I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 355 The Heart-Stirring Red Flame Formation

Qin Shu and Yan Ming were fighting hard to separate each other, and finally... Yan Ming turned his attention to Sui Han, looking a little eager to give it a try.

But he did not ask Suihan directly. Instead, he looked at Qin Shu and asked, "Fellow Taoist, is this...your senior brother?"

Qin Shu thought for a while, nodded and said, "That's right."

Yan Ming geared up and said, "Since you are a senior fellow apprentice, it would be okay to compete with me, right?"

Qin Shu shook her head, "No."

Yan Ming's passionate blood was poured out by her with a basin of cold water. He frowned and asked in confusion: "Why is this?"

Qin Shu said nonsense: "Senior brother is currently tempering his body, and the master has sealed his spiritual power."

After listening to Qin Shu's words, Yan Ming suddenly realized, "So, your master's method is quite good. I always use spiritual energy subconsciously when I am refining my body. If I can seal the spiritual power, I will be able to refining my body." It will be easier."

"When I get back, I'll ask my clan uncle to help me seal my spiritual power!" Yan Ming said firmly.

Qin Shu looked at him and asked, "Are you also a physical practitioner?"

When Yan Ming heard this, he was even more surprised than she was, "Where is the fire spirit root cultivator who doesn't practice physical training?"

Fire spiritual energy is the easiest to train the body. As long as the body is strong, it will be much stronger than other monks with the same level of cultivation.

This is also the reason why it is said in the world of immortal cultivation that the fire spirit root monks have the strongest attack power.

Qin Shu thought about it and said, "That's the truth."

The two fought for a long time, and Suihan also ran fifty times around the martial arts arena with two millstones using the gravity formation.

He didn't even have to think about this before. With his physical strength, he couldn't even run a lap.

It was after more than half a month of practice that he suddenly realized that death seemed to be far away from him.

Others may be able to turn into ghost cultivators after death, but he knows too much. Once he dies, the power of the rules will strangle him at all costs.

Panting, he put down the two millstones in his hands and sat on them.

He was very tired, but his habits over the years made it impossible for him to lie on the ground as recklessly as Qin Shu and Yan Ming.

When Qin Shu saw him coming back, she threw a cleansing spell on him to refresh him.

Sui Han thanked her, then took out the Pei Yuan Pill and swallowed two more pills.

Although Pei Yuan Dan is a first-level elixir, it cannot stop him from eating it like candy.

Now he doesn't vomit blood much anymore, and the energy and blood in his body are much stronger than before.

Yan Ming watched Sui Han take the elixir and said with some envy: "It's true that he is a disciple from a large sect. Although we, the disciples of the family, have good cultivation resources, it is not like you who can take the elixir at will."

Qin Shu wanted to say that in fact not everyone in their big sect can be so willful, mainly because the senior brother has a good junior sister.

But if you say it, it would be a bit self-proclaimed, so it would be better if you don't say it.

After lying on the ground for a while, feeling the fire energy on the ground blending into her muscles along her skin, she sat up again and said to Yan Ming: "Fellow Taoist, your Fire Festival will start tomorrow, right? Let's not fight. Let's go back and have a good rest today. Let's wait for the Fire Festival tomorrow to see if the elders have any luck. You can also compete. "

When Yan Ming heard this, he sat up and said, "If you say this, I won't be tired. Shushu, I heard from my uncle that day that the prize for us in this competition is to go Red Flame Array once."

"Once? How long was it?" Qin Shu was a little curious.

"It depends on how long you can stay. Some people have gone in and stayed for a month before. However, there is a superposition effect in the Red Flame Array. The longer you stay, the hotter it will be. Unless you are talented or have a secret treasure with you, you generally won't be able to stay inside. How long. But the Red Flame Array is the best furnace for our clan. Many monks who have reached a bottleneck in their body training will stay there for a few days and then break through..." Yan Ming was still talking, Qin Shu's eyes sparkled. Shine.

Isn't this... tailor-made for her? !

I just don’t know if their Red Flame Formation will be open to the public.

Qin Shu coughed lightly, interrupted Yan Ming's words, smiled sheepishly, and asked sheepishly: "Xiao Ming, is your Red Flame Formation open to the public?"

Yan Ming thought for a while, "It's hard to say. It all depends on which elder is hosting the Fire Festival this year. If it's Elder Yan Que, there will be trouble."

After saying that, he looked away at Qin Shu and asked, "What? Shu Shu, do you want to go too?"

Qin Shu nodded honestly, "How can any physical practitioner resist such temptation?"

Yan Ming thought so and stood up from the ground, "I'll ask my fourth uncle later to see if you can compete for the lottery this year."

Qin Shu also stood up, patted the unnecessary dust on her butt, and urged: "It's not too late, why don't you go and ask now?"

Yan Ming thought for a moment and nodded in agreement, "That's fine."

Qin Shu and Sui Han went back to their residence first to wait for the news. Sui Han sat on a stool and watched Qin Shu walking around the room, like an ant on a hot pot.

The vortex in his eyes quietly started to spin again, but was stopped by Qin Shu's eyes, "If you dare to count it again, believe it or not, I will directly ask Master Xingchen to take you back?"

Sui Han was stunned, and the whirlpool in his eyes became silent again.

Qin Shu took out her pen and paper and started writing and drawing in front of Sui Han.

"You don't need to help me, I can do the math myself."

When she said this, Suihan became even more puzzled.

Everything Qin Shu did now was contrary to what he had learned for more than 200 years.

Divination was originally about cause and effect, how could there not be backlash?

Moreover, she could even tell for herself? !

It must be inaccurate! Sui Han was very sure.

However, it didn't take long for Qin Shu to finish the calculation. Looking at the numbers on the paper, Qin Shu's brows also frowned.

Sui Han walked over, looked at these messy and incomprehensible things, and asked: "What? Didn't calculate it? Or the result is not ideal?"

Qin Shu shook his head and sighed, "Brother, I'm afraid my calculation will fail this time. They won't let me go!"

Sui Han subconsciously raised his hand and just pinched a finger, Qin Shu's eyes swept over again, and he froze.

The fingers that had just been pinched together rubbed uncomfortably twice, and then retracted into the sleeves again, and then coughed lightly, as if to cover up his embarrassment.

"Forget it, if you don't allow me to go, then I won't go... Besides, your calculations may not be accurate."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Shu's communication jade slip became warm again.

Qin Shu took it out and saw that it was a message from Yan Ming, "Shu Shu, something bad has happened. Although Elder Yan Que is hosting the Fire Festival this time, and you can compete with the younger generations of the clan, you can't enter the Red Flame Formation!"

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