I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 434 Brother and sister fall out

Qin Mian counted three large coins and handed them over to Qin Shu.

Qin Shu stretched out her hand and watched three big coins fall into her palm. Listening to the "ding-dong" sound of metal colliding, Qin Shu gradually clenched her fists.

She threw the three coins into the air and watched them fall to the ground one by one.

His consciousness swept over these copper coins, and he raised his hand to count them.

Qin Mian looked at her movements with great curiosity. She was not sure whether this Taoist priest could really calculate his own destiny?

Qin Shu's calculation movements became faster and faster. After a long time, her calculation movements stopped, and she showed a thoughtful look.

I really asked her to figure it out...

Qin Shu's consciousness slowly spread to Qin Mian's body. Under the moonlight, two slender figures faced each other, and there was silence around them.

"Did you figure it out?" Qin Mian asked.

At that moment, Qin Shu thought of the way she tortured herself, came back to her senses, and quickly shook her head, "No, miss, your destiny is very strange. I am not good at studying, so I really can't see through it."

Qin Mian laughed, "It doesn't matter."

Qin Shu bent down and squatted on the ground again, fumbled to pick up the three large coins and returned them to Qin Mian.

"Since I didn't calculate it, I naturally can't take the lady's money, so I'll give it back to you."

Qin Mian took the copper coins and watched Qin Shu turn around and groping along the corridor back to the room. Only then did she look away.

The moment Qin Shu closed the door, a trail of bright red blood flowed out from the corner of her lips.

Sure enough, it was backlashed again. If she had known that those three big sums of money should not have been returned, Qin Shu thought with some annoyance.

She crosses her legs and adjusts her breath. Now she cannot practice it, but she can still adjust her breath.

After her breath became stable again, Qin Shu took out a Yuan Pei Dan and drank it.

She sat on the couch and fell into deep thought. She was reborn after she died. Thinking this way, could Qin Mian and Qin Wuya, the brothers and sisters, also die later?

Qin Shu's brain was spinning too fast, and the veins on her temples popped out and throbbed.

This... could it be that she was tricked by God again? Everyone is born again! She still has so much more experience than her.

All her understanding of the world of immortality only came from that book that she had only read half of.

This is not an advantage at all!

Why is it that everyone else has an easy time traveling through the book, but she is the only one with a hellish difficulty?

Qin Shu was momentarily exhausted and collapsed on the bed. At this moment, she really just wanted to be a salty fish.

The sky outside gradually became brighter, and Qin Shu sat up like a carp.

right! Yes, she saw it herself! Although she still couldn't see anything clearly, at least she had a sense of light! This is a good thing!

Although spiritual consciousness can replace eyes, in the end, things seen with eyes are often more beautiful.

She opened the door, scanned the courtyard with her consciousness, and found that Qin Mian was gone.

Only then did she feel relieved and climbed onto the roof, opening her eyes wide and trying to sense the light around her.

However, when her face turned to the east, a hint of purple seemed to appear in her field of vision.

Qin Shu reacted almost instantly, "Purple Qi is coming from the east!"

She quickly sat cross-legged on the roof. At this time, the spiritual energy could not be used, and it was even more difficult for her to absorb the purple energy.

She could only temporarily try to use spiritual consciousness as a medium to see if she could absorb a little bit.

At the same time, she also knew that this attempt was very risky, and if she was not careful, her mental strength would suffer a huge blow.

But she still decided to give it a try. Purple energy was rare, but it was particularly important to her.

Her blind eyes and the purple aura in her Dantian all illustrate this point.

Qin Shu tried to rub her consciousness into a thin strip to touch the purple color on the horizon. As soon as she touched a little bit, her brain felt like a needle pricked her head.

She quickly withdrew her consciousness, only to find that a wisp of the purple energy had been brought back to her.

But now that all her meridians and Dantian are sealed, the purple energy cannot circulate at all and can only float in Qin Shu's sea of ​​consciousness for the time being.

She found that this level of pain was bearable for the time being, so she collected the purple energy back and forth seven or eight times until the purple energy on the horizon completely disappeared.

At this time, a ball of purple energy the size of a soybean was already floating in her sea of ​​consciousness.

The sun came out and it was bright.

Qin Shu jumped off the roof, holding a blind stick in her hand. When she met someone, she groped slowly. When there was no one, she walked quickly.

Her original intention was to find her second and third senior brothers, but she didn't expect that she had just walked to the pavilion in the garden and saw the two of them sitting at the stone table playing chess.

Both of them remained motionless, as if they were facing each other again.

These two people were also familiar to Qin Shu, one was Qin Mian and the other was Qin Wuya.

How did the two of them meet? Qin Shu's mind was filled with doubts.

Qin Mian and Qin Wuya obviously noticed Qin Shu's arrival, and the atmosphere around them relaxed a little.

Qin Mian placed a white piece on the chessboard, "Brother, I accept the concession."

Qin Wuya looked at her with a dark face, "You...don't regret it!"

Qin Mian smiled unbridled, "Regret? I used to be so well-behaved and sensible, but what happened to me?"

Qin Shu's ears immediately stood up, but she didn't dare to listen any more. She quickly turned around and said, "I'm going to find my senior brother."

She could feel the two people behind her looking at her, and her blind stick tapped lightly on the ground, making a series of rhythmic tapping sounds.

She just walked away, and then she turned back lightly, and her consciousness also spread towards the direction of the pavilion.

The brother and sister seemed to have a dispute, and heard Qin Wuya say: "Don't forget, I also contributed to your spiritual roots."

"So what? Did you really give me spiritual roots because I am your sister? Don't pretend, Qin Wuya, you know the effect of those medicines you sent!"

After Qin Mian said this, he flicked his sleeves and left.

It is worth mentioning that when she said these words, she turned her head and glanced in the direction of Qin Shu.

Qin Shu was immediately shocked. Was Qin Mian just taking a casual look, or did she find her position?

Qin Shu hurriedly walked towards the courtyard of the brothers. As she walked, she thought, if Qin Mian knew that she was peeking, why did she say these words?

Could it be that she was actually saying it to herself?

It is said that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Did she want to join forces with me to deal with Qin Wuya?


Qin Shu shook her head and rejected this possibility.

No, anyone can cooperate, except Qin Mian.

Because she is not sure whether this Qin Mian is the ruthless Qin Mian.

The matter is more difficult than she thought.

Qin Shu sighed, and when she looked up, she found that she had walked outside the courtyard of the two senior brothers without realizing it.

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