I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 420 Wait for me to come back and save you

Qin Shu sat on the stool, pursed her lips and looked thoughtful.

Seeing that she didn't respond for a long time, Wen Chi subconsciously raised his hand and waved it in front of her eyes.

Suddenly, he paused, thinking that Qin Shu could no longer see...

At this moment, Qin Shu finally came to his senses and said to him: "Senior brother, with the abilities of you and the third senior brother, can't you get out of the Qin Mansion?"

Wen Chi hummed, "A formation has been set up here. Qin Wuya knew that the person I was looking for might be related to their family, so he brought the two of us in. This formation is useless to mortals. If I and Lao When the three cultivations were at their peak, they couldn't hold us back, but now the two of us combined can't exert any strength at all."

Qin Shu turned her head, and a ray of consciousness fell faintly on Wen Chi's face.

His beautiful eyebrows were frowning, and it was obvious that the development trend of things was beyond his expectation.

Qin Shu finally asked, "Senior brother, who is the person you are looking for?"

Wen Chi sighed and didn't speak for a long time.

Qin Shu also realized that she probably shouldn't ask too much about other people's family affairs, so she said again: "If you can't tell me, just pretend that I haven't..."

Before she could finish her words, Wen Chi continued, "There's nothing I can't say, she's my third aunt."

Qin Shu was stunned. She thought about various possibilities, such as her long-lost sister, her old lover who was separated forever...

But I never thought it would be his aunt.

"Is that the time you asked me to make a hexagram before?"

Qin Shu suddenly thought, "Six hundred and forty-two years old, water spirit root?"

Wen Chi hummed, and Qin Shu quickly asked: "Have you found it? Are there really mortals over 600 years old in the world?"

Wen Chi glanced at her, "What? You don't even believe what you calculated?"

Qin Shu was speechless, and Wen Chi continued: "The person has been found, but as you said, there is no water spirit root."

"Oh? Who is it?"

Wen Chi glanced at her with a complicated expression before saying, "If according to what you said, you are the eldest daughter of the Qin family, then the person I found should be your mother."

Qin Shu: "..."

If according to what he said, her mother was senior brother Wen Chi's third aunt, then wouldn't she become his cousin?

Wen Chi obviously thought so too. He raised his hand and touched Qin Shu's head.

"However, I have known for a long time that you are from our Wen family." Wen Chi said.

As soon as he said this, the scenes between the two of them flashed through Qin Shu's mind like a movie.

No wonder, his attitude towards himself was strange from the beginning.

This could also explain why she was able to practice the Wen family's "Emergency Technique" and the drop of blood that Senior Brother Wen Chi gave her.

"That drop of blood..."

"Actually, it's not very useful. It just activates your bloodline. At first, I just thought you were a branch of the Wen family living outside. I never thought you would be my cousin?"

Perhaps it was because Qin Shu was a little too excited at this time, and her consciousness was also particularly active.

Wen Chi suddenly raised his head, met Qin Shu's empty eyes, and asked, "Little Shu'er, can you release your consciousness?"

Qin Shu hummed, "That's it."

Wen Chi's eyes widened immediately, with a look of shock on his face, "Have you obtained the golden elixir?"

He is only at the late stage of Jindan cultivation now. He knows that coming to the human world will delay his cultivation, but he will not be here for long, so he just thinks he is here to practice his mind.

Who would have thought that in the short time it took him to come down to earth, his little junior sister would reach the golden elixir from the seventh level of Qi training? ! How did this girl practice? !

When Qin Shu saw him like this, she knew that he had misunderstood again, so she quickly waved her hand and explained: "No, it's just that after a little adventure, the consciousness can be released."

Wen Chi breathed a sigh of relief and asked casually, "What are you doing now?"

Qin Shu pursed her lips, hiding a smile on her lips, and replied calmly: "The peak of foundation building."

Wen Chi: "..."

He suddenly didn't want to find out where his aunt's spiritual roots were. He also wanted to go back and have a good retreat until the Nascent Soul came out again.

If Xiao Shuer catches up with him, will he still lose the dignity of being a senior brother?

Qin Shu quickly changed the subject, "Second Senior Brother, according to you, my mother is the person you are looking for, but her spiritual root is missing? Do you know where her spiritual root is?"

Wen Chi shook his head, "I don't know. I've been trapped in this yard since I got here, and I haven't seen my aunt yet."

Qin Shu pursed her lips and continued to speculate, "Since my mother's spiritual roots can be lost, then my spiritual roots..."

When Wen Chi heard her talking about him, he immediately frowned and asked, "What happened to your spiritual roots?"

"I don't have water spirit roots." Qin Shu said.

Wen Chi had known this for a long time, so he comforted him: "Not all Wen family members have water spiritual roots. Look, senior brother, I...don't I also have fire and wood spiritual roots?"

Qin Shu added lightly, "I am the innate moon spirit."

The corners of Wen Chi's raised lips sank, "I'll write a letter to father right now."

Qin Shu hummed. If someone could help them, it would be much better than just thinking about it by themselves.

"I will try to find a way to see my mother tomorrow."

Wen Chi looked at her and sighed helplessly, "Lao San and I have been trapped here for six months. It would have been okay if you hadn't come in. But now that you have come in, how can you get out?"

Qin Shu almost instantly had two escape ideas in her mind.

After she considered it over and over again, she finally decided to take a shortcut.

"I'll think of a way myself. After I get out, I'll rescue you."

At this point, she suddenly thought of something and asked, "Second Senior Brother, you said that Qin Wuya asked you to teach Qin Mian a skill before you let you go? Third Senior Brother taught her swordsmanship, what about you? What did you teach her?"

She remembered clearly that the original book set Qin Mian without a fire spirit root, so she couldn't make pills.

Wen Chi laughed, and the iconic flowing light fan in his hand shook proudly again, "I taught her to play the piano."

Qin Wuya didn't say that he had to teach an attacking skill, and cultivating sentiments was also possible.


The two brothers and sisters talked for a while, and Qin Shu quickly drove Wen Chi away. And told him that if she didn't go to find him early tomorrow morning, he must remember to wait for her to save him at the entrance of the garden at midnight tomorrow.

After Wen Chi left, Qin Shu went out and came to the moon gate at the entrance of the garden.

She could clearly feel the energy fluctuations on it. She snorted coldly and drew two miniature runes on the bluestone under the door with her fingers.

After doing all this, she took out a jar of wine from the space jade pendant and drew the replacement rune she had practiced for a long time on the jar again...

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