I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 425 You must go see him

News came one after another from Xu Xian, and it was only at this time that Qin Shu learned that Qin Wuya's mother was not completely unrelated to Qin Mian's biological mother. They were aunt and nephew. After Qin Wuya's mother passed away, Qin Wuya's maternal grandfather's family inserted a woman into the family under the pretext of taking care of the children.

After all, the Qin family is also a big family in Fanyin City. Who can give up the fat on the lips?

"It has been so long since Qin Wuya was born that we can no longer trace it, but there were indeed guests at her home when Qin Mian was born, her maternal grandfather's home... Qin Mian's mother had a difficult delivery when she was born, and she almost died. Life. The Zhao family was in trouble for a long time. I don’t know how much money the Qin family gave them before sending them away. "

In the days that followed, Qin Shu listened to a lot of gossip, but he still made no progress in what she wanted to figure out.

Qin Shu sighed, knowing in her heart that it was related to the immortals after all, and many of their things were almost normal.

Just when she was about to go to Qin's house in person again, Xu Xian sent her another crucial message.

"By the way, Master, this Qin Wuya has been frequently going in and out of a medical store since fourteen years ago. I asked someone to check it out, and he only bought one medicine from that store - Wuyuezi."

This was important news. After sending him away, Qin Shu sat there and thought for a long time, always feeling that she was still one layer away from the truth.

What is the use of this month-free period?

Qin Shu found Mr. Qin in Xiyuan and kicked open his door. He was holding a woman in his arms, both of them disheveled.

He was obviously startled by Qin Shu's actions. He quickly arranged his clothes and stood up from the couch.

"You little boy! Why did you come in without even saying hello?" Master Qin asked sternly.

Qin Shu stared at his head with a pair of unfocused eyes, and her low and childish voice sounded in the yard, "Didn't Master Qin say that he wanted to discuss it with his family? I have given you a few more days. I don't know how the discussion will go." "

She didn't know how to show off, but there were too many bkings around her, so she was somewhat influenced by it.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as she learns Xie Shiyuan's three-point demeanor, it will be enough to fool these mortals who have never seen the world.

When Mr. Qin thought of this man's strength, he was a little angry but dared not speak.

"Thank you for taking a fancy to my son. We have indeed discussed it, but my son has now reached the age to discuss marriage, and the family is preparing to get her engaged... You see..."

Qin Shu snorted coldly and scolded: "Your daughter is so talented, you don't want her to get better in the future, you just want to trap her in this house to raise a husband and raise children?! Is this what a father is?! "

Mr. Qin's face was very ugly, "What if we let her practice martial arts? Everyone will get sick and die! Unless she..."

Before he finished speaking, his son warned him not to say this in front of mortals, as he would suffer backlash.

He didn't notice that Qin Shu's face was uglier than his.

Qin Shu's consciousness fell on the woman who got up from the couch behind him. She looked at the woman who was only twenty-eight years old, but her face, which was the size of a palm, looked slightly tired, and even her temples had white hair. Clustered.

This is totally unreasonable!

Her consciousness fell on Mr. Qin again. Different from the previous sweep, this time she looked at him from head to toe, inside and out.

The blood boiling in his body does not look like that of a man in his sixties!

Collect yin and replenish yang? This...is the work of evil cultivators!

Qin Shu had a dark face and just wanted to kill the old guy with one sword, but her body happened to be the old man's biological daughter.

As soon as the sword was thrust out, countless causes and effects were stained on her body.

She was silent for a long time, her mind working rapidly. After a moment, she said: "No matter what you say today, I will take Qin Mian away!"

She is determined to survive this muddy water!

The moment she made this decision, the Du'e technique in Qin Shu's body was running rapidly.

At this time, Qin Shu didn't know what this meant.

She leaned forward and tapped his acupuncture points, then turned back to the woman in the room who was looking at her with fear on her face and said, "If you want to survive, stay away from him!"

After saying this, Qin Shu flew up to the eaves, took out a rag to cover her face, and headed towards Qin Mian's yard.

She took advantage of the fact that Senior Brother Si Xuan had just left and before Senior Brother Wen Chi arrived, she planned to take Qin Mian away quietly.

It's not that she is conceited. She has a body with the third level of bone refining, so she has no rivals in the mortal world.

However, this time, as soon as she arrived, she heard Qin Mian say to Qin Wuya: "Brother, can I not take medicine? My illness has been cured."

"No, you're not fine." Qin Wuya said warmly.

"Brother, what's wrong with me? I haven't recovered even after taking medicine for so long. Is it impossible to recover?" Qin Mian asked.

"Don't ask too many questions. Just listen to your brother. Can he still lie to you?"

"But lately, I've always been in a daze. Brother, I'm so scared. I don't know what's wrong with me." Although Qin Mian's voice sounds calm, if you listen carefully, you can hear the hidden meaning in it. Subtle fear.

"Look, I'm just telling you that you're not feeling well yet? Listen to my brother, he won't lie to you..."

Qin Shu squatted on the roof, planning to wait for Qin Wuya to leave before taking action, but unexpectedly he continued to say: "Wen Xuhui will come to the house today, are you going to see him?"

Qin Mian didn't say anything, Qin Wuya continued: "He Xu is tall and handsome, and your family has chosen a good husband for you."

He raised his hand and gently touched Qin Mian's head, and said tenderly: "When a girl grows up, she will always get married."

"Then I... I'd better meet him." Qin Mian agreed.

"Brother will ask He Xu to go to the study later. You can hide behind the screen and take a look, and you can have an idea in your mind."



Qin Shu held a grass leaf in her mouth and thought carefully about the name "He Xu" in her mind.

He Xu is He Xin's brother, a brother with the same father and mother.

He Xin was sent to the world of immortal cultivation not because their family valued girls over boys, but because He Xu had no spiritual roots.

But the He family is the city lord's mansion of Fanyin City, and they are also the only family in the entire Fanyin City that has connections with the upper world.

Combined with what her mother said that night: As long as she is still here, Qin Wuya will never think of going to the immortal world.

Could it be...he wants to use the He family's connection to go to the immortal world?

The He family will naturally not help them without reason, but if the two families become relatives and promise a portion of treasure, then it is hard to say.

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