I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 399 I'll do it myself

Tieniu turned around in surprise when he heard this and looked at Qin Shu in disbelief.

Even he might not be able to keep up with the intensity of his junior sister's training.

His junior sister is a complete exercise madman. If it weren't for the fact that she had to meditate and practice at night, she could exercise alone for twelve hours.

Let's look at Master Suihan's ability to be knocked down by a gust of wind. How long can he train for the same amount of time as her? Carrying four pieces of iron wood?

Murdering the Immortal Master doesn’t have to be so straightforward, right?

Tieniu was already shocked by Qin Shu's proposal.

However, what shocked him even more was that he actually! Seeing Master Suihan nodding in agreement? !

This...even if he has a good relationship with Junior Sister Qin Shu, he doesn't have to risk his life to prove himself, right?

He couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't help but say something more.

"Master, you'd better...act within your ability..."

Sui Han smiled gently at him and said, "Thank you, fellow Taoist, for reminding me."

Tieniu originally thought that based on Suihan's physical strength, it would be good if he could last for three hours.

But he didn't expect that he actually survived.

Even though he was carrying four pieces of iron wood, he couldn't stand upright at all and was swaying when he walked.

Even in the middle, he fell down countless times and was hit by iron wood countless times.

But in the end, he managed to survive with the help of the Body Tempering Pill.

Even Tieniu was shocked. He suddenly realized that no wonder Master Suihan could become famous throughout Dongzhou at such a young age. It was up to him to fight...

No wonder he has a good relationship with Junior Sister Qin Shu. To be honest, they are basically the same type of people.

A sense of crisis suddenly emerged in Tieniu's heart. This feeling came from the bottom of his heart and made him feel melancholy.

how to say?

Meeting this kind of person who is more talented than yourself and works harder than yourself is really admirable and... complicated.

He didn't dare to rest and kept following the two of them to practice.

Of course, the effect of physical training of this intensity is also very significant.

He himself also knows that when physical fatigue reaches its limit, greater breakthroughs will occur only if he persists.

But subsequent persistence is difficult to achieve. At this time, it becomes more important than whose willpower is stronger.

It is indeed difficult to persevere when you are alone. I am afraid that only a very few people like Qin Shu can do it.

But if you have someone to practice with you, it will be much easier to stick to it.

Midway, the puppet came again, and the three of them worked together to destroy the puppet.

After taking a short rest and continuing their physical exercises, until the sun was about to set, the three of them collapsed on the ground.

Only Kong Shen was immersed in his own world of formations and ignored the efforts of the others.

Qin Shu was the first to recover, got up and fed each of them a body tempering pill.

After doing this, she swallowed one herself, and then sat cross-legged again, not forgetting to remind the two of them, "Cross your legs to refine the medicinal power in your body."

The body is greatly overdrawn, and a large amount of Qi and blood must be needed to fill it.

During this period, the muscles continued to be sore and weak, making it impossible to continue practicing.

If you practice too hard, you may not be able to practice for several days.

Nothing is too much, and Tieniu rarely practices with such intensity. Firstly, he cannot persist, and secondly, he does not have so many elixir reserves.

This time, with Qin Shu in charge, he managed to survive with the two of them.

At this moment, a strange cry suddenly came from the horizon again.

Qin Shu was already very familiar with this kind of cry. She immediately stood up and said, "The puppet is here! Get ready to fight!"

Looking at the two people who were like mud next to her, she directly drew her sword and said: "Forget it, I will do it myself!"

When she came to this small world with Da Ming and Er Ming's group before, she was not very good at exposing too much.

But this time, these people who came were all our own people.

From the moment she heard the cry, she began chanting the incantation.

As soon as the poor puppet showed its face, it was greeted by a fire dragon.

The puppet didn't know what material it was made of, but it just passed through the fire dragon, and then turned into ashes in front of Qin Shu.

Its green eyes also fell to the ground and broke in half.

The green in it has long since disappeared, leaving only a grayish white.

Qin Shu looked at all this and sighed, "What a pity."

The body and eyes of this puppet should be made of excellent materials, so it would be a pity to burn them away like this.

Tieniu looked at Qin Shu's move and was silent for a while, feeling even more anxious in his heart.

His junior sister's cultivation speed was too fast. When they competed in the sect competition last year, he was evenly matched with her.

If he were to face her again now, he would never be able to catch her move.

Qin Shu withdrew her gaze and saw Kong Shen, who was sitting on the ground meditating, also stood up.

"This formation is solved, shall we go to the next one?"

It stands to reason that he has already solved the formation here once, and it won't take long at all this time.

But at the beginning last time, he missed a formation. This time he wanted to deduce all the missed parts, so he wasted some time.

However, by deducing this missing part, their future progress will be much faster.

Qin Shu looked at the messy yard, thought for a while, and said: "Then let's go to the next one? What we encounter now is just a puppet in the middle stage of foundation building. We can handle it for the time being."

After that, she looked at the others and asked, "What do you think?"

"All is fine." Although Sui Han's physique is not good, he has been baptized by the Jindan thunder tribulation, and his body can withstand stronger.

As for Tie Niu, he was too tired to speak at this time. He just nodded slightly to express his attitude.

"Everyone take a break and open the door after you recover."

Now her spiritual energy is exhausted, and the other two are as tired as a puddle of mud. Only Senior Brother Kong Shen still has fighting power, but he happens to be the main force of the decryption formation.

There are dangers everywhere here. If you are not careful, you may lose your life at any time.

It is better to be careful.

Qin Shu swallowed two spiritual pills, and took advantage of Sui Han's weakness to help him connect a tendon.

After resting for almost five hours, they pushed open the next door.

This yard was also where they had been before. The yard was empty and there was nothing.

"As long as there are no puppets, it's a good courtyard." Tie Niu was quite open-minded.

Qin Shu laughed, "When we go to the courtyard with the puppets at the peak of foundation building, it will be almost there."

"How many more are left?" Tie Niu asked.

"Four." Kong Shen answered while sitting cross-legged on the futon again.

He had already deduced a marginal part of this formation, which was linked together and really shocking.

He had a hunch that if he could successfully get out of here, his formation would be greatly improved!

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