I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 404 Different Paths (1/2)

Chapter 404 Different Roads

Tieniu understood what Qin Shu said.

He chuckled, raised his hand and touched the back of his head, "Junior sister is right, I am indeed not good at calculations."

Qin Shu looked at Sui Han again and asked him curiously, "Old Sui, what do you mean by the barrier connection? Can you tell me about it?"

Suihan: "..."

In just one day, he turned from young to old.

He didn't want to speak, so he glanced at Kongshen.

Fortunately, Kong Shen still had some discernment, so he quickly took over the conversation and explained to her: "It is the basis of formation, and there is a lot of knowledge in it! Junior sister, haven't you been reading "Introduction to Formation" in the past two days? "Full solution"? Isn't it written above?

Qin Shu obediently shook her head, and took out the introduction to the formation method from the storage ring, and started reading it in front of them all.

"Look, I really didn't write it. I'm not lying."

Sui Han was a little more reserved, sitting there and just scanning around with his spiritual consciousness.

Before his consciousness could be withdrawn, the other two heads leaned over and stared at Qin Shu's pages.

"It's really..." Kongshen looked incredulous.

After a moment, he withdrew his gaze and said angrily: "I don't know who wrote this book. Isn't this misleading people?!"

Qin Shu was worried that her angry senior brother would destroy her book, so she quickly put the book away.

What is misleading is not misleading, but she thinks this book is quite useful.

Isn't this just right for a little waste like her who just wants to know the basics and improve her execution ability?

You don’t need to understand so many theories. Isn’t it better to just use it as a reference book? She just thinks of this book as an instruction manual.

Kong Shen wanted to persuade her again, but was interrupted by Sui Han, "Just let her go."

Kong Shen frowned and said, "Zhenzhen, but her method of setting up the formation is clearly wrong."

Sui Han turned his face and looked at him, his eyes empty and lifeless, his face cold, like a god who could not eat the fireworks of the world.

The breeze blew by, and his hair moved with the wind, "What is right and what is wrong? Didn't she draw it?"

Kong Shen was stunned when he said this.

He raised his head and touched his head, then lowered his head and asked himself repeatedly.

What is right? what is wrong?

Even if they take different paths, just like their Buddhist and Dharma cultivation, as well as ghost and demon cultivation, their cultivation methods are different, but in the end they are all just seeking an ascension.

Different paths lead to the same destination.

As he was thinking about it, his eyes suddenly lit up.

When he raised his head again, his face was full of joy, "I understand!"

He picked up his clothes and sat cross-legged, closing his eyes and continuing to deduce the formations here.

If different paths lead to the same destination, why can't they take another path?

If they want to break through every formation, judging from Qin Shu's previous encounters, they must at least be able to defeat the puppets who are above the Nascent Soul stage.

It is still unknown whether there will be other higher-level puppets in the later period.

But if there is another way and they can bypass these, wouldn't they be able to get out of this small world?

Junior Sister Qin Shu's previous calculation was one way, which was already evidence for his guess.

All he needs to do now is to find another more reliable path. In the future, wouldn't they be able to come to this small world whenever they want?

Qin Shu was startled when she saw Kong Shen sitting cross-legged.

I thought that Senior Brother Kongshen had an epiphany, and just as he was about to say something with emotion, he saw him taking out the formation disk again and starting to deduce.

She clicked her tongue twice, "Senior brother, it's possible that we have forgotten that it is no longer the door that traps us, but the puppet behind the door that cannot be defeated."

Tieniu also nodded, "This puppet in the late stage of foundation building is already very painful to hit, and the next one will definitely be more difficult to deal with."

Sui Han didn't say anything, but he agreed with Qin Shu's statement in his heart.

But unexpectedly, Kong Shen suddenly stood up after deducing for about two hours.

He took out a porcelain bottle from the storage ring and poured a puddle of water from it onto the ground.

Qin Shu looked over curiously, and then he took out the Bagua mirror, array flags, etc. and arranged them.

"What is this?" Qin Shu didn't dare to disturb Kong Shen, so she could only move closer to Sui Han and asked in a low voice.

Suihan sat cross-legged on the steps, looking as still as a mountain.

Hearing Qin Shu's question, he twitched the corners of his lips and calmly uttered two words, "set up the formation."

Qin Shu: "..."

