I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 445: Divine Beast Bai Ze

Just based on the cleanliness of the yard and the dust falling on the bluestone steps, you can tell that the people here must have left not long ago.

Wen Chi and Qin Shu looked at each other, and he walked towards the house. Qin Shu, because of her experience in Guye City, took action on the rockery pavilion and the like in the yard.

She didn't have the patience to study the institutions one by one, so she violently beat open the rockery and pavilion.

If Xie Shiyuan were here and saw this scene, he would definitely sigh with emotion, this boy really got his true inheritance.

Unfortunately, Qin Shu was disappointed this time. There was nothing under the pavilion and rockery.

Perhaps there was too much noise on her side, so Wen Chi hurried over from the front yard.

Seeing Qin Shu standing in the ruins, he asked solemnly: "Junior sister, what kind of attack did you encounter?"

Qin Shu shook her head, "No."

"Then these..."

"I did it."

Wen Chi: "..."

"Senior brother, have you discovered anything else?" Qin Shu asked.

Wen Chi handed her a sculpture in his hand, "I found this in the west wing. I don't know what they offer."

Qin Shu's consciousness swept over and discovered that the sculpture looked like the body of a hydra.

Her consciousness swept over it inch by inch, and then she carved a line of small words on the base of the sculpture, "Master Xiang Liu is on top."

Qin Shu had just read "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" not long ago, so she immediately clicked on it.

It turned out that what they worshiped was the fierce beast Xiangliu? !

According to rumors, Xiangliu has a nine-headed snake body and cannibalize countless people. Wherever it goes, it will destroy the entire country.

Covered in poison, even livestock cannot live in this kind of water.

"I see……"

It would be understandable if they worshiped such a notorious beast.

At this time, Wen Chi also discovered the line of small words. He touched his chin and said "tsk tsk" twice, "These people are a little too naive. The ferocious beasts and auspicious beasts have all disappeared tens of thousands of years ago."

The implication is that even if these people worship Xiang Liu, it will be useless, and no one will help them at all.

Qin Shu used to read "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" as a story, but she didn't expect that there were really fierce and auspicious beasts?

I asked out of curiosity, "Senior brother? It turns out there really are ferocious beasts and auspicious beasts! Where have they gone? How come they suddenly disappeared?"

Wen Chi shook his head, "I don't know, maybe he's asleep, or maybe he's dead. Anyway, there haven't been ancient ferocious beasts and auspicious beasts in the world of immortality for tens of thousands of years."

Qin Shu just sighed when she heard, "Don't you know? Ask me?!"

Qin Shu was stunned and slowly raised her head. Her eyes now had a sense of light, and she could vaguely see two people sitting on the roof not far away.

When his spiritual consciousness swept over, he realized that the people coming were Guo Chong and Sui Han, and the person speaking was Guo Chong.

Qin Shu held Xiang Liu's sculpture in her hand and looked at Guo Chong. She suddenly thought of something in her heart.

A monster who likes to read "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" and knows everything.

He...could he be the legendary Bai Ze?

In front of her senior brothers and others, Qin Shu couldn't ask directly, but she felt happy in her heart.

Baize! Is there anything in the world that he doesn't know about? If I could hold onto this thigh, the leader's time-traveling mirror would be extremely weak!

While he was talking, Guo Chong had already jumped off the roof with Sui Han.

Both of them now had no spiritual power, so they jumped down and dug four pits into the yard.

The yard that was very tidy just now is now a mess.

Guo Chong came close to Qin Shu and looked at the sculpture she was holding, and laughed, "Humans are really a race with rich imaginations."

Seeing that he seemed to like this, Qin Shu simply put the sculpture into his hand, "You asked me to ask you? Do you know where those ancient ferocious beasts and auspicious beasts have gone?"

Is the world of immortality without dragons and phoenixes called the world of immortality?

Or are they actually living in the upper world? Qin Shu was confused.

The smile on Guo Chong's face softened a lot, and his clear eyes were also stained with a little sarcasm.

"Maybe someone locked them up?"

Qin Shu's body kept falling on him. Judging from the fluctuations in his aura, his words were not lying. Someone really locked them up.

But who has the ability to lock up so many powerful people? Where in the world can they be locked up?

Could it be that there is some sealed place that she doesn't know about yet?

Qin Shu asked again and again: "Do you know where they are being held? Can they still come out?"

Guo Chong glanced at her and smiled meaningfully, but in the end he only said, "Children should stop asking about adults' matters."

Qin Shu: "..."

Qin Shu understood him so well that no matter how hard she tried to talk about the things he didn't want to say, it would be useless.

She simply withdrew her consciousness, landed on Sui Han next to him, and asked, "Old Sui, why are you here too?"

Wen Chi couldn't help but twitching his eyelids when he heard her address.

After thinking about it, if Qin Shu called him Lao Wen, he really couldn't control himself from beating her.

In this way, it suddenly appeared that Master Suihan was extremely well-educated.

"We came here together, but you left us alone." Suihan complained.

Qin Shu was once again speechless. After a moment, she coughed and changed the subject, "Can you see what's wrong with this place? We only found this sculpture here, and the hexagram clearly shows that this is where the blood and qi are the heaviest?"

It doesn't matter if she can't find it, she still has external help.

Sui Han took out the lottery chips and was about to start a hexagram when he was interrupted by Qin Shu.

Qin Shu glanced at him, and he silently took back the lottery chips.

The interaction between the two fell into Wen Chi's eyes, and he also showed a meaningful smile on his face.

These two people must have some secrets behind his back, not just wanting to learn body training from Junior Sister Qin Shu.

Otherwise, Sui Han is at least a Yuanying stage real person, how can he listen to Junior Sister Qin Shu so much?

In comparison, Guo Chong on the side seemed much more innocent.

He pointed to a place in the lake and said, "There."

Qin Shu glanced at Wen Chi, who practiced his skills for a moment before nodding to Qin Shu and saying, "You can go over and take a look."

Qin Shu asked back, "How do you go over there?"

Wen Chi was stunned, raised his hand to lift up his hem and pinned it to his white jade belt, "Swim over there!"

Qin Shu sighed, told Guo Chong and Sui Han behind him to wait for them on the shore, and then she also dived into the water.

The cold lake water gradually submerged her whole body, and Qin Shu couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

Fortunately, the skill of swimming was not learned in vain.

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