Mr. Qin stood at the foot of the steps and looked Qin Shu up and down. Since Qin Shu couldn't see her, he looked at her very rudely.

But what he didn't know was that every move he made at this time fell into Qin Shu's consciousness.

After the two of them looked at each other for a while, Mr. Qin walked up from the steps and came to Qin Shu. He clasped his fists cheerfully and said, "Are you the swordsman?"

Qin Shu hummed. Before she came to earth, she was quite opposed to coming to the Qin family, but after she actually came, it didn't matter anymore.

Although these people were related to her by blood, she had never gotten along with them before, so she just treated them as strangers.

"May I ask your name?"

"He Zhu." Qin Shu sat on the chair, her empty eyes falling on Master Qin without focus.

"I heard that you are interested in my son's talent and want to take her as your disciple?" Master Qin asked.


She doesn't care whether she is gifted or not.

She just wanted to know what Qin Mian had been through and why he was so cruel.

After torturing the original body to death, he also tortured his unlucky self for so long.

This method of tormenting people is probably not much different from those of the demons, and it doesn't look like something that an upright person can do.

Now that she is in his hands, the future situation will be much more controllable.

Qin Shu's idea was very simple, to curb her distortion directly from the source. Her swordsmanship was taught by Master Wanjian himself. Although it was nothing in the world of immortality, she could almost walk sideways in the mortal world.

According to normal people's thinking, if you meet someone who is willing to take your own daughter as his disciple, why should you hug him immediately?

But who knew that her father didn't act according to common sense at all. Mr. Qin sighed and said, "Thank you for your concern, but I can't make the final decision on my son's affairs. I have to discuss it with her brother."

Qin Shu: "..."

It's Qin Wuya again.

She stood up and said, "I won't be able to stay in Fanyin City for long, so you should make a decision as soon as possible."

Mr. Qin's attitude is quite good. If this person is really a heavenly guest as he guessed, their family cannot afford to offend him.

"You might as well stay in the mansion first, and then we can give you an answer after we discuss it?"

Qin Shu responded, "Okay."

The Qin family was the most familiar place in her memory. She followed the housekeeper through the steps and corridors she had walked through countless times and arrived at a guest room.

When Qin Shu entered the door, she suddenly heard some movement. She turned her head to look and seemed to see a familiar figure.

But the figure quickly disappeared at the end of the corridor. She withdrew her consciousness and followed the housekeeper into the house.

The maid sent by the housekeeper declined, and she was finally the only one left in the room.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door.

Qin Shu's consciousness spread out, and she was slightly startled when she saw the person knocking on the door.

He walked over and opened the door. As soon as the door opened, the man outside the door walked in.

He stared into Qin Shu's eyes, frowned and asked, "Xiao Shu'er, how did you get yourself into this?"

Qin Shu shrugged, "I saw something I shouldn't have seen. It doesn't matter, Master said, I'll recover after a while."

Wen Chi breathed a sigh of relief and asked again, "Why are you here too?"

Qin Shu said in a tone that was even more surprised than him: "I'm going home?! But you, why are you here? Didn't you go to find the third senior brother?"

Wen Chi almost stared out of his eyes, "You mean...this is your home?!"

Qin Shu quickly covered his mouth and said, "Keep your voice down. I came back quietly and they didn't know."

Wen Chi's eyes were full of surprise, and he motioned for Qin Shu to let go.

But thinking that she was blind and couldn't see, Qin Shu let go of her hand when she was in trouble.

"Brother, didn't Master say that you are trapped? Why are you here? Where is Third Senior Brother?"

Wen Chi sighed, "I'm trapped here, not that."

Qin Shu raised her hand and slapped the back of his hand, "Speak properly and don't be mysterious."

Wen Chi: "..."

This girl is becoming more and more rude.

"I was trying to find someone who couldn't find me, but I was trapped in... uh... your house by someone else's design."

The two of them sat on a stool nearby and exchanged information with each other before they both suddenly understood.

Wen Chi found out that Qin Shu was the eldest daughter of the Qin family and went to the world of immortality instead of Qin Mian.

Qin Shu also learned from him that after she left the mortal world, the Qin family did not recognize her existence, and the second Miss Qin became the eldest Miss Qin.

Qin Shu laughed and said, "I took her place, so they should be angry."

After saying that, her consciousness fell on Wen Chi again, but she saw Wen Chi shaking his head, "Junior sister, you have to know that people who cultivate immortality pay most attention to cause and effect. If you really steal someone's huge opportunity, you will be in trouble in the future. Sooner or later, retribution will befall you."

Qin Shu: "..."

Could it be that Qin Shu suffered retribution when she ended up like that in her previous life?

Qin Shu was a little panicked. She originally thought that her cultivation level had improved and she could escape from the dead end, but she never thought that there might be other retribution...

Seeing that she was in a daze, Wen Chi added, "The situation in your family is a bit strange. That brother of yours is also an immortal cultivator?"

Qin Shu nodded, "It's because of my good brother that I can enter Xuantianmen."

Wen Chi sighed, "My master has sealed my cultivation, and now I am not even at the third level of Qi training. The third brother has no cultivation at all. Now I am trapped in your house, and your brother said that we must teach your sister a skill before we can leave."

Qin Shu: "?"

She suddenly thought of something and asked, "Did you teach Qin Mian's swordsmanship?"

Wen Chi smiled, "I would like to teach, I have to learn it too!"

Qin Shu just breathed a sigh of relief, and heard his second brother calmly add, "It was the third brother who taught me."

Qin Shu: "..."

"You two are smarter than each other, how could you be tricked by him?" This is also what Qin Shu can't figure out.

Wen Chi carefully recalled everything that happened recently, and then he said, "He was calculating intentionally. Although I don't know how he knew we were back, he must have known something in advance. Maybe it's a magic weapon related to time? Or maybe he also knows some divination."

Qin Shu was silent, and there was one thing he didn't say.

But she felt that the most likely possibility was that Qin Wuya was reborn.

The original book she read never said that Qin Mian was once recorded under the name of her stepmother, and there was no mention of her marriage with He Xu.

She remained single until the end when she entered the Dao with a sword and ascended to the immortal world.

Now because of her arrival, everything is different from what was written in the book.

But there is one thing she still can't figure out.

If Qin Wuya was reborn, he knew that his sister would ascend to the immortal world in four years, and she was very talented in sword cultivation, so why did he go to the trouble of arranging such a marriage for her in advance?

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