I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 383 Such good hair is gone

Qin Shu covered her forehead. At this time, all her attention fell on the knot on her forehead.

When she noticed what Master Wan Chi said, she was naturally filled with questions.

Second floor? She wanted to learn too, but he didn't teach her!

After commenting, Master Wanchi met Qin Shu's gaze again. He noticed that there seemed to be a strange look in his eyes. He frowned and asked, "What? Are you unwilling?"

Qin Shu quickly shook her head, "Uncle Master, it's not that I'm unwilling, I just... haven't learned anything..."

She had learned Tietou Gong in Putuo Temple for less than three months, and no one had ever told her that there was a second level of Tietou Gong.

Otherwise, according to her habits, in order to survive, she would give priority to tempering her head and heart.

Of course, she had another guess.

Perhaps because she was not a disciple of Putuo Temple, Putuo Temple did not teach her all the money.

What she didn't know was that what she guessed was partly because Tietou Kung Fu was too difficult to practice, and Master Wan Chi never thought that their young disciples could persist to the second level.

Therefore, after hearing Qin Shu's words, Master Wan Chi coughed slightly in embarrassment.

"If you have nothing to do recently, please take some time to learn."

Qin Shu's eyes lit up, and she immediately thought of her identity as a disciple of Xuantian Clan, and quickly asked: "If I'm not a disciple of Putuo Temple, can... can I learn?"

Venerable Wan Chi clasped his hands together and chuckled, "Buddha established the sect just to better promote Buddhism, not to take these unique knowledge as his own."

Qin Shu understood and said quickly: "It's better to choose a day than to hit it. I'll learn now, okay?"

"Tomorrow will be the first day of the year, don't be late."

Qin Shu agreed, looking anxious and unable to eat the hot tofu.

Two days later, Kong Shen finally came back. As soon as he came back, he rushed to the Chuan Gong Hall.

Just when he saw Qin Shu holding a piece of iron wood and patting him on the head, he clicked his tongue twice, "Are you so diligent?"

When Qin Shu saw him coming back, she slowed down her movements, her eyes lit up, and she said slightly excitedly: "I have someone to practice with me!"

Kongshen: "???"

What? Didn’t you agree to come and wash away the mortal world? Why drag him to practice again? What exactly does Junior Sister Qin Shu want to do? !

The Venerable Madam on the side looked at Kong Shen with a horrified look on his face, and the disappointment on his face could not be more obvious.

"We, the disciples of Putuo Temple, are not even as good as a little girl. They only know how to be lazy after practicing all day long!"

When Kong Shen heard what he said, he quickly defended himself, "Uncle Master, you can't say that. This disciple is quite diligent."

The Crazy Master glanced sideways at him and asked, "How long have you been learning Tietou Gong?"

Kong Shen frowned, stretched out his fingers to calculate, and then said: "It didn't take long, just four or five years."

Venerable Wan Chi raised his hand and pointed at Qin Shu, "Your junior sister, it has been less than a year since she started practicing Tietou Kung Fu, and she is already almost at the second level!"

"What?!" Kong Shen looked shocked.

Her facial features were simply wrinkled. She raised her hand and touched Qin Shu's head with a distressed look on her face. She sighed and said, "No wonder your hair, which was originally so good, turned out to be like this..."

Qin Shu: "??"

This misunderstanding is really big! Her hair is indeed not long now, but she is not bald either!

"Senior brother, it's not because of this, it's actually my fire spirit..."

Before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by Kong Shen, "Okay, you don't have to forcefully restore your respect, senior brother understands."

Qin Shu: "..."

What the hell do you know!

"I entered a red flame array a while ago and my hair was burned off. It hasn't grown back yet. Don't think blindly."

But no matter how she explained it, Kongshen looked at her with a bit of disbelief.

"Brother, I know."

Qin Shu was tired, and she didn't know how to explain.

That’s all, let’s let him think so! It won't be long before her hair will grow back again.

She raised her hand to touch the two or three centimeters of hair she had grown, frowned subconsciously, then raised her hand to take a bottle of hair growth cream and applied it on it.

Kong Shen and Wanchi's uncle and nephew also kept staring at Qin Shu's movements, looking a little curious.

"You also want to try it?" Qin Shu was very willing to share it with them.

The two men shook their heads in exactly the same way, "No, no, no, we already used Juefa Cream after entering Putuo Temple."

Qin Shu wanted to try out the hair growth cream and the hair loss cream, but she didn't dare to experiment with Master Wan Chi, so she could only focus on Kong Shen.

I'm thinking about trying to find him in private one day.

Kongshen came to the door and practiced Iron Head Kung Fu with Qin Shu for a long time before Master Wanchi let them go.

"Who are you going to wash your hands of?" Kongshen asked.

Qin Shu led him to the Zen courtyard, pointed to the big willow tree in the courtyard and said, "Xiao Liucheng, my friend."

Kong Shen touched his chin and said, "I have an idea."

Qin Shu asked: "What method? Rootless water?"

Kong Shen crossed his arms and laughed, "So you know."

Qin Shu nodded: "Uncle Wan Chi said it, but we don't know where the rootless water is. I wanted to make a divination, but I don't even know what the rootless water is, and I can't make a divination at all. The anonymous bounty sent to summon the jade slip has not yet been traced, and there has been no response from Qisha Pavilion. "

Kong Shen was happy, "No need to go to such trouble."

Qin Shu keenly sensed the unusualness in his words and asked, "Do you know?"

Kong Shen nodded slightly, "If you asked me a month ago, I really didn't know, but this time I do know."

When he raised his head, he met Qin Shu's sparkling eyes, and then heard Qin Shu ask, "Where?"

"Do you remember that I asked you to help me tell a fortune two days ago?" Kong Shen asked.


"A month ago, I went to a small realm with a few fellow Taoists. There were many formations there. It is said that if we can break through those formations, we will make great progress in formations. Among them is the whereabouts of the rootless water, but the formation is too complicated, one ring after another, and one wrong step will lead to the puppet, which has a locked formation on it and can't be shaken off..."

Qin Shu savored his words carefully, touched her chin and said: "You want... I go with you?"

Kong Shen smiled and looked up at her expectantly, "Is it okay?"

"I understand formations, you can tell fortunes, the two of us will definitely find the rootless water with our combined strength."

After speaking, he paused for a moment, and then continued: "It's just that your cultivation... I guess you have to talk to them carefully. They should feel that they are dragging their feet before the foundation building, but it shouldn't be a big problem. After all, you are very good at telling fortunes, and you are also an alchemist."

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