I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 384 What is your current level of cultivation?

As Kong Shen spoke, he looked up and saw Qin Shu’s indescribable expression.

He asked again, "What is your current cultivation level?"

Qin Shu: "Middle stage of foundation building."

Kong Shen: "?"

At first, he thought he didn't hear clearly, until Qin Shu looked at him with confused eyes and repeated, "Middle stage of foundation building."

Kong Shen was silent for a long time before he said, "Junior sister, but does your Xuantian Sect have any special cultivation secrets? I am now switching to Xuantian Sect, I wonder if it is too late?"

Qin Shu laughed when she heard what he said, "Senior brother, aren't you afraid that the Buddha will be distant with you in the future after hearing what you said?"

Kong Shen was stunned, and quickly recited a few Buddhist words sincerely, and then said, "I was just joking, I only have the Buddha in my heart."

Qin Shu smiled and said nothing, Kong Shen then asked, "Did you encounter any adventure? Isn't this cultivation speed too fast?"

Others may not reach the third level of Qi training in three years, but she has directly reached the middle stage of foundation building. If this matter is spread out, I am afraid that it will cause a storm in the entire cultivation world.

Qin Shu nodded honestly, "Yes, I encountered an adventure."

When she was in the Beast Taming Sect, her cultivation level increased dramatically. She was completely confused. From beginning to end, she didn't know what good thing she had encountered.

She felt that the big snake vaguely knew something, but he didn't say it when asked.

Kong Shen looked at Qin Shu with envy, "I am almost 200 years older than you, but my cultivation level is the same as yours..."

He squatted on the ground and began to doubt his life.

Qin Shu coughed lightly, thought for a moment, and advised: "Brother, you don't have to belittle yourself. Everyone is like this... You are already very powerful."

Kong Shen: "..."

Her words that everyone is like this made Kong Shen even more silent.

The atmosphere was a little awkward for a while, and Qin Shu also vaguely realized that she seemed to have said something wrong, so she quickly changed the subject.

"Brother, are we still going to that small world? Or you can ask your friends?"

Kong Shen came back to his senses, "Of course we have to go. You are already in the middle stage of foundation building. What can't you go to? It will only be safer."

Kong Shen took out his Lotus Throne flying magic weapon. As the two flew, he also talked to Qin Shu about some formations.

"Junior sister, that small world is full of formations. If you know nothing about formations, you will definitely suffer if you go there."

Qin Shu listened to everything he said, and listened very seriously.

Until he finished talking, Qin Shu asked again: "Brother, what is the cultivation level of the puppets in that small world?"

"Most of them are at the peak of foundation building. It is not ruled out that there are puppets of golden elixir, but we haven't encountered them yet. Last time, we only went to the periphery of that small world. It is said that there are still many good things inside." Kong Shen said.

Qin Shu was a little surprised when she heard what he said, "How can so many of you not beat a puppet at the peak of foundation building?"

It would be fine if you could just attack them one by one, why would you be chased by so many puppets?

Qin Shu really couldn't understand it.

Kong Shen sighed and said in a difficult way: "Junior sister, you don't know, that puppet is only at the peak of foundation building, but the material used to make the puppet is very special, and our attacks can't hurt it at all. I suspect that not only is it made of special materials, but there should also be some formations on it that can absorb attacks. Anyway, it is difficult to deal with. You will know when you see it."

Qin Shu sat on his flying magic weapon, stroking his chin, wondering what this puppet was like.

When they arrived at the place, they found that someone had already arrived.

"Junior sister, these are the two brothers of the Ming family in Jintuo Mountain, Da Ming and Er Ming." Kong Shen introduced to Qin Shu.

Qin Shu clasped his fists towards them, which was also considered a greeting.

After hearing what Kong Shen said, the two brothers Da Ming and Er Ming looked at each other and asked in surprise: "Little monk, do you have female practitioners in your Buddhist sect?"

Qin Shu: "..."

Kong Shen quickly explained: "Daoyou Qin Shu is not from my Buddhist sect, she is a disciple of Xuan Tian Sect."

When they heard Xuan Tian Sect, Da Ming and Er Ming were obviously startled, and their attitude became a little more humble.

These disciples from big sects are always different. Going to the small world with her will even give them a little more guarantee for survival.

After waiting for a while, the other three people who had agreed to enter the small world with them also came.

One is Fei Ming from the Beast Taming Sect, and the other two are Runyu and Runlin from the Tiangang Palace.

Including Qin Shu and Kong Shen, there are a total of seven people in the group.

Runyu asked Kong Shen if he was completely sure of going to the small world this time?

Kong Shen shook his head, "I'm still unsure. In a small world of this level, who can I guarantee with my cultivation?"

Runyu frowned, but the brothers Da Ming and Er Ming seemed a little calmer. Er Ming said, "It was the monk Kong Shen who brought us out last time. Even if we still can't pass this time, with the monk Kong Shen here, we can always get out anyway."

Although Runyu and Runlin didn't say it, it was obvious that they said so.

If it weren't for Kong Shen bringing them out last time, they would never come again this time.

After all, no one would be willing to joke with their own lives. Those Taoist friends who didn't come out with them last time are still trapped inside!

Qin Shu didn't participate in their conversation. Her eyes were on Fei Ming from beginning to end.

If she remembered correctly, the Beast Taming Sect had been sealed off, and even her Thousand Miles Teleporting Talisman could not be transmitted out.

If it wasn't for the big snake's violent breaking of the formation last time, she herself would probably still be trapped inside!

In this case, how did this disciple of the Beast Taming Sect get out?

Perhaps because Qin Shu's gaze was too obvious, Fei Ming also turned his head and asked in confusion: "Fellow Daoist Qin has been staring at me, but is there anything strange on my face?"

Qin Shu smiled and shook her head, "That's not the case, it's just that I suddenly remembered that I haven't seen the disciples of the Beast Taming Sect for a long time, and it's a bit strange to see the disciples of the Beast Taming Sect again now."

She quietly leaned towards Fei Ming and asked him: "Fellow Daoist, what is your monster? If the pet is disobedient, do you have any good methods?"

Fei Ming scratched the back of his head and said embarrassedly: "These are all secret methods of the sect and cannot be passed on to others."

Qin Shu sighed, "Forget it, if I have the chance in the future, I may be able to get other beast-taming skills."

Fei Ming's words alone showed the difference. She went to Putuo Temple to learn Iron Head Kung Fu before, and the Venerable Wangchi taught her the first level; now seeing that she has made progress, he is chasing to teach her the second level. Why is there so much to pay attention to?

But it is normal for Fei Ming to say this. Many of their Xuantian Sect's skills cannot be passed on to others.

She understood, but she had some doubts.

Is this disciple of the Beast Tamer Sect really a disciple of the Beast Tamer Sect?

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