I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 373 Why, you have never seen a poisonous snake

When the Fire Bird Clan sends the little sister back, they can also take a ride.

Sui Han looked at Qin Shu waving her folding fan, with a look of joy on her face, which was very different from before.

So he asked, "Have you made a decision in your mind?"

Qin Shu nodded, "It's really easy to get."

Sui Han was puzzled, "What does this mean?"

Qin Shu laughed, "You really don't care about what's happening outside! Our sect previously accepted the young master of the Fire Bird Clan, did you know?"

Sui Han was stunned, and saw Qin Shu smugly touching her nose and showing off, "That's my little sister! The relationship is very close!"

Sui Han also showed a look of sudden enlightenment, "So that's it."

At the end, he changed his tone, glanced at Qin Shu, and asked, "Do you know how to get to the Fire Bird Clan?"

Qin Shu: "..."

It's over, I forgot to ask in my excitement just now.

It doesn't matter, she can grab another lucky person at random.

However, just when she was about to catch another monster to ask, she accidentally caught a tough one.

"You...are you from the snake tribe?" The monster was grabbed by Qin Shu's collar, but he didn't look afraid at all, and asked instead.

Qin Shu nodded, "That's right!"

The monster suddenly grinned and spit out a cloud of poisonous smoke.

It enveloped Qin Shu and the others. When the smoke dissipated, except for Qin Shu, everyone else fell to the ground.

Including the monster that spewed poisonous smoke, it also looked very weak.

He looked at Qin Shu in surprise, "You...you...how come you are okay?!"

Qin Shu saw that he was so scared that he stuttered, and he said with a click of his tongue, raised his chin and asked, "Why? Have you never seen a poisonous snake?"

The monster was speechless for a moment. Of course he had seen it, and he had seen quite a few.

But he had never seen such a poisonous snake. His poisonous smoke was an indiscriminate attack. Few people were still okay after being sprayed at such a close distance.

Qin Shu stepped forward, grabbed his collar, and asked, "Where's the antidote?! Take it out!"

"No... no antidote." The demon was still trying to be stubborn, but Qin Shu raised her hand and patted his face.

"You have been poisoned by this poison, how could there be no antidote? Stop lying to the demon!"


Qin Shu stretched out her hand, with golden green flames dancing on her fingertips, and she looked not easy to mess with.

"No? Then I have to let you feel my poison, and wait until I cut your meridians one by one, and then break your hands and feet, I want to see how long you can keep stubborn."

Qin Shu narrowed her eyes, her eyes were full of ruthlessness, and she was really enough to scare the demon.

The demon was frightened by her, "You...you poisonous snake!"

Qin Shu smiled and said, "I am a poisonous snake."

The demon saw that she was not willing to give in, so she had to admit defeat in the end, "I, I can give you the antidote, can you let me go?"

Qin Shu fed the antidote he handed over to Sui Han and Xiao Xiao, and watched them gradually wake up, and his face was slightly relieved.

He then looked at the demon again, "Why did you attack me when you heard that I was a snake? I have been walking in the demon tribe for so many years, and I have never killed a demon in vain, and I have never offended you."

The demon knelt on the ground, lowered his head, and said honestly: "I...my brother is sick, I need snake gall."

Qin Shu: "..."

She thought of all kinds of reasons, but she really never thought of this one.

Thanks to the big snake, she is immune to all poisons, otherwise, wouldn't she have capsized in the gutter just now?

Of course, even if she really capsized, she didn't have snake gall.

As for Xie Shiyuan's snake gallbladder..., she didn't believe that this little demon could take it away.

"What disease? Do you need snake gallbladder?"

Qin Shu followed him to take a look and watched him pull out a weasel from the straw pile.

His brother had already turned into a human form, which showed that it was difficult for him to maintain his human form at this time.

Qin Shu thought for a while and said, "If you can tell me how to go to the Fire Spirit Bird Clan, I will give you a healing pill."

His brother's skin injury was superficial, and her pill was more or less useful.

The demon's eyes lit up, "Really?!"

In the demon clan, pills are rare.

Alchemy is a talent given by God to the human race, and few of them can learn it.

Even if a talented demon clan mastered this skill, the pills he made might not be enough for their clan to eat, so how could they flow outside?

Therefore, most of the demons among them actually eat pills made by the human race.

Almost all of them were monopolized by the big monsters. The little monsters would be happy for a long time if they could occasionally get a lowest-grade Peiyuan Pill.

If he had gotten a pill earlier, his brother's injury would not have been so serious.

Qin Shu nodded slightly, "Of course it's true, we snakes never lie."

"Okay, to go to the Fire Spirit Bird Clan, you need to go from Huxiao City to Zhangba Mountain first. Zhangba Mountain is the closest place to Qingying Mountain where the Fire Spirit Bird Clan is located, but even so, you have to walk for a long time."

Qin Shu took out a Five Elements Blood Coagulation Pill, threw it into the air, and caught it casually, saying to him: "You make a vow in the name of the Monster God."

The monster's expression suddenly became serious. He stared at the pill in Qin Shu's hand, raised his hand and drew a strange symbol on his chest, and then continued: "I swear in the name of the Monster God that to go to the Fire Spirit Bird Clan, I will go to Zhangba Mountain first, and then go west from Zhangba Mountain to Qingying Mountain."

Qin Shu was satisfied. After watching him finish speaking, she raised her hand and threw the elixir in her hand to him.


Qin Shu had just taken a step when he heard the demon behind him ask him, "Boss, why are you going to the Fire Bird Clan? Do you want to eat birds? Those birds are not easy to deal with!"

Qin Shu: "..."

Snakes eat birds, she is not a real snake, she just wants to go home.

"I have my own things to do, you don't need to ask any more!"

Qin Shu firmly raised her feet and left, followed closely by Sui Han.

To teleport to Zhangba Mountain, the two of them need a total of 160 low-grade spiritual stones. As for Xiao Xiao...

Qin Shu, who was saving money, had stuffed her into the monster bag.

When they reached Zhangba Mountain, they headed west again.

The old cloth shoes on Qin Shu's feet were broken all the way, and there was no sign of Qingying Mountain.

Qin Shu frowned and wanted to take out the jade slip and ask the young senior sister if she had left seclusion.

Just as he moved, two little birds fell from the sky.

"do not move!"

Qin Shu didn't dare to move anymore.

They were escorted up the mountain, and Qin Shu asked, "Excuse me, are you going to the Fire Bird Clan?"


Qin Shu was satisfied, stopped struggling, and lay flat.

Why don't you go? She couldn't find the way anyway.

The two little birds dragged them forward with difficulty until they passed through a restriction, and then the familiar fire spirit became active again.

Hey, here we are!

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