Do you even need to say this? ! Who doesn't know this?

"What formation? Aren't we in the formation? Why do we need to set up the formation?" Qin Shu was like that good student who is thirsty for knowledge, asking questions non-stop with a small mouth.

Sui Han chuckled and did not answer her question. Instead, he gave Kong Shen an inscrutable look and said, "He finally got the idea."

This little monk has a good understanding and a good brain, but sometimes he is too easy to get into trouble.

Anyone who makes a difference in this world often has to learn to be flexible.

Fortunately, he is not very old, so it was not too late for him to realize this.

Qin Shu looked at his pretentious appearance and seriously suspected that he was retaliating against her for saying he was older.

She smiled in a flattering way, "Fellow Taoist, Senior Brother Kongshen has enlightened me. I haven't yet. I would like to ask fellow Taoist to give me some advice."

Instead of giving her a good look, Sui Han closed his eyes directly.

Qin Shu: "???"

Hey! She stopped asking!

"Old Sui, have you run enough 2,000 laps today? Are you still sitting here to rest? You can't just muddle through your cultivation like this! You are practicing for yourself, not for others."

Suihan: "..."

This kid is really not cute at all.

He stood up helplessly, walked to the corner and put the six iron bars on his back again, and then started walking around the small yard step by step.

When the pressure came from his back, the discomfort in his heart suddenly disappeared.

After running around the yard twice, Suihan felt even more relieved.

Why is he arguing with a child? Qin Shu seems to be only fourteen this year, right? Compared with her, I am indeed older.

If he hadn't met her, he might have entered reincarnation at this time.

At this time, Qin Shu didn't care about doing laps for Suihan, just because... senior brother Kong Shen's formation over there was completed.

He fired out a magic formula, emitting a faint purple-gold light unique to the formation.

Qin Shu hurried over and watched the purple-gold light spread out in shock.

When the light came over, she subconsciously raised her hand to block it.

This dazzling light lasted for ten breaths. When the light dissipated, she blinked to relieve the discomfort.

A pair of eyes refocused, and when she looked around, she almost popped her eyes out.

The floor in front of you? And the green bamboos and houses in the yard... Why are they all above her head? !

At this time, she seemed to be standing upside down, but she didn't feel top-heavy at all.

it's wired.

She lowered her head and looked at the soles of her feet. Qin Shu was surprised again.

There are already floors, green bamboos, houses, and... several of her senior brothers.

"What's going on?" Qin Shu asked.

Kong Shen smiled and said: "This formation is called mirror formation."

"Mirror formation?" Qin Shu had never heard of it. She only knew the simplest entry-level formations. Such advanced formations were beyond her scope of knowledge.

"Yes, it's the mirror array. You don't need to worry about the ones below, just follow me."

Kong Shen looked confident when he said this, and Qin Shu did not question him. She watched Kongshen walk over and open a door at random. This door was not the one he had deduced before.

Qin Shu's heart was lifted. She was very energetic and planned to actively deal with the puppets at the peak of foundation building that might appear at any time.

However, the expected cry did not come, and there were no golems or boxes in the yard.

Kong Shen did not stop, but continued to step forward and opened another door again.

Still no puppets.

Just like this, four doors were opened in a row, as if they had just arrived in an ordinary yard.

There are no dangers and, of course, no rewards.

Qin Shu asked: "Senior brother, what's going on? Why did it suddenly go so smoothly? Or is it that the place we are now is actually an illusion?"

She didn't want to follow Senior Brother Kongshen for a long time in a daze, only to find that she was still in the courtyard where she started.

At this time, Qin Shu was extremely envious of Little Senior Sister Chiyu's true eyes, which could detect all illusions, so she would not be in the same distress as she was now.

Kongshen shook his head, "No, it's not an illusion. This is another road."

Qin Shu looked confused when she heard this, but she was still happy.

The less she understands, the more powerful Senior Brother Kongshen is.

Such a master of formations is her senior brother! Isn't she proud enough? !

Sui Han was a little surprised that Kong Shen had come up with such a method, but he could understand that the formation followed the trend and was unpredictable.

There are countless ways to deal with the same formation. At this time, the formation they are in is equivalent to a trapped formation. If they want to get out of here, it is the stupidest way to slowly deduce and choose a way out.

A true formation master will usually use his strength to break the formation.

