I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 417 The first day of missing the cleaning technique

The scholar's name was Xu Xian. He followed Qin Shu out of the alley one after another. Those who were joining in the fun came up and asked him, "How is it? What advice did the master give you?"

"Yes! Say it and let everyone listen."

"You're lucky kid, Master is the first one! Hahaha."

Most of the people who said these words were in a joking tone. They didn't believe that such a little girl could do this.

Qin Shu said nothing and sat on the stool again, pretending to be calm and shaking the folding fan in her hand.

As long as this person can spread her reputation for her and put out a suitable bait, she won't be afraid that her parents won't come when the time comes.

When she came down to earth, she deliberately wore the Yingluo that changed her appearance. Her face was very different from her original appearance, except for her eyes, which were the same as before, so she was not afraid that they would recognize her.

Xu Xian ignored no one, pursed his lips, flicked his sleeves, and hurried towards his home.

The ancestral home left by his parents has been occupied by his uncle's family. Now the three of them have been kicked out and live in a servant's room on the original village.

When he got home, his wife was grinding flour in the yard. When she saw him coming back, she just looked up at him and said nothing.

There is a bruise on her cheekbone, which he hit with a stick yesterday...

It looks like he hasn't cooked yet, and he would definitely lose his temper normally.

But today, he thought of what the master said, paused in his steps, came to his senses, and took the handle from her hand, "I'll do it."

His wife looked up at him as if she had seen a ghost.

At this time, Sui Han and Guo Chong were in Junlin City. They waited for two days and still could not find Qin Shu.

Sui Han took out a handful of oracle bones and was about to perform a hexagram when Guo Chong reached out and stopped him.

"Don't forget it, I told you she's not here. Come with me, she's in the south."

Sui Han frowned and asked Guo Chong, "How do you know?"

Guo Chongyi shrugged, "There is nothing in the world that I don't know about."

If not, why would Lao Xie insist on letting him come to the human world?

"Where to the south?" Sui Han asked.

The human world is nothing like what he imagined. If you can't use spiritual power, you can't use the cleaning technique.

It's midsummer now, and it feels so uncomfortable not being able to take a shower.

We must find Qin Shu as soon as possible, because the two of them...

No money.

"Fanyin City." Guo Chong said confidently.

"Is it far?" Sui Han asked.

"That's...about the distance from your Tianji Pavilion to the Beast Control Sect." Guo Chong replied.

Suihan: "..."

It would take him a whole day to fly over such a long distance in a carriage. Now that they were walking across it on two legs, they didn't know how many years or months it would take.

I'm afraid that by the time they arrive, Qin Shu will have already found her senior brother and left the mortal world, right?

He was silent for a moment and suddenly said: "Let's set up a stall."

Guo Chong didn't understand, "Set up a stall? Qin Shu is not looking for it?"

"Let's earn some travel expenses first," Suihan said.

Guo Chong also rubbed his belly, "We still have to earn some food expenses."

He had not felt the feeling of hunger for thousands of years, and now that he was back to the past, he was really not used to it.

As soon as he said this, even Sui Han looked at him in surprise.

This person had performed a little too well from the beginning. He was still wondering when the Beast Control Sect had such a young talent? But I didn’t expect that he couldn’t even do inedia?

That's it?

Guo Chong watched Suihan setting up the stall, and he stood aside with his arms folded.

Sui Han turned his face sideways and asked him, "Aren't you going to set up a stall?"

Guo Chong shook his head, "As long as you are here, they won't look for me. Besides, I don't have as complete a property as you, so you are obviously more trustworthy."

He knows the future and knows the past, and it has always been just his eyes.

Suihan was silent for a moment, "Do you want to rely on me to support you?"

Guo Chong exploded on the spot, "Who can't make ends meet? Say goodbye today and see you outside the south gate in three days. I hope you have earned enough money by then."

Suihan agreed, his stall was set up, and there were indeed a lot of people coming to do the divination.

Oracle bones, lotteries, blind eyes, gray hair... and a face that is not to be approached by strangers. When he sits there, he looks like a powerful person.

He doesn't set a price when he makes a hexagram, he just pays out money at will, and it's enough to determine the cause and effect.

It doesn't matter if it doesn't work. He already carries so much on his body anyway, so it's not bad at all.

As for Guo Chong, the way to get money is even simpler.

He found the most prosperous and lively gambling house in King's Landing and walked in.

No money? It doesn't matter, there are enough people here who are willing to lend him. (Note: The plot requires it, please do not imitate it.)

This is not the first time he has played the trick of using empty gloves to show off his skills.

As for how to take away the money earned? Haha, he came out of the demon world, would he be afraid of them? !

Three days later, Sui Han came to the south gate with a bag of broken silver as promised.

After waiting for less than a cup of tea, he saw a carriage slowly driving out of the city gate and stopping in front of him.

Guo Chong stuck his head out and said hello to Sui Han.

"Fellow Taoist, get in the car?"

Suihan: "..."

Although he couldn't figure out where he got so much money to buy a carriage in just three days, he would not feel sorry for his legs.

When he got on the carriage, he heard Guo Chong grinning and saying with a smile: "I took your carriage when I arrived, and this time you took mine too, tit for tat, you're welcome."

Outside the carriage, there was a driver he hired to drive them, and there were a lot of food in the back of the carriage.

"The food here is really not delicious, there is no spiritual energy at all, but..."

At least there is no demonic energy.

Guo Chong complained silently in his heart about the last sentence, and Sui Han did not hear it.

Not long after they walked, Sui Han suddenly frowned, and the next moment Guo Chong had lifted the curtain and jumped down.

"You go first, I'll go and deal with those mice that followed!"

Sui Han raised his eyebrows, this person's spiritual sense is very strong...

Because he had been against the way of heaven all day, his spiritual sense had long been beaten to be different from ordinary people, how come this person seemed to be stronger than him?

He had just noticed something strange, and he already knew who the person was.

Sui Han's spiritual sense spread behind him, and he saw Guo Chong rushing towards those people. The more than 20 people chasing him were holding swords and knives, but they couldn't hurt him at all.

Instead, he knocked everyone down with just his fists and feet.

Swords and knives can't hurt him, and he looks like a physical cultivator.

Fellow Daoist Qin Shu knows quite a few physical cultivators, but to be honest, physical cultivators are much more useful than magic cultivators in the mortal world.

After a while, Guo Chong came back again, with a little blood on his body, which was certainly not his.

He wrinkled his nose and said with disgust: "It's really hard to live without the cleaning technique."

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