I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 374: Teach you how to block the secrets

The two little birds dragged them laboriously to an elder of the Fire Bird Clan with gray hair and a feathered coat, and then they transformed into two children and appeared in the hall.

"Elder Zhangwu! We caught two bad guys! They smell like snakes!"

Qin Shu did not dare to really treat them as children. The lifespan of the demon tribe was very long. Although they looked only seven or eight years old now, they might have lived for hundreds of years.

Compared with monster beasts, the demon clan is the darling of heaven. They only need to introduce Qi into the body to transform into human form, and realize Taoism in the form of human body, which is twice the result with half the effort.

If a monster wants to transform, it must cultivate to the transformation stage, but the strength of the monster that can cultivate to the transformation stage is more powerful than the monster clan.

In a way, this is another means of balancing the way of heaven.

Hearing the kid say that he was a bad guy, Qin Shu quickly took out his badge to show his identity.

"Elder, I am Qin Shu, a disciple of Master Lingxu and Master Wanjian of Xuantianmen, and Chiyu is my junior sister. This is my senior brother's resignation. The two of us accidentally stepped on the space node and came to Beizhou. I want to After Senior Sister Akabane returned to her family, she searched all the way."

Zhang Wu took the token handed over by Qin Shu, took a look at it, and found that the man in front of him was really a member of the Xuantian Clan.

He returned the token to Qin Shu and looked at Sui Han beside Qin Shu, "Where's yours?"

Of course Suihan didn't have the Xuantianmen's identity token, so he handed over the Tianji Pavilion's token.

Zhang Wu took it and took a look. He was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Are you from Tianji Pavilion?"

Sui Han nodded slightly and said calmly: "Exactly."

Zhang Wu's face suddenly showed a hint of excitement, "Seriously? Then can you..."

Qin Shu quickly interrupted him, "Elder, my senior brother is of low cultivation and cannot calculate accurately. If you don't mind, why don't you let me do some calculations?"

Zhang Wu's eyes moved from Suihan to Qin Shu, "Aren't you a disciple of Master Lingxu and Master Wanjian?"

There are so many real people in Xuantianmen, and he may not know about others, but these two real people are Akabane's masters, so he has heard about them.

One of them is a sword cultivator and the other is an alchemy cultivator.

And their disciples actually wanted to give him a hexagram?

This...he really couldn't believe it!

Qin Shu also saw the doubt in his eyes and raised a banner for herself, "Elder, don't worry, although my algorithm is not very powerful, it was also taught by Master Sui Han himself."

As soon as these words came out, not only Zhang Wu's expression when he looked at her changed, but Sui Han also looked at her in surprise.

When had he given her advice?

Seeing that Zhang Wu was still a little worried, Qin Shu continued: "Otherwise, I will give you some random calculations first and see if they are accurate?"

Zhang Wu thought about it and thought it was feasible, so he asked: "Tell me, will it rain today?"

Qin Shu was immediately happy after hearing the question.

What a good question. She didn't even need to take out the oracle bones to sign it, she could just ask it.

Not only can she do it, but any seven-year-old child in the future can do it.

After reading books for so many years, who still doesn’t know that “if you don’t go out in the morning glow, the sunset will travel a thousand miles”?

When they set out this morning, the red morning glow accompanied them all the way!

But if she said it so directly, it would be somewhat unconvincing.

She pretended to perform the technique according to the algorithm Lu Li had taught her before, and lost her fortune twice more.

Then he said to Zhang Wu: "It's raining!"

Zhang Wu looked at the sunny sky outside with some disbelief, but Qin Shu said, "Just wait and you will find out."

Zhanggo settled them in a tree house, which felt quite new.

Tell them that Akabane has not left seclusion yet and ask them to wait here for a while. It is estimated that Akabane will be out soon.

Next, several people waited for the rain.

After watching Zhang Wu leave, Sui Han asked, "When did I teach you algorithms?"

Qin Shu shrugged, "Who made you and your senior brother famous? If I don't say what you taught, how can I say what Lu Li taught?"

Everyone knew about the incident in the Zhong family's mine last time. Everyone knew that Lu Li had cheated the Zhong family.

Seeing that Sui Han pursed his lips and said nothing, Qin Shu added, "You and senior brother Lu Li are of the same lineage. They both learned similar algorithms. It doesn't matter if I say you taught me."

Suihan still frowned, "If the calculation is inaccurate, won't it ruin my reputation?"

Qin Shu was very surprised when she heard this, "How come your reputation has been ruined? I, Qin Shu, planned it. Even if it is bad, my reputation should be ruined. Besides, you have never had any trouble with fortune-telling for so many years." Inaccurate or impossible to calculate?”

Qin Shu originally just said it casually, but for some reason, Sui Han looked at her even more strangely.

She must not have known that Suihan's only failure in so many years had been her defeat.

He created so many hexagrams and calculated so many causes and effects. After he became famous, he rarely had inaccurate calculations.

Until he met Qin Shu, no matter how many times he counted, it backfired.

To be honest, the fact that he can make his body and bones look like this is inseparable from her.

Qin Shu looked at him and coughed lightly, "Okay, don't be offended, or you will teach me two moves next time? It's not a lie. I don't want you to use spiritual energy."

Sui Han agreed and asked, "You used the wrong divination technique just now. You didn't do any divination at all. Since you want Elder Zhang Wu to trust you, why do you want to fool him?"

Sui Han really didn't understand, although Qin Shu often did things that puzzled him.

Qin Shu smiled and explained to him, "I didn't lie to him. This is what I got from observing the sky at night. It can't be wrong."

Sui Han raised his eyebrows, "Observing the sky at night?"

Qin Shu was naturally guilty, and coughed lightly, explaining in a low voice, "I know a little bit."

Sui Han thought about it and threw a jade slip to her, "I think you have some talent. Since you know a little bit, then learn it well."

Qin Shu put the jade slip on her forehead and felt it for a while, and then she found that the jade slip Sui Han gave her was the legendary "Astrology".

Celestial phenomena is a major subject in both the world of immortal cultivation and the 21st century. Qin Shu was not so conceited that she thought she had learned a few proverbs and had a basic understanding of them.

However, even so, after she roughly read the records of celestial phenomena in the jade slips, she was still numb.

This... this is too difficult.

Sui Han looked at the expression on her face and was not surprised at all. He casually gave her a pie, "If you learn this, I will teach you how to block the secrets of heaven."

As soon as he turned his head, he met Qin Shu's bright eyes.

Very good, I suddenly felt that "Astrology" was just like this.

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