I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 422 The goddess also has human desires

However, Qin Shu finally understood one thing. Qin Wuya's inability to go to the world of immortality should have something to do with her cheap mother.

Qin Shu let her hold her and waited until her mood stabilized a little before tentatively asking, "Mom, what happened? What's wrong with me?"

She originally thought her mother would tell her, but she didn't expect her mother to be tight-lipped on this point.

Wen Yu shook her head, pressed the tears in the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief, and returned to her usual dignified Mrs. Qin appearance.

"Shu'er, don't ask any more questions. There are differences between immortals and mortals, so don't stay too long in the mortal world. Go back."

Qin Shu was a little anxious, and then asked: "Mom, your and my spiritual roots..."

Before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by Wen Yu, "Go back."

Qin Shu frowned. Is there anything that she couldn't say?

If it was true, I'm afraid her mother wouldn't tell her no matter how much she asked.

"Mom, will you go back with us? Now that I have joined Xuantianmen, you can live in Scarlet Gold City. I will visit you when I have time..."

Qin Shu said, she was a little excited. She had never had a mother. If you have a mother, you have a family, and she is also a child of a family.

Listening to her words, Wen Yu's eyes filled with tears again.

Suddenly, she sniffed, shook her head, and firmly rejected Qin Shu.

"No, I finally left there and can't go back."

Back then, she suffered such a disaster because of her innate moon spirit body. If she returns to the world of immortality now, she will definitely be found by the Wen family soon.

If the Wen family knew about her daughter...

No! She always! It's impossible to go back!

She took Qin Shu's hand and said, "Shu'er, mother knows that you are successful now. You don't need to worry about mother when you go out. Just take care of yourself."

Qin Shu told her that she would go to Senior Brother Wen Chi first to find out what was going on in the Wen family. If it was really a dragon's pond and a tiger's den as her mother said, then it would be okay not to go back.

It’s just that her father...

"Mom, do you still want to stay in Qin Mansion?" she asked solemnly.

Her father had so many women, why did he let her mother stay here and suffer such idleness?

Wen Yu laughed, with a hint of sternness in his smile.

"Of course I want to keep him, and I want to stay and raise his children for him."

These children should be Qin Mian and Qin Wuya, brother and sister.

Qin Shu didn't know what Qin Wuya had done to make her mother so angry, but according to her guess, it had something to do with the spiritual roots of their mother and daughter.

Her mother didn't want to tell her directly, probably because she didn't want her to get involved.

And her master specifically asked her to come down to earth, and it was definitely not just to help her second and third senior brothers. With their abilities, it was only a matter of time before they left.

Maybe the old man knew something in advance, maybe?

Coming out of her mother's yard, it was still dark before dawn. Qin Shu sat on the roof and did a fortune telling for herself.

The calculated result surprised her. No solution?

This was the first time she had encountered a situation that she couldn't calculate. Could it be that the plot was too overbearing, and even her tried-and-tested hexagram technique didn't work when it came to Qin Mian?

She stood on the roof, sighed, and stared at the moon in the sky for a long time. Finally, she turned her head and her eyes fell on one of the courtyards.

She relied on her outstanding movement skills to rush towards Qin Mian's yard.

This was the first time she took the initiative to approach Qin Mian, four years earlier than she expected.

Of course, it was also because Qin Mian was not a threat at this time.

Qin Shu squatted on the roof and looked at the girl dancing the sword in the yard, feeling filled with emotion.

Hey, I ran into another roll king.

However, this is really not a surprise. It only took her a mere eight years to enter Taoism with a sword. She must have put in far more effort than ordinary people.

After practicing until a hint of fish belly white appeared on the horizon, Qin Mian put away the sword and returned to the house.

She was just a mortal now, and she couldn't bear it without sleeping all night.

Qin Shu wanted to test Qin Wuya, but she felt that she was no match for Qin Wuya who had been sealed with spiritual energy.

She squatted on the roof, hugging her knees and thinking carefully.

Qin Wuya knew that the two senior brothers would come looking for him, so he took advantage of them, but he did not expect that he would come.

If he is reborn, then he should have never been here in his previous life...

I don't know how long I have been thinking about it, but finally there was a sound of footsteps in the yard below.

Qin Shu looked around and met a pair of bright black eyes.

Oops! Found!

It was a stranger. Qin Shu subconsciously wanted to run away, but saw the man jump onto the roof, using Qingyun Zong.

Qin Shu stopped running and called directly, "Third Senior Brother."

It was also the first time for Si Xuan to meet his junior sister, and he found it interesting to see her recognize him, "How did you recognize me?"

"Qingyun Zong was taught by Master."

The corners of Si Xuan's lips raised slightly, "Yes, he is smart. I heard Wen Chi say yesterday that you can't see."

He was also explaining why he recognized Qin Shu. If it hadn't been for recognizing her, he would have taken action long ago.

Neither of them thought that their first meeting as brothers and sisters would be under such circumstances.

"Senior brother, how far has Qin Mian learned swordsmanship?"

Si Xuan thought she was asking when they could go out, so he said, "She learns very quickly and is willing to practice. If this child's mental ability can withstand the test, it would be good for her to join my Xuantian Sect."

Qin Shu did not express her opinion. If Qin Mian's character was fine, she could accept her into Xuantian Sect.

No matter if there was any hidden secret behind it, she had already robbed him of his opportunity once, and she couldn't ruin him a second time.

"Brother, how did you get out?"

Isn't it forbidden to enter and leave Suiyuan at will?

Si Xuan sighed and motioned her to look at her feet.

Qin Shu was stunned, and when she looked down, she found that there was a pair of shackles emitting a faint white light on it.

"When I come out, I will wear this. This shackle cannot go out of a radius of ten miles, otherwise I will be caught by Qin Wuya."

"They all treated you like this, aren't you angry?"

Si Xuan shook his head, "Every grievance has its perpetrator, and every debt has its creditor. I will settle accounts with them in the future."

Qin Shu looked at Si Xuan holding the wooden sword and knocked on the door of Qin Mian's room.

Qin Mian, who had just gone in and slept for more than an hour, soon came out again.


Si Xuan shook his head, "I was forced to teach you swordsmanship by your brother, you don't need to call me Master."

Qin Shu watched them finish teaching swordsmanship, and Senior Brother Si Xuan replaced Senior Brother Wen Chi to teach piano skills.

Compared to learning swordsmanship, piano skills are much easier.

Qin Shu found that since Wen Chi came over, Qin Mian stared at Wen Chi's face and lost his mind a total of four times.

Tsk tsk tsk, it seems... the goddess also has a mortal heart.

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