I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 433: Like her musician

Although Qin Mian's face looked much younger now, Qin Shu could not help but feel tense all over.

Wen Yu didn't look kindly towards Qin Mian at all. Her daughter's spiritual root was still in this girl!

Although she was not the mastermind of what happened back then, she was also the beneficiary.

Qin Shu, on the other hand, kept quietly sizing up Qin Mian. Qin Mian seemed to be aware of it and glanced at Qin Shu.

Looking into her empty eyes, his brows furrowed more and more.

How come... he looks so much like her violinist?

Qin Shu also noticed the look in her eyes and called her, "Miss Qin."

Qin Mian was stunned for a moment, then came to his senses and said, "Taoist Master."

Qin Shu frowned and said to her seriously: "Miss Qin, I have a gracious request. Could you please feel your pulse for me?"

Qin Mian was startled, then immediately shook his head, "No, thank you."

As she spoke, she put her hands behind her back.

Qin Shu was also very surprised to be rejected. Although her words were a bit abrupt, according to Qin Mian's current temperament, she should not be rejected.

Unless...there's something really wrong with her? And she knew it.

Qin Shu slowly closed her eyes and said, "I am being abrupt."

After Qin Shu said this, her mother also looked at her in surprise, as if she couldn't understand why she was so polite to this concubine.

The carriage traveled for about three days before leaving the boundaries of Fanyin City.

As soon as it got dark that day, there was a loud noise in the distance.

Qin Shu thought someone blindly came to rob them, but her consciousness could not spread that far yet.

Until a cry came to her ears, "Your Majesty! My subordinates are late to meet me! Please forgive me, Your Majesty!"

It turned out to be Senior Brother Sixuan, but now he is not the emperor of Qi Anguo, let alone the emperor of the entire human world, he is just a prince.

On this day, they moved into a house arranged by Senior Brother Si Xuan. Qin Shu still stayed up all night, but had a long talk with Guo Chong all night.

"Guo Chong, don't you know everything? Do you know what Qin Wuya is doing when he comes back to the capital with us this time?"

"Didn't you guess it a long time ago? For the merit of following the dragon." Guo Chong took a sip of the tea poured by Qin Shu herself, feeling very satisfied. I'm afraid Lao Xie didn't receive such treatment.

Qin Shu frowned, and after a moment, she solemnly asked, "Can my senior brother succeed?"

Guo Chong made a shut-up gesture and said, "I don't dare to talk nonsense about that person. If I'm not careful, either you will die or I will die..."

The punishment from heaven will always judge a person. If ordinary people are not favored by him, they will naturally be punished by others.

But now he gradually realizes the fact that the child in front of him may be almost as favored as him.

Who should be punished that day? He didn't dare to gamble.

No matter what, he won't benefit. Even if God's punishment doesn't kill him, Lao Xie will have to settle the score with him when he returns.

With his current level of cultivation, it would be as easy for Lao Xie to deal with him as crushing an ant.

What's more, he still has something to ask for.

Qin Shu glanced at him dissatisfied, took out a pen and paper and started counting by herself.

However, just after writing three or two lines, the paper suddenly burst into flames.

She raised her hand to put out the fire on the table, with a thoughtful look on her face. (Note: Imitation is prohibited. Dear, Qin Shu has fire spirit roots, but we don’t.)

When he turned his head away, he met Guo Chong's watchful expression, "There are some things you can't see. Think about your eyes. It's good that they didn't get the backlash this time."

Qin Shu sighed and said quietly: "That's all."

Guo Chong thought she had accepted her fate, but the next moment he heard her ask again: "Is Qin Mian an accident?"

Guo Chong became interested. He had never noticed this concubine before, but when Qin Shu reminded him, he discovered that this woman's fate... was also a bit strange!

He touched his chin with a smile on his lips. After a moment, he met Qin Shu's slightly anxious look, "How is it?"

The curvature of his lips suddenly became wider, "Congratulations, you guessed it right."

Qin Shu: "..."

What a joy!

Something has happened! Where does joy come from? !

Guo Chong looked at Qin Shu's darkened face for a moment, picked up the tea bowl and took another sip, and then said: "There are many things at this time, you have to take them as they come. Even if I tell you everything, I won't It must be all right, the outcome of many things can change rapidly.”

Qin Shu naturally knew that the world was different from the moment she passed through the book and was reborn.

"It doesn't matter. You just need to tell me if she will ruin my senior brother's good deeds. I will be careful to guard against anything else."

Guo Chong shook his head, "I can only tell you that Qin Mian is different now from before. You can decide the rest by yourself."

After listening to his specious words all night, Qin Shu felt extremely tired.

It's better to just give her a good time with hints and hints like this.

She had very complicated thoughts and planned to go to the yard to practice some boxing skills.

But he didn't expect that he would see Qin Mian practicing swordplay under the moon as soon as he went out.

The sword is as powerful as a giant sword, and every move it makes brings momentum.

The moment the sword was drawn out, the roar in the air fell on Qin Shu's ears like thunder on the ground.

wrong! Her sword moves have changed!

That day she was hiding on the roof watching Qin Mian practice swordplay. Although she could see her talent, it was definitely not like this! At this moment, her sword energy alone was enough to kill someone!

An even more amazing idea gradually took shape in Qin Shu's mind...

Could it be that... Qin Mian was also reborn? !

No wonder Guo Chong said that she was different from before?

But when did she get reborn? After killing yourself? Or before?

Qin Mian was practicing her sword under the moon with a graceful figure, but Qin Shu had no intention of admiring her at all, she only felt creepy.

If she is really the female devil who is reborn and possesses the aura of a heroine, is their future still certain?

Qin Shu was not worried about herself at this time, but worried about her third senior brother's position as human emperor.

Will it fall on Qin Mian's head?

Qin Shu had just recovered her consciousness when Qin Mian looked over.

She put away her sword and walked towards Qin Shu, "The Taoist master is still not sleeping?"

Qin Shu restrained her expression and nodded slightly, "I woke up suddenly at night and came out to enjoy the wind."

Qin Mian smiled softly at Qin Shu. The moonlight shrouded half of her face, looking more and more like the way she looked when she woke up.

The hairs all over Qin Shu's body stood up, and Qin Mian's slow voice came over, "I heard that the Taoist leader is very accurate in making hexagrams. I wonder if the chief can make a hexagram for me?"

Qin Shu immediately realized that this was an opportunity. She pursed her lips and responded with a tense face, "One hexagram will make three big bucks, and the young and the old will not be deceived."

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