I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 400 Use it for my own benefit

Qin Shu's eyes also fell on Tieniu at this time. The energy and blood in his body were very strong and reached a certain bottleneck.

"Senior brother, are you about to break through?" Qin Shu asked.

Tieniu turned away and glanced at Qin Shu in surprise, "Junior sister, can you even see this?"

Qin Shu chuckled, "I am also a physical practitioner, and I am very familiar with this aura on your body."

Tieniu gave her a thumbs up, "Junior sister really has extraordinary senses."

Qin Shu smiled modestly, "After four yards, senior brother should have broken through, and we can walk longer."

A kind of honest smile appeared on Tieniu's face. Finally, he was about to break through. As long as he could put in a little more strength, his junior sister would be able to endure less.

They walked in these four yards for a full twenty-eight days, and Qin Shu and the others collected a total of fifty-six puppet bodies.

On the twenty-seventh day, Qin Shu broke through the third level of bone refining.

She also knew that it would not be easy for her to break through in a while, so she simply found another way, took out a puppet body, and squatted on the ground to play with it for a long time.

Sui Han now had six pieces of iron wood on his body. He collapsed on the ground so tired that he didn't even want to move a finger.

He just turned away and looked at Qin Shu who had dismantled the puppets all over the floor, and asked her feebly, "What are you doing?"

Qin Shu heard his voice, turned around and glanced at him, stood up, walked over and stuffed a body tempering pill into his mouth, then put her fingers on his wrist, and a wisp of wood spirit energy followed his meridians. He repaired the small meridians at his heart with ease.

Suihan has long been accustomed to her spiritual energy, his heart is wide open and he has no defense at all.

If Qin Shu had any bad thoughts at this time, he would have to shed his skin even if he didn't die.

Qin Shu's spiritual energy was only slightly restored, and then she retreated.

He was told, "Take a break for a quarter of an hour and then continue practicing."

After saying that, he turned around and fiddled with the parts.

Suihan had now regained some strength. He stood up and walked over, asking again, "What are you doing?"

Qin Shu was raising her arms to her body at this time. After hearing what he said, she said, "I want to try and see if I can make these puppets work for me."

If her attempt works, then she has collected more than one hundred and thirty puppets and can basically form an army of puppets.

In the future, this small world can also be used, and the puppet can directly lead people to download the dungeon. Isn't this just making money!

Sui Han frowned, looked at Qin Shu and said, "These puppets have formation restrictions. If you forcefully erase those restrictions, they will destroy themselves and become useless."

Qin Shu hummed, "I know!"

She had asked Xie Shiyuan a long time ago, and of course she knew how overbearing the formations on these puppets were.

After hearing her words, Sui Han frowned even more tightly.

"Then why are you still..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Qin Shu smiling slyly, "When metaphysics doesn't work, why not try to believe in science?"

Suihan was stunned and asked: "Science?"

Qin Shu touched her chin and said: "If I tell you about Transformers, you must have never heard of it, so I don't know how to explain it."

Suihan: "??"

His mind was full of questions. He could understand every word Qin Shu said, but why was he so confused when it came together?

"What's the meaning?"

"Theoretically, the most powerful thing about these puppets is not the formations on them, but the materials. These materials can make them immune to a large amount of spell damage, and their physical defense is also extremely high... During the fight with these puppets , I found that the formations on them can convert our attacks into energy in their bodies. From this point, it can be seen that the people who make these puppets are very skilled... I can't do this, but I can give them. Provide additional power energy, such as - spiritual stone."

Qin Shu talked a lot, many of which Suihan couldn't understand.

But when Qin Shu finished everything, he even had a rough idea.

"Sounds awesome." That's all he could say.

Qin Shu chuckled, "I've never done this before. It's my first time trying it, and I don't know if it will work."

When she was studying, the school organized a visit to the Science and Technology Museum, which also had simulated robots.

But most of the robots of later generations are used to facilitate people's lives, not for combat.

They drive the robot through batteries and wires, which of course are not available here.

But if you change your mind and use the spirit stone as a battery, and the lines are replaced by formations or talismans, you can still achieve the driving effect.

Of course, the ideal is very full, but the operation is still difficult.

Qin Shu took out another "Introduction to Formation" as if no one else was around and read it carefully.

Sui Han was extremely surprised, "What? Do you still want to be a formation cultivator?"

When Qin Shu heard this, she asked in a tone even more shocked than him: "Didn't you say that the calculations will not separate the families?"

Suihan: "..."

"I'm just worried that if you learn too much, it will affect your cultivation."

Qin Shu waved her hand and said, "No need to worry, we want to be a new generation of good young people cultivating immortals with all-round development of morality, intelligence, body and beauty. I am not learning this to become proficient, but to achieve my goal."

Sui Han did not speak, because he saw Qin Shu draw a small primary formation on the heart of the puppet, put a spiritual stone in it, and then pushed the puppet's arm up.

Then she drew three connection formations at the joints of the arm and the elbow and wrist. She activated the magic and the puppet's arm actually moved.

Sui Han widened his eyes. Although these crappy primary formations were a bit inconsistent with such high-level materials, it seemed that Qin Shu's attempt was not completely impossible.

As for the puppet's own destruction system...

It was completely useless in the face of this body that was torn to pieces by Qin Shu.

The destruction from Qin Shu was obviously more thorough.

Qin Shu watched the fist installed on the puppet move, and she laughed happily.

Then she followed the same method to install the head, right arm, and two legs.

When installing the head, Qin Shu suddenly had an idea to draw two small focusing formations for the puppet's eyeballs.

As long as the spiritual energy is activated, the pair of eyes will be as bright as the headlights.

After doing all this, she patted the dust on her hands with satisfaction and said with a smile: "It's done."

Kong Shen had already figured out which door was the correct one. Seeing that Qin Shu was busy, he did not disturb her and just sat cross-legged in meditation.

Hearing Qin Shu's voice at this moment, he opened his eyes.

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