I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 406 Everything is going so smoothly

Kong Shen took out the array flag, array plate and other items from his storage ring. When he was thinking about where to start, his eyes suddenly fell on Qin Shu's stone door.

"This...formation?" Kong Shen said.

The smile on Qin Shu's face froze, it was over, her secret was about to be revealed.

Her mind was running wildly, and she quickly traced it carefully, "I saw this painted by my senior brother before, and found it very interesting, so I came back to think about it."

The depth of space in the formation is far ahead of Qin Shu's. Qin Shu's painting of this formation, no matter the smoothness of the strokes or the possibility of its operation, does not look like a casual painting.

It can be seen that she must have been practicing for a long time.

"Junior sister's talent is really amazing!" Kong Shen praised.

Just to see him draw it once and then come back and recreate it perfectly is really amazing.

When Qin Shu heard this, she shook her head like a rattle and said quickly: "Brother, if you say that, you are really overestimating me. In order to draw this formation, I spent more than a month looking at it in the library. Formation Talisman Seal, I have drawn this symbol thousands of times..."

Kongshen: "..."

He suddenly felt that Junior Sister Qin Shu was really a very complicated person.

You can say that she has poor talent, but she can cultivate faster than anyone else with her three spiritual roots.

You might say that she has poor talent in formation formation, but she succeeded even after drawing thousands of times. Her memory is actually very good.

"Brother, I'm just curious. I thought that after learning this formation, if I get trapped one day, I might be able to use this method to save myself." Qin Shu quickly explained the reason why she studied this formation in the first place.

Kong Shen did not blame her, "I have drawn this formation more than once, and others have seen it, but none of them can learn it. The fact that you can draw it yourself also shows that you are destined to this formation, how can I do it?" Blame you?"

Qin Shu became happy again, "Thank you, senior brother! I'll bring you some specialties when you leave later."

Kong Shen didn't take her casual words to heart at all. He closed his eyes and felt the direction of the spiritual energy in Qin Shu's cave before starting to set up the formation.

Qin Shu took advantage of this time and ran to see her experimental field. She had planted several more seeds spat out by frogs.

When I came back last time, I took part of the soil and spread it in the experimental field.

When she came back this time, she was surprised to find that the spiritual plants in the experimental field had grown a lot.

The disk of her big red flower had grown half as big as before she left. She raised her hand and touched its petals, thinking about it in her heart.

"I don't know if Senior Brother Kongshen likes big red flowers... He is such an outstanding young monk and should be rewarded with a big red flower..."

As soon as this idea came up, the big red flower seemed to be aware of it. Suddenly the whole flower was pulled out of the soil and slipped away with its roots.

Escaped? !

Qin Shu was shocked! Did she keep a flower or a pet? !

Qin Shu hurriedly chased after her, but she didn't expect that her legs couldn't catch up with the thing with only a few whiskers.

"Don't run!"

For a while, the yard was very lively with chickens and dogs jumping around, and the open space without a willow tree no longer seemed empty at this time.

Kong Shen stopped what he was doing and looked at them. His eyes fell on the big red flower running in front of Qin Shu. He paused for a moment, then frowned again, with a strange look on his face.

The aura on this flower was a little subtle. As for how subtle it was, he couldn't tell yet.

But he can be sure that this flower poses no threat to Junior Sister Qin Shu. If this is the case, this flower does not need to be paid attention to.

He placed the formation around the house, and after all the formation flags were arranged, he set up a magic spell.


As he finished speaking, Qin Shu's entire cave was wrapped in a cloud of mist, making it impossible to see anything from the outside.

"Junior sister, because the formations here are in your sect, I mainly set up defensive formations. You can make do with them first. When my cultivation level rises, senior brother, I will help you change them," Kong Shen said.

Qin Shu quickly agreed, "Thank you, senior brother! This formation is already excellent!"

As she spoke, she handed the fruits grown from other spiritual plants she planted to Kongshen, "Senior brother, I originally wanted to give you that flower, but that little guy seemed to have spiritual wisdom, and I couldn't catch it. I planted these fruits with my own hands, and you can just take them.”

Kong Shen took one and ate one, and put the rest into the storage ring.

Qin Shu handed over two more bottles of elixirs, "Senior brother, you should also keep these elixirs."

Kong Shen quickly refused, but Qin Shu refused, "We are all our own, so don't be polite to me. Otherwise, how will I speak if I ask you to help me set up my formation next time?"

Kongshen heard this and accepted the pill again.

"Okay, I'll accept it. If you have any requests, just ask. I'm going back to the sect later, by the way! This is for you."

Kong Shen took out a branch from the storage ring and handed it to Qin Shu.

Qin Shu stared at the thing in his hand curiously and asked, "What is this?"

Kong Shen stuffed the branch into her hand. Qin Shu took it and shook it. Suddenly, her hand felt heavy.

She swayed slightly and heard the sound of running water among the branches.

Qin Shu's eyes lit up when she heard this, "Ah this?! Rootless water?!"

Kong Shen laughed, "Yes! Aren't you looking for this thing? I just happened to get into that small world and found this from inside."

Qin Shu met his smile and immediately felt the branch in her hand become heavier.

She asked, "Brother, don't you use this rootless water?"

Kong Shen laughed even louder when he heard this, "This rootless water is originally used to wash away the worldly affairs. We Buddhists have all purified our six senses. What do we need this for? It's too useless. It's better to play a greater role in your hands."

Qin Shu was relieved, and at the same time she remembered the kindness of Brother Kong Shen.

If she can get the holy relic of Buddhists in the future, she will definitely send it to Brother.

However, after getting this rootless water, Qin Shu has to run with Kong Shen again.

"Then I will go and bring Liu Cheng back with you."

Originally, I thought that rootless water was not so easy to find, so I placed Liu Cheng in Putuo Temple to purify the worldly affairs. Who could have thought that everything would go so smoothly?

As soon as Qin Shu left, the big red flower tiptoed down from the roof and honestly planted its roots in the soil.

Its leaves drooped, and its big head also drooped, looking aggrieved.

He was such a good and obedient child! She actually wanted to give him away! I have never seen such a cruel mother!


The more the big red flower thought about it, the more aggrieved it felt. It seemed that a few dewdrops rolled down from its petals, fell into the soil and disappeared in an instant.

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