I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 446: Darkness Under the Lamp

Qin Shu swam while checking the direction of Senior Brother Wen Chi.

After all, she had no spiritual energy now, and could not feel the changes of evil spirits in the water. She could only rely on Senior Brother to identify the direction.

The two of them swam forward for a while, and suddenly felt a special wave coming from their side.

Even Qin Shu, whose spiritual power was completely sealed, noticed it without Sui Han saying anything.

She got out of the water with her whole body on guard, and was about to attack with her hand turning into a fist, when she saw the scene in front of her.

She was stunned.

Only Sui Han and Guo Chong were sitting on the boat, and Guo Chong was rowing in a very good manner with a paddle in his hand.

"Where did you get the boat?" Qin Shu's face was stiff as if she was a mask.

"I found it on the shore." Sui Han replied.

Guo Chong's smile seemed very arrogant, "Hahaha, you are too stupid, you don't take the boat, but you have to swim in such a dirty lake..."

Qin Shu climbed up by the side of the boat, Sui Han stretched out his hand to her, and Qin Shu didn't say politely to him, and raised her hand to put it on his hand.

Sui Han exerted his strength, and Qin Shu climbed up.

Wen Chi also swam over at this time. When they were all on the boat, Wen Chi looked at Qin Shu who was wringing the water out of her clothes, and casually cast a cleaning spell on her.

As soon as he used this cleaning spell, the other two looked over eagerly.

Wen Chi was stunned and asked, "You don't have spiritual power either?"

The other two nodded at the same time, and Wen Chi, who had been depressed for a whole year, suddenly felt relieved.

It seems that the old man is quite good to him, and he has left him 10% of his spiritual power. Unlike these poor little ones, they can't even use the cleaning spell. It must be very uncomfortable these days, right?

He swept his compassionate eyes over the few people, and then cast a cleaning spell on each of them.

The two people who finally felt that they were not so dirty were happy as if it was the New Year.

Qin Shu's spiritual sense swept over these two useless people, and then fell on the vast lake again.

After wandering around for a long time, they explored the entire lake.

"This lake is not big. How come we have searched almost inch by inch, but we still haven't found it? Could it be that it is not here?" Wen Chi said, glancing at Guo Chong with his peripheral vision.

In comparison, Qin Shu seemed much more direct.

"Guo Chong, where is the altar? Did you see it wrong?"

Guo Chong rolled his eyes at her, leaned on the boat with his arms folded, and said nothing.

Qin Shu's consciousness probed underwater, but she could not detect anything unusual within the range of her consciousness.

"There is nothing different about this?" Qin Shu muttered to herself.

She stood up in a flash and said, "I'll go down and take a look."

Wen Chi also stood up, "I'll go with you."

Qin Shu nodded slightly at him, said "hmm", and then dived into the water. Just as she fell into the water, another sound of entering the water was heard behind her.

Qin Shu knew that Wen Chi had come down, so she didn't look back. She made a beautiful splash and dived deeper into the lake.

Fortunately, she used her spiritual sense as her eyes, so even now she was underwater, it didn't affect her exploration of the surroundings.

Unfortunately, after swimming around, the two still didn't find the so-called altar.

Qin Shu surfaced to take a breath, and the whole person fell into deep thought again.

She even began to doubt whether the altar existed or was it just her random guess?

Where would it be hidden? How could she not notice it at all? Could it be hidden in the sky?

Qin Shu subconsciously looked up, but of course she still found nothing.

At this time, there was another noise behind her. Qin Shu turned around and saw that it was Wen Chi who emerged from the water.

She quickly asked: "Brother, how is it? Did you find anything?"

Wen Chi met her expectant look and finally shook his head.

Qin Shu sighed, "Then there is no other way... I can only..."

Her eyes fell on Guo Chong on the boat. Guo Chong was very tight-lipped. There were some things that he couldn't say.

It was impossible to pry his mouth open.

Then the only way was to...destroy this place violently.

Although the workload was a bit heavy, as long as the goal could be achieved in the end.

She was thinking about how to do it, and suddenly her consciousness accidentally swept the boat on the lake.

The dark boat on the calm lake was surrounded by ripples.

Where the bottom of the boat touched the water surface, a lump of cinnabar red seemed to emerge.

When Qin Shu saw it, she was shocked and seemed to have a sense of enlightenment.

Good guy! These people are playing the trick of hiding the truth from her again!

She swam towards the boat, floating in the lake and shouting to Guo Chong and Sui Han: "You get off first."

Guo Chong saw that Qin Shu had discovered the abnormality of the boat, and a relieved smile appeared on his face, and he jumped off the boat.

On the contrary, Sui Han did not move for a long time. Qin Shu frowned and shouted to him again, "Old Sui, get off!"

Sui Han sat steadily on the boat, raised his eyes and glanced at Qin Shu, and said calmly: "I can't swim."

Qin Shu: "..."

"Get off, I'll carry you." Qin Shu said so.

However, as soon as she said this, Guo Chong and Wen Chi both became nervous and said in unison: "I'll carry it!"

As soon as this was said, the two looked at each other again, and their hearts became nervous again.

Why is there more?

Guo Chong was a little worried about Xie Shiyuan. Why are so many people coveting his little pet? This kid is playful. What if he is coaxed away by someone with a little sweetness? Let's see what he will do.

And all this in Wen Chi's eyes, he just felt that his sister was being targeted at such a young age. These people don't even look at how old they are! They are really shameless!

Sui Han didn't expect that he would be so popular. A trace of discomfort rarely appeared on his face, and he politely declined the kindness of these two people.

"No need to trouble, let Shu'er help me." Sui Han said.

Wen Chi and Guo Chong looked at each other, swam to the side of the boat at the same time, and dragged him into the water.

The two held him on the left and right, and Wen Chi said with a fake smile: "How can this be considered trouble?"

Guo Chong also added: "We are both cultivators in the world of immortal cultivation. When we go out, we should be united and friendly."

Wen Chi: "..."

This person is better at finding a way out than him.

Qin Shu didn't care about the strange undercurrents at this moment. She just wanted to see clearly what was painted under the boat.

She slapped the boat with her palm, causing a wave of water as high as a person, and directly turned the boat over, upside down on the water.

The three people who were still "friendly" in communication shut up when they heard the noise, and followed Qin Shu to swim towards the direction of the boat.

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