I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 414 Do not interfere with my actions

Qin Shu thought of what she had agreed with Xie Shiyuan yesterday, so she could only agree, "Okay, I have only one condition, he must not interfere with my actions after I go down to the mortal world."

Xie Shiyuan hummed, "You two don't interfere with each other."

Qin Shu was satisfied, and saw Guo Chong looking back at Xie Shiyuan again and asked, "Old Xie, you asked me to accompany her to the mortal world, what about you?"

Qin Shu only knew that Xie Shiyuan was from Chongtian Palace, and knew nothing else.

When Guo Chong asked this, she also pricked up her ears curiously and listened carefully.

"I have something important to do."

As for what the important matter was, he obviously didn't mean to tell Qin Shu, so he turned and entered the stone gate.

Guo Chong seemed to have something else to ask, so he chased after him.

But he didn't expect that he was blocked by an invisible barrier just as he reached the door, and he bumped into it directly, making a muffled sound.

Qin Shu clicked her tongue twice, and just when she was about to help him, she found that Guo Chong disappeared from the spot in front of her.

It looked like the big snake had made the move.

Qin Shu shook her head, got up and started practicing swordplay.

Guo Chong didn't know what he had said to Xie Shiyuan. The two of them had a candlelit conversation in the room all night, until the next day, when he appeared in the yard on time at the time of Yin.

"Let's go, little thing." Guo Chong said.

Qin Shu opened her eyes, "What little thing? I have a name, my name is Qin Shu!"

Guo Chong nodded, "Got it, little thing with the surname Qin."

Qin Shu: "..."

She got up and wanted to say goodbye to Xie Shiyuan, but was stopped by Guo Chong, "No need to go, he left a long time ago."

Qin Shu had to give up and led him to the square at the foot of the mountain.

Qin Shu was afraid that someone would find out that he was not from Xuantianmen at first, but Guo Chong told her not to worry and just walk on her own.

She walked along doubtfully, and everyone she met on the road just greeted her, as if they didn't see him.

Qin Shu understood that he must have some kind of trick, and it would show up when he went to the human world.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he met Sui Han, Sui Han's gray eyes turned to Guo Chong.

"Are you with friends? Shu'er, why don't you introduce them?" Sui Han said.

Qin Shu was secretly surprised. As expected of Sui Han, his ability was almost as good as her junior sister's real eyes.

Guo Chong couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "Look, the three of us can't get three eyes together."

Qin Shu: "..."

Sui Han: "..."

Qin Shu was no longer polite to him, and directly said angrily: "No one wants to use your eyes!"

Guo Chong crossed his arms, still looking like he deserved a beating, "My eyes are treasures, I won't let you use them if you want!"

Qin Shu turned around and said to Sui Han weakly: "This is Guo Chong from the Beast Taming Sect."

Although it is hard to say whether he is from the Beast Taming Sect, he does live in the Beast Taming Sect.

Sui Han nodded slightly and uttered five words, "Tianji Pavilion, Sui Han."

Sui Han's name can cause waves in the whole Dongzhou. Everyone knows it.

But Guo Chong is such an exception. He has not been out for 1,500 years and has almost no intersection with anyone, except for the cat.

And Sui Han is less than 300 years old, he really doesn't know him.

The two looked at each other and nodded slightly, which was considered a greeting.

Qin Shu saw this and said directly: "Let's go, let's go to the rooftop first."

Sui Han took out his carriage directly, "Let's go."

Guo Chong was the first to go up, curiously looked at the interior of the carriage, and followed Qin Shu up.

Sui Han was the last to come up, he took out tea and spiritual fruits to entertain them.

Guo Chong looked at everything in front of him, and suddenly an idea came to his mind.

Old Xie, it's dangerous!

Someone is snatching pets from Old Xie! His Daji was coaxed by this little thing for two days, and he didn't listen to him much.

Now that people have delicious food and drinks, Old Xie won't even let them into the house. This...

It's him, he has to run too.

Qin Shu didn't know what Guo Chong was thinking. She held a book in her hand and read it seriously with her spiritual sense.

Suddenly she felt that it was quite convenient not to use her eyes. At least now she didn't have to keep her head down, which perfectly prevented cervical spondylosis.

Sui Han's eyes drifted over and saw the two big words on the cover of the book - "Liao Zhai".

"Shu'er, what book is this?"

Qin Shu was now used to him calling her Shu'er in an elder's tone, and she didn't even raise her head and said, "A story book from the human world. Now I have to go to the mortal world, so I have to learn it anyway."

Sui Han didn't understand even more, "Didn't you come from the mortal world? Do you still need to learn?"

Qin Shu felt bitter, but she couldn't say it.

She came from the mortal world, but not this mortal world.

After her second rebirth, she inherited part of her original body's memory, but only for the past ten years.

The memory of the first three years was chaotic, and the next seven years she was a boudoir lady who never left the house, without any social experience!

Of course, she couldn't learn anything from reading Liao Zhai, she just wanted to see if the book was the same as what she saw in the future, and to kill time on her "commuting".

At this moment, her spiritual power was completely sealed, let alone cultivation, even the storage ring could not be opened.

Only the storage jade pendant left by her mother in the original body could be put in, there were some horseshoe gold, which should be useful when she went to the mortal world.

“I was young at that time and didn’t know much. It wouldn’t be wrong to read more.”

Guo Chong, who was standing by, glanced at the book in her hand and read: “I have seen many people, but none of them is as strong-willed as you. You are a saint and wise, and I dare not deceive you. Xiao Qian, surnamed Nie, died at the age of eighteen and was buried beside the temple…”[1]

“Tsk tsk tsk, what Xiao Shu has learned is indeed different from others.”

Qin Shu: “…”

This person! How could he be like this! What good would it do him to expose himself? !

“Since we cultivators have come to the mortal world, it would be good if we could take advantage of the situation to eliminate harm for the people.” Qin Shu said with a stern face.

Guo Chong raised his lips slightly, “Not bad, not bad. This awareness is indeed like that of a famous and upright person.”

Qin Shu wanted to shut him up, so she asked: “Do you want to read it? I have another one.”

Guo Chong was a little curious, so he nodded, “What book? Bring it to me.”

Qin Shu rummaged through the small bag she used as a disguise, and finally took out a copy of “Classic of Mountains and Seas” and handed it to him.

Guo Chong was really interested when he saw that it was a picture album.

He turned to the first page and saw a top-heavy thing that looked like a ghost.

Guo Chong looked at the name curiously, Fei Yi.

Fei Yi? ! !

He almost popped his eyes out. If he hadn’t seen Fei Yi, he would have believed this picture.

He didn’t know if Fei Fei would cry when he saw this picture of himself.

[Note: [1] Taken from Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio, Nie Xiaoqian]

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