You can set up trap formations in the trap formations to confuse these puppets; you can also set up teleportation arrays in these trap formations; or you can directly set up attack formations...

The art of formation is very advanced, and it is rare to encounter a few powerful formation masters in today's world of immortality.

He had once seen an eighth-level formation master deploy a thunder formation to fight against the thunder calamity, and a total of 8,864 thunders collided with each other. Even after many years, he still remembered that scene freshly.

And this young monk was able to use the mirror array to divide the trap itself into two, which not only hid the whereabouts of their group, but also reduced many disputes.

Although it is a bit opportunistic, this trick is very clever.

If this little monk can study more in the formation in the future, he will hopefully become a formation master in many years.

Qin Shu was like a curious baby, looking around as she walked, "Senior brother, are these courtyards the same as before? What we are walking now is actually just an image of the courtyard without puppets?"

Kong Shen led the way, and when he heard Qin Shu's question, he responded, "The courtyard is exactly the same, but I used the formation to confuse the perception of the formation. Let's go out first."


Although Qin Shu already had the strength to deal with those puppets at the peak of foundation building, she wanted to try Brother Kongshen's mirror formation.

The group of them passed through more than ninety courtyards one after another, and they were tired of pushing open the door.

At the same time, they also realized that this formation was much larger than they imagined.

Just when Kong Shen pushed the ninety-ninth door, he stepped over and disappeared.

Qin Shu was startled and hurried to chase him, but she still didn't see Kong Shen when she entered the hundredth courtyard.

Qin Shu was anxious. After all, she had the precedent of teleporting to face the Yuanying stage puppet before. She was really worried that something might happen to Brother Kong Shen.

She immediately took out the communication jade slip and sent a message to Kong Shen.

Then she anxiously held the jade slip and waited for a quarter of an hour, but she didn't receive a reply.

"What's going on? Where is Brother? Did he fall down?" Qin Shu asked Sui Han while looking down at the courtyard below.

Sui Han still had six iron woods on his shoulders. When he heard her question, he put them down, wiped the sweat that had finally appeared on his forehead, and said, "If I'm not wrong, the little monk should have a new opportunity."

He couldn't see Qin Shu's face, but he could still see the face of the little monk. He had a rosy face these days, and it was obvious that he had not suffered any misfortune.

Qin Shu was stunned. Yes!

It's not necessarily all bad! Maybe it's a good thing!

Senior brother is so powerful. He broke the formation of this small world with his foundation-building cultivation. Maybe he was really favored by the owner of the formation?

Although she thought so, she took out a piece of paper to tell Kong Shen a fortune for safety.

But Sui Han stopped her, and Qin Shu was puzzled.

Then she heard Sui Han say, "When others have great opportunities, don't tell fortunes without authorization."

Qin Shu had never systematically learned algorithms. What she knew now was taught to her by her two brothers, Sui Han and Lu Li.

Therefore, she had never heard of this saying.

"Why is that?" Qin Shu asked.

"If your luck is stronger than his, you will suppress him and be bad for him; if your luck is weaker than his, you will be affected by his own luck."

Qin Shu nodded slightly thoughtfully. The two possibilities mentioned by Sui Han actually had no effect on her. But she would not do anything bad to Senior Brother Kong Shen.

She put away the paper, sat cross-legged on the ground, holding the communication jade slip in both hands, staring straight at the movement above.

I don't know how long it has been. The iron wood on Sui Han's back has been added to seven, Qin Shu has made Xiao Dai No. 4, and Tie Niu has torn two pairs of pants while practicing his legs...

Finally, a slight sound of breathing came from the air.

Qin Shu noticed the abnormality at the first time, opened her eyes and saw Kong Shen reappear in front of them.

"Senior Brother!" Qin Shu shouted and ran over happily.

Kong Shen also laughed, and Qin Shu had already run to his side. After looking him up and down, and seeing that he had no new injuries, she asked him where he had been.

"Brother, where did you go before? I was so worried!"

Kong Shen's smile widened, and it was obvious that he had gained something.

"Junior sister, I got a book of formations!" Kong Shen had nothing to hide from them.

Qin Shu laughed out loud, and at the end she even clasped her fists in a pretentious manner, saying, "Awesome! I don't have much talent in formations, and I will have to rely on you to take care of me in the future!"

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