I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 403 How did you do it?

The confident smile on Qin Shu's face gradually disappeared, and her lips gradually pursed into a straight line.

wrong? what happened? Did she remember it wrong?

After coming to the world of immortality for so long, she has never doubted her memory.

But the fact is that the formation is really difficult, even more difficult than when she did the big question drawing auxiliary lines during the college entrance examination!

Dejectedly, she took out her copy of "Comprehensive Introduction to Elementary Formations" and found the chapter about agile formations again.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out that she had drawn it wrong.

Qin Shu sighed and could only go up and cut off the wrong section on the puppet's knees and repaint it.

After tinkering for a long time, the runes were finally brightened up, but Xiaodai also had long and short legs.

With a heartbroken look on her face, Qin Shu worked on Xiaodai's other "leg" again, and finally repaired its two legs to the same length.

It's just that Xiao Dai looks like this now...perhaps even shorter than Wu Dalang, who sells cooking cakes.

Just when Qin Shu was thinking about getting it two new "legs", she accidentally looked up and looked at Xiaodai, driven by the spirit stone, walking like flying, with a pair of short legs moving very fast.

Qin Shu suddenly realized!

Sometimes short legs are not bad. Although I am short, my center of gravity is stable!

Xiao Dai, who originally had three heads and six arms, was inevitably a little top-heavy, but after Qin Shu's improvements, these original problems were suddenly solved!

Qin Shu was a little happy! She patted her head, the smile on her face not diminishing.

She should have thought of it a long time ago, her mind was confused from all the formation deductions she had previously done.

The other people looked at Qin Shu's puppet, whose appearance became more and more strange, and their expressions gradually became strange.

Kongshen came over and asked kindly: "Junior sister, do you need help?"

Qin Shu shook her head, "No need."

"Junior sister, you don't have to..." Kong Shen originally wanted to persuade Qin Shu, telling her not to be embarrassed. They are all brothers and sisters, and it is only right for everyone to make progress together.

Qin Shu turned her head excitedly and said to him: "Senior brother! Look! I can draw an agile formation! It seems to really work! Look at Xiaodai's short legs! How fast can he move?! I saw the afterimage!”

Kongshen looked in the direction of her finger, and was completely silent at this sight.

Kongshen: "..."

That's all, he'd better advise himself.

Although Junior Sister Qin Shu has a strong learning ability, she herself is not bad either.

It took me almost ten days to learn the agility formation. Most of the others took three months or more. The formation is notoriously difficult to learn...

But...why are there so many differences between people? Junior sister, how long has she been studying this? Let alone one day, six hours have not been used up.

He didn't want to be convinced, but he had to be convinced.

"Junior sister, how did you do it? Have you deduced the formation? Where is the relevant threshold of this puppet?" Kong Shen asked curiously.

After hearing this, Qin Shu looked at him in confusion, the confusion in her eyes almost solidifying.

"Wha...what? Deducing the formation? How to deduce this? Can't we just draw it?"

Kongshen: "??"

I don’t know the basic formation structure, how did she draw it?

Empty means incomprehensible.

What Qin Shu didn't know was that generally drawing a formation was like building a model to deduce its operation, and then drawing the formation based on it.

She now skipped the step of building the model, as if she had just gotten her driver's license and could fly a plane...

Although it was outrageous, Qin Shu really did it.

Qin Shu stared at Kong deeply, and at his strong request, she once again drew an agility formation for him with her bare hands.

Tieniu and Suihan also joined in the fun. This kind of thing is actually a matter of amateurs watching the fun and experts watching the door.

Tieniu was full of praise for Qin Shu's new skill, and even thought he could do it. He can take advantage of the break of body training to take a look at the complete explanation of the formation. Maybe when he comes out from here, he will have an extra skill at his side.

However, Suihan and Kongshen both have a certain understanding of the formations. Looking at Qin Shu's drawing formations, even the order of writing is different from normal people.

It was only at this time that Kong Shen really began to believe that Qin Shu really didn't understand how to deduce the formation.

"Tsk, tsk, that's amazing." Sui Han looked normal.

Kong Shen even asked directly: "Junior sister, how did you do it?"

Qin Shu shook her head, "Just draw it according to the book?"

"Is this okay?" At this time, Kong Shen's eyes were brighter than his bald head.

Qin Shu nodded obediently, "Yes, essentially I just want to learn a few simple formations to make them move. I just need to know how to draw them. There is no need to understand its principles. Those principles are too complicated, and I am self-aware. , If you learn too much and too complicated, it will be a waste of time. "

Just like being able to use a computer, you don’t need to understand the operating program behind it; being able to drive doesn’t require understanding the power principle of a car.

Some things only provide convenience for themselves. If it is too complicated, there is really no need to delve into its principles.

Sui Han nodded slightly when he heard this, "Yes, your method can indeed save a lot of trouble, but..."

Qin Shu looked up at him and saw him chuckle, his pale lips now glowing with a touch of light pink.

"However, you are the only person I have seen in the past three hundred years who can still draw without these things."

Just when Sui Han thought Qin Shu would be delighted by his praise, he saw Qin Shu's surprised look.

"Daoyou, are you almost 300 years old?!"

Sui Han: "..."

Really, he shouldn't talk too much.

"300 years old, is it very old?" Sui Han felt his face numb as never before, even when he was terminally ill, he never felt this way.

His eyes swept over Tieniu and Kongshen's faces. Kongshen understood and quickly spoke to smooth things over, "Fellow Daoist Suihan has such a high level of cultivation at the age of less than 300. He is a genius among geniuses and is not old at all."

Tieniu was still counting on his fingers in confusion, "How old am I this year? Seven plus twelve plus three..."

Qin Shu: "..."

Seeing that he couldn't figure it out for a long time, Qin Shu simply interrupted him and told him the answer, "Forty-three."

Tieniu slapped his forehead, "Hahaha, yes! I am forty-three now!"

As soon as he raised his head, he met Kongshen's indescribable expression. Looking at Suihan who was like a wooden man beside him, it was obvious that Tieniu had not realized the seriousness of the matter. He turned around and asked Qin Shu, "Junior sister! Three hundred minus forty-three equals what?!"

Suihan's expression obviously cracked, and even Qin Shu noticed the subtle atmosphere.

She coughed lightly and quickly changed the subject, "Brother, it's a good thing you didn't learn arithmetic."

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