips and frowned, showing extreme dissatisfaction with his words, but she really didn't recognize the flower and couldn't refute it.

Of course, she is also famous for being flexible and adaptable.

"Yes, how old am I? How many places have I been to? Isn't it just that I have never seen the world? It doesn't matter if you don't know me. Lao Xie, you just need to know me. If you tell me again, won't I know him in the future?"

Xie Shiyuan was silent for a long time, and finally gave her a clear path.

"Put a drop of your heart's blood on it."

Qin Shu stretched out her hand without saying a word, and Xie Shiyuan warned again, "Be sure to be patient."

Of course, Qin Shu would not mess around. The spiritual plant that could be cultivated with painstaking efforts was definitely not an ordinary treasure.

A drop of bright red blood lingering with smoky purple aura emerged from Qin Shu's fingertips and happened to fall on the stamen.

That big red flower seemed to be alive. The overlapping petals gathered together to wrap up this drop of blood.

"Is this good?" Qin Shu asked.

"Yeah." Xie Shiyuan just responded.

There was another movement outside. Qin Shu looked up and saw another ball of beating red.

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