I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 424 Seeking the Skin of a Tiger

Wen Chi was anxious when he heard what he said.

"Why did you just say you don't want to leave? Did he threaten you? Or did he have something on you?" Wen Chi said.

Si Xuan shook his head, looked up at him, and then looked at Qin Shu outside the door, saying: "He told me a lot of national affairs. Although he is not in office in the court, he knows the national situation very well. I have a hunch that if he helps me, I will achieve the purpose of this trip much faster."

He didn't say it clearly, but Qin Shu and Wen Chi knew what his purpose was.

Wen Chi's eyes widened and he said: "You are trying to get the skin of a tiger! He can still trap you here even though he knows your identity. Do you think he can really be trusted?!"

He really wanted to pry open the third brother's brain and take a good look at what he had in his head!

Si Xuan chuckled and shook his head, "I don't trust him, but what he said might be worth listening to."

Wen Chi wanted to speak, but was stopped by Qin Shu, "Second Senior Brother."

Wen Chi turned his head and looked at Qin Shu, and heard Qin Shu say, "Third Senior Brother naturally has his own thoughts in his mind, so we should not interfere too much."

Si Xuan gave her an appreciative look, and Wen Chi fell silent after hearing this.

After a while, Wen Chi sighed and said, "In this case, I will stay here with you for a few more days."

After Qin Shu left yesterday, they only thought that Qin Shu was not a cultivator. If he left again, Si Xuan's situation would be dangerous.

Qin Shu was already certain that Qin Wuya was a reborn person at this time. Only in this way can it be explained why he knew so much information about the situation and could give Senior Brother Si Xuan some advice. Senior Brother Si Xuan should have also seen his value.

After Si Xuan returned to the house, Qin Shu quietly asked Wen Chi about the Wen family.

"Brother, how could my mother come to the mortal world if she is from the Wen family?" She asked in confusion, pretending to know nothing.

Wen Chi sighed again and told Qin Shu what happened that year.

The truth he told was almost the same as what Wen Yu said. It seems that her guess was right. Brother Wen Chi is trustworthy.

"Brother, let's talk somewhere else? I'm always worried about being discovered here." Qin Shu suggested.

Wen Chi shook his head, "Let's not do it. If they find out, it will be bad for your brother Si Xuan."

Qin Shu: "..."

"Brother, can't you just come back before dawn?"

Wen Chi had already imagined a big drama of breaking the formation, until he caught the wine jar thrown in by Qin Shu and stood outside the formation inexplicably, he was stunned.

"Junior sister? Your ability... is a bit against the sky?" Wen Chi was shocked.

Qin Shu turned around and jumped onto the eaves, "Let's go, let's talk about it outside."

They went to the inn where Qin Shu first stayed. The two senior brothers closed the door and whispered to each other all night, and Qin Shu finally understood.

The original helmsman of the Wen family was her mother's great-grandfather. Now her great-grandfather is getting old. During this period, her mother's direct grandfather successfully broke through the fusion stage and reached the Mahayana stage. He was not much different from the big boss that the Wen family wanted to use Wen Yu to cling to.

She was raised by her grandfather when she was young. Now that her grandfather has the ability, he naturally wants to find her back.

Grandfather's idea was fully supported by their lineage. Wen Chi learned by chance that his aunt had descended to the mortal world, so he chased her down.

"When I descended to the mortal world, I was led to find the wrong person... At that time, that person was in danger. I wanted to help her, so I used my spiritual power, and in the end I was also backfired by the way of heaven."

Qin Shu knew this part. The time when the senior brother descended to the mortal world was when Qin Mian was born. The person who made the move was most likely Qin Wuya.

Why did he do this? Is he trying to hide something?

The two of them discussed it all night, until it was almost dawn, Wen Chi stood up and said, "I should go back."

Qin Shu did not stop him, but gave a final reminder, "Senior Brother, be careful of Qin Wuya."

Wen Chi responded, opened the door and left.

Qin Shu did not go to the Qin Mansion this time, but turned around to find Xu Xian, who had helped her spread the rumors before.

Xu Xian now lives in her ancestral home, and her life is much better.

Qin Shu sat on the roof, watching him fanning his wife who was embroidering.

Not only that, he also took out a handkerchief from time to time to wipe the sweat off his wife's face.

Qin Shu waited until his wife put away the needlework basket and went into the house, and then he wrapped a stone in paper and threw it in front of Xu Xian.

Xu Xian looked along the stone and saw Qin Shu sitting on the roof.

He opened the paper and took a look, then shouted to the room, "Wife, I'm going out for a while and will be back soon!"

"Go!" A voice came from the room.

He hurried out the door and bowed to Qin Shu who was waiting in the southwest corner, "Master, you are really accurate. The better I treat my wife, the smoother my life will be."

Qin Shu thought of the scene she had just seen and laughed, "Of course, your wife is your benefactor."

Xu Xian was shocked and quickly wrote down this, planning to treat his wife better when he returned.

Qin Shu waved her hand, "Let's talk about business first, can you do me a small favor?"

Xu Xian came back to his senses and immediately expressed his attitude, "Just tell me."

Qin Shu took out a piece of horseshoe gold that her mother gave him many years ago. This thing finally came in handy.

"Help me check the Qin family. Once you find out, this piece of gold will be yours. Find out the background of each concubine in their family, when they were promoted to the Qin family, and whether there were any guests in the mansion when their children were born... The more unknown things you find out, the more rewards you will get."

Xu Xian saw that she could get a piece of gold with just one move, and her eyes lit up immediately, thinking that this matter was feasible.

"Don't worry, I will help you check it now!"

Qin Shu nodded, "After you find it, come to Fulou Inn to find me."



According to the original body's memory, Qin Wuya and Qin Mian did not have the same mother. Qin Wuya's mother died of illness more than 20 years ago, and she didn't know the cause of death. No one in such a wealthy family would care if a concubine died.

As for Qin Mian's mother, she died of dystocia when she was born.

Qin Wuya was a little too concerned about Qin Mian, and there must be some things hidden in it that they didn't know.

And why did Qin Wuya give Qin Mian a bowl of medicine? Is Qin Mian sick? All of this needs to be checked!

Qin Shu stayed in the inn for a whole day, listed the things she wanted to check, and also copied a copy of the things that needed the help of the senior brothers to check for them.

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