I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 421 Are you from the Wen family?

After doing all this, Qin Shu sat on the ground, holding the wine jar against the doorway, and listened carefully to the movement outside the door.

After an unknown amount of time, a sound of footsteps came over.

Qin Shu's spiritual sense went out along the doorway, and she waited until she saw who was coming before she retracted it.

She slapped the seal on the wine jar, took a big sip, and spilled a lot on her body.

When the footsteps got closer, she pretended to let go, and the wine jar rolled out along the paved bluestone road.

Qin Shu opened her eyes, stood up staggeringly with the help of the corner of the wall, and said to the little maid who was walking in the distance: "Can you... return the wine to me?"

As she spoke, she burped.

The little maid had heard from the steward that the garden was full of distinguished guests, so they should not disturb them.

Since they were distinguished guests, they naturally could not afford to offend them.

She quickly bent down and picked up the wine jar, and the rich aroma of wine brushed her nose, it was really fragrant...

She walked to the moon gate, but didn't dare to go in, so she shouted to Qin Shu: "I'll throw it in for you, you catch it!"

When Qin Shu heard her say this, she smiled and said, "Okay."

The little maid had just taken the wine jar in her hand when she suddenly found her eyes blurred.

When she came to her senses, she found that the girl in Suiyuan who asked her for wine had disappeared.

She was shocked and afraid of being punished by the master's family. She didn't dare to stay here for long, so she left here quickly.

And Qin Shu had the memories left by her original body in her mind, and she easily found her mother's residence.

Mrs. Qin lived alone in the East Garden, and the entire West Garden was left to Master Qin to do whatever he wanted, and she didn't care much.

Qin Shu squatted on the roof and sighed as she watched the maids and servants coming and going in the yard.

It seems that I can only wait until it's time to go to bed at night, and I have to have a chance to be alone.

She had been practicing for so long, and the thing she lacked the most was patience.

She squatted until the whole Qin family was quiet, then Qin Shu jumped from the roof into the yard, pushed open the door and walked in.

The sound of the door opening woke up the maid who was on guard, "Who is it?"

"Me." Qin Shu replied.

The maid seemed to be familiar with the sound, but she couldn't remember who it was for a while, so she went out to check.

As soon as she walked out of the inner room, she was pressed by Qin Shu who was guarding outside the door.

After putting the maid on the chair outside, she turned back to the inner room.

Originally thought her mother had fallen asleep, she approached and found that she was leaning against the head of the bed and looking at her steadily.

"Who are you? What do you want me for?"

Compared to her father, her mother looks much younger.

According to Senior Brother Wen Chi, her mother is now more than 600 years old, but she looks like she is in her early thirties.

She looked at this cheap mother with very complicated feelings.

After a long time, she took off the necklace on her neck, knelt on the ground, kowtowed to her in front of her shocked eyes, and called her, "Mother."

Mrs. Qin didn't even bother to put on her shoes, and got off the bed, rushed to Qin Shu in two steps.

She squatted on the ground, pulled her wrist and looked at her face carefully. For a long time, she didn't say a word, and her eyes were red.

"Shu'er." She called.

Perhaps it was the influence of the original body's emotions, or perhaps Qin Shu was too eager for maternal love.

She called again, "Mother."

Mrs. Qin hugged her, and she heard Mrs. Qin whispering in her ear: "Shu'er, you are still alive... Mother knew that you would not die."

The word "death" successfully pulled Qin Shu out of the emotion of the mother-daughter meeting.

She struggled to push him away and said to her mother, "Mom, the situation is urgent. Let's talk about the past slowly. Tell your daughter, are you from the Wen family?"

Mrs. Qin was startled, and the hand holding Qin Shu became colder and colder.

She sighed, and after a moment, she sighed deeply.

Qin Shu had never seen her before today, but she clearly heard a deep sadness from this long sigh.

Sad? Why?

Could it be that for her, the Wen family is not a trustworthy family? !

Mrs. Qin spoke, "Yes, I am from the Wen family."

Her real name is Wen Yu, and the current head of the Wen family is her great-grandfather. Her father's qualifications are relatively poor, and her lineage has never been able to compete for any resources.

Until she was born, she was a Tianshui spiritual root.

The great-grandfather said that she would be the closest to the great ancestor, and because of her, their lineage was once again valued.

During this period, she was taken care of carefully, and the great-grandfather personally instructed her to practice, and she did live up to everyone's expectations.

However, on the day when she broke through the golden elixir, an uninvited guest suddenly came to the clan.

She told the little fairy boy who served beside her to quietly report to her, and then she knew the truth.

She was a Tianshui spiritual root, a congenital moon spirit body, and a top-grade furnace. Cauldron qualification.

She successfully formed the elixir at a young age, and the future was promising. How could he tolerate himself to be someone else's furnace. Cauldron?

Although she was the second wife of that person in name, a top-grade furnace. Cauldron is still a furnace. Cauldron!

She chose to escape, and this escape lasted another three hundred years.

She had been hiding well all these years, but was exposed when she formed the infant, and was found by the clan.

When she was desperate, she finally turned around and jumped onto the immortal platform.

Qin Shu listened to her experience as if she was listening to a story.

It was not until she saw the tears in her eyes that she realized that this story, which sounded like a story, actually happened to her mother.

It seems that the Wen family cannot return yet.

She pulled her mother's hand and said to her: "Mom, Senior Brother Wen Chi is here too, in Suiyuan."

Wen Yu's face changed immediately. Qin Shu could clearly feel her anger, so she quickly comforted her: "Mom, Senior Brother Wen Chi is not that kind of person. Wait for me to test him again."

Wen Yu sighed, "Even though I have come to the mortal world, they still won't let me go."

Qin Shu always felt that there was still a gap in information. She believed in her mother and Senior Brother Wen Chi.

I just don't know if the Wen family has changed after so many years, or if Senior Brother Wen Chi has also been deceived.

"Mom, don't worry, you will be bound by the laws of heaven when you come to the mortal world, and it is not so easy for them to take you away." Qin Shu comforted.

Wen Yu also nodded slightly. When she decided to come to the mortal world, she also had this idea.

Qin Shu thought for a moment, then turned and asked, "Mother, where are your spiritual roots?"

After hearing this, Wen Yu could no longer hold back and hugged Qin Shu and started crying.

"My poor Shu'er! As long as I, Wen Yu, am alive! Qin Wuya will never be able to enter the immortal world in his lifetime!"

Qin Shu was a little confused. She asked where her spiritual roots were, so why did she become pitiful again?

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