I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 418 The Female Swordsman in Fanyin City

Because of the constraints of heaven, some words they speak that are incomprehensible to mortals will automatically be silenced in mortal ears.

Guo Chong directly opened the curtain and said to the driver driving the carriage outside: "If you see a river on the road later, stop and repair it."


Sui Han had no objection. In fact, he also wanted to fix it.


Seven days have passed in the blink of an eye. Qin Shu has also made many people wonder in the past few days. The first Xu Xian came to look for her again today.

"Master! There's a show!" He looked a little excited when he came.

Qin Shu was a little surprised to see him coming. She knew that his wife was his antidote, but she never expected that the situation would turn around so quickly.

"Oh? Tell me about it?" Qin Shu also had the intention of watching the show.

"My wife-in-law has the deed of my house in her hands, and they have been looking for it! You didn't expect it! She was hiding it! Hahaha! My wife is still smart! If my son is like his mother, he will definitely be successful in the future …”

Qin Shu: "..."

This man's face changes really quickly.

His wife originally thought of waiting for her son to grow up before taking the deed to get the family property back, but now she is willing to take the deed and come out. It is estimated that Xu Xian has performed well in the past two days.

If her calculations were good, I'm afraid the land deed to his house might also be in the hands of his wife.

But she won't say it. If he behaves well in the future, his wife will show it sooner or later.

If you want sincerity, you have to exchange it with sincerity.

"Master, you are indeed accurate! Didn't you ask me to do something for you before? Just say it, as long as I can reach it by jumping up, I will definitely get it done for you."

Qin Shu had received some news about the Qin family from other people in the past few days. Her father's business was in trouble, and she wanted to get through the crisis by getting her concubine engaged.

The person who got engaged to her was none other than He Xin's brother He Su.

But He Xu was the son of the city lord and a direct descendant. With such status, Qin Mian, a concubine, could not live up to his status, so he thought about recording Qin Mian in the name of Mrs. Qin.

I originally thought that Mrs. Qin would definitely agree because she felt guilty towards Qin Mian, but she didn't expect that Mrs. Qin would directly say: "I only have one daughter! Just give up on that!"

For this reason, Mr. Qin did not return to the house for a whole month and stayed in the outer courtyard.

There are only a few famous families in Fanyin City, and if any family makes any gossip, everyone will know about it.

After listening to Xu Xian's words, Qin Shu said directly to him: "I'm not polite to you. It's not difficult to help. You just need to let out the news about a mysterious swordsman coming to Fanyin City and give a little hint. Come on, that person is not old and his swordsmanship is excellent."

Xu Xian looked at Qin Shu in shock and asked, "You think the swordsman is not you, right?"

Qin Shu rolled her eyes at him, "What do you think?"

Xu Xian wasn't too sure, but since this was what they had agreed upon before, he would definitely do it for them.

"Okay! I'll do it right now!"

Xu Xian was not good at studying, but it was good to do these idle things. One night passed, and the news of a mysterious swordsman coming to Fanyin City had already spread.

Some people said that he came here to steal the treasure of the city lord's mansion, while others said that he came here to fight with the eldest young master of the Qin family.

Some even say that he is looking for someone to inherit his legacy...

However, no one still knows what this so-called swordsman looks like and how old he is.

Mr. Qin has not been home for a long time and has been lingering in Wenrou Township.

Until this day, a servant suddenly came to report that there was a female swordsman in his family.

"Just go. The world is not peaceful now. It's probably the autumn wind. Madam can take care of it by herself."

"No! Master, she doesn't want money. She said she would take the second young lady as her disciple." The servant said.

When Mr. Qin heard his name, he frowned, "Panzui."

The servant slapped himself, "You deserve to die, my servant deserves to die."

The master said that there will only be one young lady in the house, the second lady.

But... the madam didn't let them call the second young lady the eldest lady.

It's also his fault for being stupid and always saying the wrong thing accidentally.

"You said a female swordsman wants to take Mianmian as her disciple?" Master Qin asked.

"Exactly, this girl is young. At first, the housekeeper asked the servants to drive her out, but all the guards in the house came and couldn't beat her at all."

Mr. Qin is not an ordinary citizen. He knows that there is a kind of people in this world called monks, such as his eldest son and the bitch who was sent to heaven by his mother!

Thinking about it makes me angry. Wu Ya already said that the spiritual root in Mian Mian's body is of unique quality. If she is sent to the world of immortality, she will definitely be successful in the future.

Who knew that he was just about to get there, and his good fortune was ruined by that ignorant woman at home.

This man is not very old, but he can beat so many people. Maybe... he is also a guest from heaven?

The more Mr. Qin thought about it, the brighter his eyes became. The woman he was holding in his arms was also pushed away by him, "Let's go! Go back to the house and take a look!"

The steward of the Qin Mansion was also experienced in the world. Seeing that so many masters in the manor could not beat this one, he vaguely guessed something, so he hurriedly served him with tea and water.

We will wait until the master comes back to talk about everything.

Qin Shu was sitting in the flower hall, her consciousness scanning the familiar and unfamiliar scenes everywhere, and she felt an emotion in her heart that even she didn't quite understand.

She frowned and took a sip of the tea brought by the butler.

It is lingering and fragrant in the mouth, and contains a faint spiritual energy. It can prolong life for mortals.

It is probably brought by Qin Wuya.

Qin Shu actually never understood why her nominal brother Qin Wuya, who is in the foundation building stage, is only 36 years old now. He is a genius picked out of thousands. Why doesn't he stay in the world of immortal cultivation? Why does he have to stay in the mortal world?

She felt a palpitation inexplicably in her heart, and this feeling was not very pleasant.

Thinking back to what was written in the book... There was very little about Qin Wuya, and there was no reminder at all.

She was speechless. Although she had traveled through the book, she traveled to eight years before her original body died. What happened now was not written in the book.

When it comes to the time point written in the book eight years later, I am afraid that under the butterfly effect of these eight years, there will be even less things to refer to.

As for Qin Mian, she also asked about it, and now her swordsman master has not come to her door.

Why not teach her in person!

Just as she was thinking about it, Master Qin finally came back from outside.

Qin Shu heard the noise, raised her head and scanned with her spiritual sense, and saw that the old man was only in his fifties, but his steps were unsteady, his eye bags were drooping, and he smelled of powder all over his body.

Oh, another man who died under the peony flowers and was still romantic as a ghost.

Master Qin also saw Qin Shu and was also surprised.

He heard people say that this person was not very old, but he never thought he was so young?

He looked at his eyes again, empty and turbid?

He was actually blind? !

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