Qin Shu couldn't help but twitch her lips, and she felt a little guilty.

She had helped the snake get rid of the toxins in his body before, and it was almost gone.

Later, after the sect competition and going out for training, she also witnessed Xie Shiyuan's fierce break into the Beast Taming Sect's protective formation, and violently breaking the barrier that blocked the outside world of the Fire Tribe.

Who can associate him with the word "injured"?

Being questioned by him in person, Qin Shu also showed a trace of embarrassment on her face.

"Snake, you..." Her facial features wrinkled into a ball, and her fingers tightly pinched the small wine jar that Xie Shiyuan gave her.

"Is your injury not healed yet?" Qin Shu asked.

The inner elixir of the snake in her dantian is almost healed, why hasn't the little external injury on his body healed yet?

Xie Shiyuan glanced at her coldly and asked, "Isn't this your fault?"

Qin Shu was speechless and silent for a moment before she asked respectfully, "I will help you heal your wounds now?"

It was indeed her fault. Half of the snake's spiritual veins were buried under her mountain. She also promised to heal his wounds. Of course, things should be done from beginning to end.

Xie Shiyuan hummed and returned to the jade bed. He casually swung his tail and stuffed it into Qin Shu's arms.

In the past, this half of the tail could make the little Qin Shu, who had just come from the book, breathless. Now, in Qin Shu's hand, it felt light and fluttering.

It's not that she brags. With her current ability, it's no problem for her to hold the big snake like a princess.

She closed her eyes and gently placed her hands on Xie Shiyuan's tail.

After two breaths, she suddenly opened her eyes again, staring at Xie Shiyuan with empty eyes.

After a moment, she smiled awkwardly and said, "How about I help you heal when I come back?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the tail of the big snake that was originally on her knees suddenly retracted.

"Humph, you humans are always so fickle."

Qin Shu stood up with an embarrassed look on her face, "No! It's not that I don't want to help you heal, but I'm going to the mortal world! Master has sealed my spiritual energy, and now the little spiritual energy left is enough for me to open a storage ring."

Xie Shiyuan: "..."

The two are now on the same level, and Xie Shiyuan finally doesn't just look at Qin Shu's head.

"What's wrong with your eyes?" he asked.

"Blind." Qin Shu pretended to be free and easy and spread her hands.

"You are like this, and you are still helping this and that to heal. You are just a child, not a Bodhisattva who saves all living beings."

Qin Shu listened to Xie Shiyuan's words, and suddenly felt a strange feeling in her heart, which was quite special.

Is he caring about her?

This feeling is like... everyone is concerned about whether they fly high or not, only he is concerned about whether he is tired or not.

Since she came here and was killed, she really understood that this is a cultivation world, not a house game, there are no laws to restrict, and one can die if she is not careful.

A sword has been hanging over her head from beginning to end, ready to fall and chop off her head at any time.

She has also been working hard to cultivate, enduring hardships that ordinary people cannot endure, and now in just four years, she has reached the peak of foundation building.

Four years later, maybe she can really form a pill successfully. By then, even if Qin Mian successfully enters the Tao, he is still not her opponent.

She raised her head and grinned at the big snake, "I am not a bodhisattva, but I have taken your spirit stones, right? Don't worry, when I come back from the human world, I will definitely remove the last bit of poison for you."

The big snake's eyes fell lightly on her smiling face, and I don't know what he was thinking.

After a long time, he heard him hum softly.

Qin Shu breathed a sigh of relief, and finally got rid of this person.

"The day after tomorrow morning, I will send someone to go to the mortal world with you."

Xie Shiyuan's words successfully made Qin Shu's eyes widen again, "Who?"

"You will know tomorrow."

Qin Shu thought about it for a long time, from Li Niang to his followers, could it be Li Niang?

However, when she sat for a whole night and opened her eyes to see the figure sitting on the top of the cave, she was so shocked that she jumped up from the futon.

"Why is it you?! How...how did you get in?!" Qin Shu asked.

Guo Chong had one foot hanging down and the other on a solid stone, with a grass root in his mouth.

"With Old Xie here, can your formation still stop me?"

Qin Shu thought that Xie Shiyuan was clearly stopped yesterday. Could it be because he was not prepared?

Seeing Qin Shu's puzzled look, Guo Chong jumped down from the roof. He landed lightly on the ground, his clothes swaying slightly, his toes touching the ground, and his posture was very graceful.

"Have you forgotten what Old Xie's talent is?" Guo Chong kindly reminded this silly and innocent girl.

Qin Shu blinked and said, "Poison?"

Guo Chong rolled his eyes at her, "What else?"

Qin Shu suddenly thought of something and was startled, "Space?"

Guo Chong laughed, "In front of the space talent, these formations are all empty."

After talking about Xie Shiyuan, he straightened his chest again, "Of course, my talent skills are also very powerful."

He is now completely different from what Qin Shu saw before. At this time, he seems to have broken free from some shackles, and the whole person is a little more open, and has the attitude of a young man.

Since he said so, Qin Shu couldn't help but ask politely, "What is your talent skill?"

Guo Chong crossed his arms and turned away proudly, "I won't tell you."

Qin Shu: "..."

He is a good person, why do he say so much?

"Why are you here?" Qin Shu asked.

"Lao Xie asked me to escort you to the mortal world." Guo Chongyi shrugged and said.

Qin Shu shook her head, "I don't want you to escort me."

Guo Chong laughed and said, "If you are blind, don't be so harsh. Don't worry, with me, Guo Chong, you will definitely come back in good health."

Qin Shu couldn't believe him, "You are so small that you can't even beat me. When you go to the mortal world and you can't use your spiritual power, you may not know who will protect whom!"

Guo Chong almost laughed angrily after hearing what she said.

"My small body? Huh? You little brat, you know absolutely nothing about strength."

Qin Shu pursed her lips and suddenly started to roll up her sleeves, "Stop talking about these things. We'll find out after a fight."

Guo Chong: "..."

He suddenly understood why Lao Xie treated this little thing differently. Isn't this just raising a pet?

Just like his Daji, he sometimes shows his teeth and claws, which is quite cute.

Just when he was about to teach this little eyeless thing a little lesson, he was suddenly stopped by a voice.

"Ask him to come with you."

As soon as this voice came out, Guo Chong's scalp went numb.

The painful feeling of being beaten by him in the past thousands of years seemed to come back to me at this moment.

He is so miserable, he has gone to the devil world, and he still has to be Lao Xie's sparring partner.

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