I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 349 There is no second pie in the sky


Qin Shu clearly heard Xie Shiyuan's cold snort, and then he stopped moving.

Qin Shu didn't think much, and looked at her flower again. Seeing that the flower didn't move, she walked towards the door.

At this time, Sui Han's face was as white as a piece of white paper.

It was similar to Qin Shu who had just lost a drop of heart blood.

He coughed up blood crazily again, then calmly swallowed two Peiyuan pills, and turned to look at Qin Shu again.

Seeing her expression, he was also stunned. He poured out two more Peiyuan Pills for her and asked, "Or?"

Qin Shu shook her head, "No, I'm fine. But you, how do you feel?"

"Not bad, I won't die."

Qin Shu grinned, "I think so too."

After that, she solemnly instructed, "Run another lap and come here, I'll heal you."

Sui Han agreed, "I thought you forgot about it."

Qin Shu chuckled, "Didn't you say that your spiritual vein is not so easy to earn. Besides, I'm going out with Master Wang Jian in a few days, and I don't know when I'll be back. I'll take the time to heal you in the next few days."

Sui Han frowned and raised his eyes. There was clearly no emotion in his gray eyes, but he succeeded in making Qin Shu's heart tremble.

Seeing him say, "Qin Shu, you are really great. Since you are going out, why do you coax me over?"

Qin Shu's forehead couldn't help but throb. What the hell is going on!

Such a tone... made her sound like a bad woman.

Qin Shu pursed her lips and explained: "I just knew that I was going out. If I had known earlier, I would not have invited you."

She thought about it and tried to negotiate with Sui Han: "Otherwise... Daoist friend Sui Han, you go back first, and I will pick you up in person when I come back in a while?"

"No!" Sui Han directly rejected her proposal, "Do you think that I am the kind of person who can be summoned and dismissed at will?"

Qin Shu: "..."

In this situation, how could she dare to say yes, she was afraid that he would take her life, but it would be a big deal if he took her spiritual vein!

"What should I do? I can't take you with me, right?" Qin Shu sighed and said casually.

Sui Han nodded upon hearing this, "It's not impossible."

Qin Shu: "?"

She looked up at Sui Han in surprise, "It's Master's invitation. It's a blessing that he is willing to take me there. How can I take you there?"

Sui Han's expression was indifferent, which was in sharp contrast to the fiery red on his head.

His pale lips slightly opened, "Why can't there be two pieces of pie in the sky?"

Qin Shu: "?"

Well, compared to him, You Zijin, this dog-skin plaster, has to give way to the wise.

Sui Han's gray eyes suddenly moved, and Qin Shu watched his eyes return to normal eyeballs and whites.

At this moment, she felt that the rules of heaven around her were much clearer.

Unfortunately, it was only for a moment. She even felt that if this feeling could last a little longer, she might be able to comprehend some laws of heaven and earth.

After this moment, Sui Han's eyes turned gray again.

Qin Shu understood that everything that happened just now was done by him.

This was also the first time that Qin Shu directly felt the horror of Sui Han. She used to claim to be a child of destiny.

Now looking at Sui Han again, Qin Shu suddenly understood why he was blind and so weak.

It was because... he knew too much...

Even the way of heaven wanted his life.

Now everything they did was actually against heaven.

Thinking of this, Qin Shu became even more excited.

At this time, she heard Sui Han in front of her say: "Don't think I don't know what you are going to do. I must follow you this time!"

Qin Shu began to wonder when she heard this.

Could it be that he knew that she was going to practice body cultivation? Looking at him just now, it can be seen that nothing is impossible.

He is also practicing body cultivation now, so it is understandable that he wants to rush for success.

Qin Shu thought about it again and again, and finally said: "Let me ask my Master Wang Jian to see if there is a second piece of pie in the sky. If not, then don't go."

Sui Han was relieved when he heard her sigh of relief. It seems that he made the right bet.

He wanted to know what she was going to do, but this time, like before, he still couldn't see anything.


As soon as he said this, a large mouthful of blood spurted out directly.

Qin Shu was helpless. Is this the end of spying on the secrets of heaven?

"I told you to use spiritual energy a long time ago, but you didn't listen, and you suffered backlash again, right?"

Qin Shu complained while taking out a Qianyuan Zaizao Pill that the second senior brother gave her.

"There is only one, remember to pay for it, I can't refine this one yet, it's very expensive."

After taking a Qianyuan Zaizao Pill, Sui Han's complexion immediately looked much better.

He took out a porcelain bottle and handed it to Qin Shu, "This, I'll exchange it with you."

Qin Shu had just uncorked the bottle when a scent of pill floated up.

Qin Shu smelled this familiar smell, and her expression was very strange.

This... familiar smell, familiar formula.

Isn't it the Jade Beauty Pill?

The Jade Beauty Pill is very valuable, not to mention that Sui Han also gave her a porcelain bottle, which is naturally worth a Qianyuan Rejuvenation Pill.

But... the thing that Qin has the most is the Jade Beauty Pill.

And her strange look in Suihan's eyes was a sign of suppressed excitement. He thought about it, and then warned him again, "The Jade Pill will keep your appearance forever after taking it. You'd better take it in a few years. You are now It looks like a bean sprout..."

This metaphor successfully made Qin Shu raise her eyebrows, "Who are you talking about, bean sprouts? Aren't you the same?! You're so thin and you still have the nerve to talk about me."

Sui Han was not angry, but spread his hands, "That's why I didn't eat."

There's no such thing as eternal beauty. If the power of the rules that imprisoned him couldn't be removed, he wouldn't be able to survive for more than a few years.

After death, you will be nothing but a handful of dirt, no matter how shameless your appearance is.

Qin Shu watched the sun go down and didn't argue with him anymore. She raised her hand and said, "Stop talking and go for a run! I've eaten the Qianyuan Recreation Pill. If you still can't run down, you're going to be in trouble." It doesn’t make sense.”

Sui Han was still very concerned about his body. After hearing Qin Shu's words, he didn't want to be lazy, so he turned around and ran down the mountain.

Watching Sui Han walk away, Xie Shiyuan's voice sounded in Qin Shu's mind again.

"You are very kind to others."

Qin Shu said quickly: "Don't say that, I'm panicking."

Xie Shiyuan's figure appeared in her courtyard, gave her a meaningful look, turned around and swam into the stone door of the cave.

Qin Shu looked at the closed door and sighed helplessly.

Alas, it’s another day where I can’t get in.

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