I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 405 Between Water and Clouds

When Qin Shu said this, she had not yet thought of anything that needed Kongshen's help.

But Kongshen was obviously much more pragmatic than her. He thought carefully for a moment, then nodded and said, "Go and set up a formation in your cave first, so that you can have a lot less worry in retreating in the cave in the future."

It was okay for Qin Shu to think about it. Her cave was on Lingxiao Peak and she lived under the nose of her master. Therefore, she had never thought about safety issues.

Now her cultivation is still short, and she will not be in seclusion for long.

But you won’t know for sure in the future. In order to avoid anyone coming to disturb you, a good cave protection formation is still necessary.

She agreed immediately, "Then I'll trouble you, senior brother!"

Kong Shen smiled reservedly, and Qin Shu took him to see the fruits of her labor over the past few days, "Senior brother, look at the puppets I have modified, where can I improve them?"

Kong Shen's eyes moved to the puppets in the yard. At this sight, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

He had already seen the one with three heads and six arms, and the other three were each stranger than the last.

Qin Shu excitedly told him about her creative concept, "This one is equipped with big wings. I think it can make sneak attacks in the air in the future."

Kong Shen nodded slightly, "Not bad."

Qin Shu glanced at him and smiled, "Senior brother, everything is ready now. All we need is the east wind."

Kongshen looked away and glanced at her, suddenly he noticed something in his heart.

"What...what Dongfeng?"

The smile on Qin Shu's face grew wider, "It's nothing, it's just that... I don't know how to set up a flying formation."

Kongshen: "..."

Qin Shu scratched her shoulder-length hair, feeling a little guilty on her face.

She installed wings and originally wanted to use the wings to fly, but it seemed that the reality was not as simple as she imagined.

The flying formation is a relatively complex formation. She tried it several times but found that it didn't work as she expected.

"It doesn't matter, I'll set up the formation for you." Kongshen said.

After knowing Junior Sister Qin Shu for so long, this was the first time that Kong Shen found himself again.

Qin Shu quickly pointed to the other one and said, "Senior brother, can you help me arrange a gravity formation for this?"

Qin Shu was talking about the one with eight arms, which looked like a spider spirit.

"Deploy a gravity formation, and it would be better if you can add a control formation. In the future, when it encounters an enemy, it only needs to go up and hug it, and leave the attack to others."

Kong Shen arranged the arrangements for her one by one according to her instructions, and then said: "It's time for us to go out. I have inherited the inheritance here. In the future, I can enter this small world at any time no matter where it is. Even if others find this I still can’t get in with the key.”

Qin Shu's eyes lit up, "Congratulations, senior brother!"

Kong Shen laughed, "Same joy."

Tieniu also followed and said: "We are all happy! Young monk, when you go out from here, do you have somewhere to go?"

Kong Shen thought for a while, "I have been away for so long, it's time to mention my cultivation. I plan to go back to retreat."

He has been deducing the formation for a while. Although he is not practicing, the formation itself is also a kind of rule. Learning the formation is to borrow the rules, and while he is deducing the formation, it is also a kind of practice.

He had vaguely felt that he was about to break through before, but since he obtained the inheritance of this small world, this feeling has become stronger.

Upon hearing this, Tieniu immediately said, "I wonder if I can come back with you?"

Kong Shen was stunned, "You want to go back to Putuo Temple with me?"

Tieniu nodded, "I'll meditate with you. After you get out of seclusion, just let me come in and beat the puppets if you have nothing to do."

Speaking of this, he seemed to think that this small world now belongs to Kongshen, and the puppets here should all be his, and he added, "I'm just here to be beaten, don't worry! I will never fight back, I won't Destroy the puppet!"

Kongshen: "..."

Qin Shu couldn't help but laugh, and Kong Shen shook his head helplessly and said, "Fellow Taoist Tieniu, it doesn't have to be like this. The puppet material here is quite resistant to beatings."

Qin Shu rolled her eyes when she heard this, thought of something, and said mysteriously to Kongshen: "Brother, do you want to make money?"

Kong Shen gave the elixir he had obtained before to Qin Shu and tasted the benefits. His eyes suddenly lit up and he said resolutely: "Yes!"

He really doesn't care about these external things, but Buddhists are also monks, and cultivation still requires these external things.

Qin Shu took him to a corner of the yard and muttered for a long time before saying, "Senior brother, you can just place this small world in Tailai City. We will control only those who are in the late stage of foundation building to enter the training. We won’t let people avoid subsequent opportunities.”

Hearing this, Kong Shen also smiled and muttered to Qin Shu, "I've taken everything in there, so you won't be afraid even if you let the God Transformation Stage in."

Qin Shu raised her eyebrows in surprise, and then laughed, "In this case, that's really great."

Suihan and Tieniu looked at the two of them squatting in a corner and smiling happily from time to time, and suddenly felt that they were being squeezed out...

However, Suihan was wealthy but had little interest in making money.

Tieniu wanted to participate, but he also knew that he had nothing to offer except his strength.

Now as long as he can go in to practice, he is already very satisfied.


After the four people left the small world here, they first went to Tailai City together, placed the small world outside Tailai City, and handed it over to the people of Nichang Pavilion to run it.

Then Kongshen, Qin Shu and Suihan returned to Xuantianmen, and only Tieniu stayed here.

Kongshen gave him a special license, allowing him to go in and train for free at any time. Of course, he would take this opportunity to improve himself.

If I don't work hard, I'm afraid I will be left too far behind by Junior Sister Qin Shu.

Kong Shen followed Qin Shu back to Xuantianmen to help her set up the formation. This was also Kong Shen's first visit to Lingxiao Peak.

As he walked along the way, he praised: "Your fairy mountain is really different. These smoke and clouds seem to be full of spiritual energy even after casual breathing."

When he went to Qin Shu's cave, he was completely amazed, "Junior sister, tell me, if I had such a treasure, why would I go out to practice!"

Qin Shu chuckled, "Going out to gain experience also increases your experience. If you keep working behind closed doors, you may easily have mental problems."

Kongshen thought so, and then he looked around and said, "You have water and fog here, so I will set up a water and cloud room for you!"

Between water and clouds?

Although Qin Shu didn't understand, just hearing the name sounded like it was very powerful.

"Okay! Just listen to senior brother!" Qin Shu agreed.

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