I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 397 I didn't cause any trouble

Finally, when they passed through the twenty-first door, they saw the first puppet of their trip.

Qin Shu looked at the familiar blue eyes and clicked her tongue twice, "It's the late stage of foundation building. It's so exciting!"

She had just sighed when she saw Senior Brother Tieniu next to her rushing over like a bull.

The next moment, he was punched back by the puppet.

"Pfft -" Tieniu spat out a mouthful of blood.

Qin Shu was startled and saw the puppet heading straight for Tieniu. Qin Shu quickly stepped forward to stop the puppet and took the time to ask Tieniu: "Brother, are you okay?"

Tieniu raised his hand and wiped away the blood on his mouth, then used a cleaning technique and said, "I'm fine. Be careful. This guy is very strong."

Qin Shu had no time to respond to him and was already fighting with the puppet.

Suihan walked over and handed a bottle of elixir to Tieniu. He was most in need of this kind of healing Peiyuan elixir nowadays.

Tieniu didn't have the nerve to accept it, "Thank you Master Suihan. I'll prepare it before I leave."

Sui Han said: "It doesn't matter, these belong to Qin Shu, there is no need to be polite to her."


Since it belongs to his junior sister, he is really not polite.

He swallowed a pill and rushed towards Qin Shu again.

"Junior sister! Let me help you!"

Just when Qin Shu wanted him to stay away, she saw him hugging the puppet tightly from behind.

As the puppet struggled, the veins on his arms popped out, and blood boiled on his face.

When Qin Shu saw this, she punched him with a Chixiao fist.

The puppet's strong body surface made a "click" sound, as if something was broken.

Tieniu laughed loudly, "Okay, junior sister! Go ahead and beat it!"

The puppet swung wildly, trying to shake Tieniu off its back, but Tieniu was like a dog-skin plaster, refusing to let go no matter how it swung.

Qin Shu's fist hit the puppet like raindrops, until it finally penetrated its heart, she smiled with satisfaction.

"Brother, it's ready!"

As soon as these words came out, Tieniu slid from the puppet to the ground like a puddle of mud, and all the muscles and bones in his body were sore.

He was about to pick up a Peiyuan Pill and swallow it, but was stopped by Qin Shu.

He looked at Qin Shu with some confusion, and saw Qin Shu turning her hand and handing him a jade slip.

He took it over and looked at it, "Body training technique?!"

Tieniu was a little excited. His body-refining technique was found by himself, and it only had the fourth level of body-refining.

Later, he used another set of exercises from the sect, which didn't feel very good. He had only reached the seventh level after practicing for so long.

Compared with junior sister, she is simply not good enough.

Seeing his joy, Qin Shu also laughed, "Senior brother, how about this technique?"

Tieniu put the jade slip on his forehead, browsed it quickly, and clicked his tongue twice with satisfaction, "This body training all the way to the five internal organs is much better than what I am doing now! Junior sister, where did you get it?"

Qin Shu chuckled and said, "I got it here last time. I have to say that although it is more difficult here, the rewards are still very good."

Tieniu became excited while holding the jade slip. Qin Shu's eyes fell on the puppet's body on the ground again, and asked Tieniu, "What do you want?"

Tieniu did not refuse, "Leave one for me!"

Qin Shu had a lot of these things in her storage ring, and she didn't care about this one, so she gave them all to him with great dignity.

But Tieniu not only didn't put the thing away, he also stood it up and placed it in the corner.

"Junior sister, do you think this thing would be good to use as a wooden stake?"

As he spoke, he raised his fist upwards.

Qin Shu: "..."

It was indeed good. During the journey of body training, the most dedicated person she had ever seen was Senior Brother Tieniu.

As for the other person on the side who said he was coming to practice, Qin Shu glanced over and saw him standing calmly behind Kong Shen, watching Kong Shen write and draw on the paper.

The beads of sweat on Kong Shen's forehead fell to the ground with a "tick" sound. He stopped and asked Sui Han, "Master, can you give me some advice?"

Sui Han shook his head and said, "No, it's yours and you don't need to worry about me."

Qin Shu understood as soon as she saw this appearance. Who could not be nervous when the invigilator stood in front of the candidates?

Is Suihan here to help or to cause trouble?

She stood up with her hands on her knees, came to Sui Han and Kong Shen, pulled Sui Han's sleeves and dragged him away.

Kong Shen breathed a sigh of relief, but Sui Han asked in confusion: "Why are you pulling me?"

"The time is calculated by others, so don't make trouble on the sidelines." Qin Shu said.

Tieniu and Kongshen heard the familiar tone of voice of Qin Shu and Master Suihan, and it seemed that the relationship between the two was not as close as usual.

Suihan was even more puzzled when he heard this, "I didn't cause trouble. I was just afraid of interrupting his train of thought, otherwise I would have told him just now that he had made a mistake."

Qin Shu: "..."

Kongshen: "..."

Boss? How did you get such a brain? Why are you different from normal people?

Kong Shen walked over directly holding the paper in his hand and bowed to him respectfully, "Please give me some advice."

They fought exhaustingly with the puppets, but he watched coldly from the sidelines, knowing that Kong Shen's calculation was wrong but didn't speak?

Qin Shu was so angry that she wanted to open his head and see what was inside.

Sui Han saved his sleeve from Qin Shu's hand, looked at Qin Shu and said: "Didn't you say that you came here to refine your body? And Monk Kong Shen also came here to study the formation. Shu Shu, don't put the cart before the horse."

Qin Shu felt that he had some truth in his words. They came here for progress, not just for the treasures here.

"Then... let's stay here for a few more days?" Qin Shu suggested.

A puppet will appear every six hours. The strength of the puppets now is that they can't kill them in the late stage of foundation building, but they are not that difficult to deal with. They are indeed a good opponent for sharpening.

"A few days? Are you sure you can break through in just a few days?" Sui Han asked.

Qin Shu: "..."

Okay, not sure.

Let Brother Tie Niu rise a few more levels.

Qin Shu raised her head and looked at Sui Han in front of her. The corners of her lips curled up slightly and said: "No, not us, but you."

Sui Han: "..."

Oh, I almost forgot that he also came to refine his body.

Since there was no hurry, Qin Shu simply asked Kong Shen to set up a gravity formation in the yard.

Tie Niu was still gradually adapting to the new technique, and Sui Han had the lowest level of body training among the few people, he was only at the second level of body training.

He quietly approached behind Tie Niu and said to Tie Niu who was beating up the puppet body: "Daoyou, can you lend me your new body training technique...?"

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