"We are from the Xuantian Sect and were invited to your Red Flame Valley to participate in the Fire Festival. We just met Yansen and he said that your hair is like my friend, so let us make friends with you." Qin Shu said loudly.

Yan Ming's momentum obviously stagnated, but he finally relaxed his guard and walked towards them.

"It turns out he is a distinguished guest from Xuantianmen."

As he spoke, his expressions swept across Qin Shu and Sui Han. I was slightly surprised to find that their expressions were quite natural, as if the high temperature in the martial arts arena had no effect on them at all.

But then I thought again, maybe their fire spirit root attribute is relatively high, and the impact here is not that big.

Qin Shu took a look at his hair, and it was indeed the same color as Sui Han's, so she asked him, "Fellow Taoist, did you also use hair dye to dye your hair?"

Yan Ming shook his head. This was not the first time someone asked him this.


Qin Shu became even more curious when she heard this, "It's really strange. Along the way, we found that all of you people have rosy complexions, but my fellow Taoist, your hair is red."

Qin Shu is also a familiar person. When she asked, Yan Ming could only shake his head, "I don't know very well."

Qin Shu didn't ask further questions, but asked if she could spar with him?

As soon as these words came out, Suihan felt helpless.

As expected of Master Wanjian's favorite disciple, he is quite similar in his temperament of hitting wherever he goes.

If Qin Shu knew what he was thinking, she would definitely scream that he was wronged.

Although she likes to hone herself in battles, her purpose this time is really not that.

She just wants to know if the Yan family has anything to do with the Fire Clan? !

When she was in the Yinhuo tribe before, she had also competed with the Yinhuo tribe and had a little understanding of their techniques and spells.

Although tens of thousands of years have passed since the episode in the secret realm, the inheritance of a family cannot easily be broken. Even if there are improvements, they are not completely traceable.

Hearing this, Yan Ming saw her eagerness to give it a try. He also clasped his fists and said, "Then I'd rather be respectful than obey my orders!"

Sui Han saw that he and Yan Ming were fighting each other for the first time when they met. Seeing that they couldn't tell the winner for a while, they simply started practicing on the nearby martial arts field.

Physical training is not taken seriously in the entire world of immortality. Generally, people think that only people with no outstanding talents will practice physical training.

Because there are no shortcuts in body training, every inch of muscle and every part of skin must be tempered thoroughly.

It's very hard. If I could bear the pain of refining my body, I'm afraid Fa Cultivator would be a long way ahead.

In the past, he boasted of his extraordinary talents and never thought of exercising.

But who knows, things have changed, and now he has only one way out: physical training.

Sui Han sighed and raised his eyes to look at Qin Shu in the distance.

Qin Shu was swept by his spiritual consciousness and seemed to feel something, so she shouted loudly: "Don't keep peeking at me!"

Suihan: "..."

Fellow Taoist Qin Shu was really the strangest person he had ever seen, bar none.

Her three spiritual root qualifications are not outstanding at all.

However, her cultivation speed is unparalleled, and even many geniuses with spiritual roots cannot match her.

But if she is said to be extremely talented, she also takes the path of physical training and swordsmanship that she can't afford to be lazy at the same time.

But she did very well.

Qin Shu was fighting and tempering her body, feeling very happy.

Yan Ming, who was fighting with her, seemed to have met a close friend, and his moves became more and more fierce.

The two of them fought for an entire hour and a half. When they collapsed on the ground from exhaustion at the same time, Sui Han walked over and asked, "Do I need to drag you out?"

Qin Shu shook her head, "No need, it's quite warm and comfortable here!"

Yan Ming also said: "No need, I always live here."

The two cultivators looked at each other and laughed loudly.

Qin Shu sat up, put her hands behind her back, looked at Yan Ming lying on the ground and asked, "Xiao Ming, do you know the Fire Clan?"

Yan Ming was stunned for a long time before shaking his head, "I seem to have heard it somewhere, but I can't remember it. I'm sorry, I can't help you."

Qin Shu shook her head, "It doesn't matter, I just asked casually, you don't need to feel guilty."

Seeing the two of them chatting, Sui Han felt that he couldn't get in the conversation, so he stepped aside.

Qin Shu could still be heard asking from a distance, "Then which clan are your Yan family from?"

"Best wishes to the Fire Tribe!" Yan Ming was very surprised.

It looks like you have come to our fire festival and you still don’t know which clan we are from.

Qin Shu smiled apologetically, "I asked Master, but my memory is not very good and I forgot."

The two of them were not acquainted without fighting. They agreed to fight here again tomorrow, and Yan Ming sent Qin Shu and the others out.

"There is an underground fire under our Scarlet Flame Valley. The temperature gets higher as we go toward the center of the valley. The martial arts arena is not the hottest place. It is just for the convenience of us juniors to come here to practice..."

As he spoke, he pointed it out to Qin Shu, "The central part is where the clan elders live. It's even hotter there. You monks from outside can't stand it."

Qin Shu looked in the direction of his finger and saw a circle of houses moving towards the center.

The closer you get to the middle, the more distorted the air becomes, and the scene becomes blurry.

Qin Shu actually wanted to see it. She could clearly feel that the earth fire here did not seem to be formed naturally, but instead seemed to be maintained by some secret treasure.

Otherwise, this temperature would not only be maintained on the surface. Obviously, the secret treasure is in the center of the entire Red Flame Valley.

It is also the treasure of the entire Yan family. The Yan family can have a foothold in the entire Dongzhou. It can be seen that this secret treasure in their clan cannot be easily coveted.

"So that's it, your Yan family is really awesome! I'll go back and practice hard. When Xiao Ming goes to the center of Scarlet Flame Valley in the future, you can take me to experience it too." Qin Shu said with a smile.

But this time, Yan Ming sighed and said: "Shu Shu, my mother is not from the Zhuhuo tribe, so I was born with a white face. As for why I have red hair, I don't know. For them, I can only be regarded as half of the Zhuhuo tribe, so I will never be able to enter the center of the Red Flame Valley. I just want to use the martial arts field to break through the golden elixir early, so that I can go out and have more opportunities. "

Qin Shu knew that she had said the wrong thing, so she was silent for a moment, and then continued: "When that time comes, come to Xuantianmen to find me, and we will have another fight!"

The two looked at each other and laughed at the same time, "Okay! Let's talk about what happens next. Let's have a fight tomorrow!"

"Okay!" Qin Shu also agreed.

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