I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 398 You are different from others

Tieniu had just punched the ruined puppet when he heard these words coming from behind him.

He was startled and felt a little scared.

Master Suihan is indeed Master Suihan. When did he appear behind him and he didn't notice it at all?

He came to his senses and patted his chest, "Master, what did you just say? Kung Fu?"

Suihan's gray eyes reflected Tieniu's strong figure, "Yeah."

Sui Han's expression was a little complicated. He could tell that the body-training technique Qin Shu taught him before should be the same technique as Tieniu's.

But...she kept the new skills for Tieniu and did not teach them to herself.

People are close to each other, so it can be seen that in Qin Shu's heart, she has a closer relationship with Tieniu...

"Oh~ you mean that body-building technique! Don't you have a suitable technique? Let me show it to you."

Tieniu said as he took out the jade slip.

He didn't mind sharing, and when he thought about going out in the future and saying that Master Suihan used the same physical training method as him, he suddenly felt bright in his face.

Sui Han took the jade slip and scanned it with his spiritual consciousness before returning it to Tieniu.

Tieniu was stunned, "Don't you want to see it?"

After saying that, he suddenly thought of something, raised his hand and patted his forehead, and said with great envy: "I almost forgot, with your cultivation level, you should be able to release your spiritual consciousness long ago, right?"

Sui Han hummed and thanked him.

After thinking about it, he casually gave him a jade slip, which meant that his skills were not in vain.

Tieniu rubbed his hands with some excitement, took the jade slip he handed over and put it on his forehead. Wei Wei understood it as soon as he felt it.

It turns out to be a boxing technique! It seems that it is still a technique above Xuan level, much more powerful than what he is using now.

"Thank you, Masato!"

Sui Han shook his head slightly and told him you're welcome.

Tieniu then continued: "Master, do you also want to exercise?"

Sui Han responded, "If you don't mind it, fellow Taoist, please take the time to give me some pointers."

His words really flattered Tieniu.

This is the rumored fellow Daoist Suihan! How can I give him advice if I don't have any virtue?

"This is impossible! Real man, I am of low cultivation, how can I give you any advice?" Tieniu said, raising his hand and waving.

Sui Han said: "As the saying goes, if three people are walking together, there must be my teacher. You may not be as good as me in calculus, but I am also not as good as you in exercise. Fellow Taoist, don't belittle yourself, maybe you can just say a few words , I can avoid many detours.”

Tieniu is an honest boy, so what he said made sense.

He thought for a moment and then tried to speak: "Zhenren, I am stupid. It takes a long time to understand some spells, so I chose the simplest way to exercise."

He smiled honestly and scratched his hair sheepishly, "I don't know if I can give you any advice. Exercise is to keep repeating those boring and tiring movements, and challenge the limits of your body bit by bit. , after practicing for so many years, I only have a little experience... When you are about to stop holding on, you only need to persist for a little while, and the effect will be much better than practicing for so long before. "

Sui Han nodded thoughtfully, "Thank you very much, I won't disturb your practice."

He walked aside and watched Tieniu continue to ravage the puppet.

Tieniu was also impatient and thought that since he had to practice his martial arts anyway, he might as well change his boxing techniques and start over from scratch.

Tieniu, who used the new martial arts and new boxing techniques, seemed to be so excited that he had nowhere to vent. The puppet had been punched through the heart and its eyeballs were removed.

Now the shoulders and abdomen are covered with various cracks, and the material that originally looked very strong suddenly seems to have become a vulnerable rotten wood.

Qin Shu had just heard the conversation between Tieniu and Suihan. She stopped her swordsmanship and called out to Suihan.

Sui Han raised his eyes to look at her and saw Qin Shu throwing something towards him.

His body quickly moved away, and the thing fell to the ground with a clatter, and he realized that it was a puppet.

Just listen to Qin Shu say: "I think Senior Brother Tieniu is practicing pretty well, you can try this too."

Sui Han tried to hit him with a punch, but Qin Shu couldn't stand it anymore, "Are you tickling the puppet?"

Suihan used some strength and punched, and the knuckles of his right hand were bruised.

He subconsciously raised his hand to get the Peiyuan Pill, but Qin Shu rolled her eyes and knocked away his hand that was reaching for the storage ring.

"Take the Peiyuan Pill for this little injury? Are you too wasteful?"

As she spoke, she put her fingers on Suihan's wrist. Her wood spirit energy circled around Suihan's fingers, and the bleeding stopped.

Qin Shu also took the opportunity to help Suihan repair the broken tendons in her body. It only took a quarter of an hour from beginning to end before she withdrew her hand.

"Alright, let's wait until my spiritual energy recovers before continuing the repair. I have to be careful here at all times."

Suihan could also notice that the vitality of his body was gradually increasing recently, and he suddenly felt less anxious.

Qin Shu continued, "You don't have to bother with this puppet. Your physique is not good enough. Temper your body first! Use the previous method, but increase the quantity and duration. After tempering your body, don't take Peiyuan Pills anymore, use Tempering Pills. Refining the body itself is to train the body's strength and self-healing ability. You eat Peiyuan Pills as candy beans, and your body will become dependent on the pills. No wonder you progress so slowly."

Sui Han was stunned, "Slow?"

From the beginning of his tempering to now, at most more than four months have passed, and he has already reached the second level of body refining.

Qin Shu looked at him with disdain, "Isn't this slow? It's been almost half a year, and you just broke through the second level of body refining?"

Qin Shu was talking, and Tie Niu suddenly interrupted, "Junior sister, it's pretty fast! This cultivation speed is really not slow! True Man Sui Han is really amazing!"

As he spoke, he also gave Sui Han a thumbs up.

Qin Shu glanced at him, "Brother, don't mess with me now!"

Tie Niu smiled awkwardly, "Okay, okay, I won't interrupt."

Qin Shu's eyes fell on Sui Han again, and her expression was more serious than ever before, "Brother, you are different from them. Your body... I hope you can have a clearer understanding of yourself."

There are some things she can't say directly, but she still hopes Sui Han can understand it himself.

His body is in a mess, and he needs to rely on body training to prolong his life.

Sui Han understood what Qin Shu meant, and he also responded in a deep voice, "I understand."

Qin Shu raised her hand and threw two more iron and wooden pillars to him, "Carry four pieces of wood from today! You practice as long as I practice!"

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