I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 452 I stand firmly on her side

Everyone has left, and it's too late to apologize now.

Si Xuan frowned, looked at Wen Chi aside, and asked tentatively: "Senior brother, can you go and find out?"

Wen Chi's face was stern, he took a step back, and immediately stated his attitude and position, "I have always stood firmly on Xiao Shu'er's side, and I don't care about the irrelevant things."

Si Xuan laughed directly after hearing this and glanced at him, "You do know how to be a good person."

Wen Chi was not annoyed after hearing this, "That's natural. I don't look like you at all. I can't tell how far or near I am."

After saying these words, Wen Chi turned around and left.

As soon as he went out, he met Qin Shu who was waiting outside.

He was stunned, "You haven't left yet?"

The smile on Qin Shu's face was very bright, and the purple aura in her eyes became thicker and thicker, "Waiting for you!"

Fortunately, she waited for a while, otherwise she would not have heard the touching words of Senior Brother Wen Chi.

Being firmly chosen by someone is a really satisfying feeling.

Wen Chi came over and rubbed her hair, and then said disgustedly: "Now that your hair is longer, don't let it stay loose all the time."

Qin Shu took it seriously, nodded obediently and said, "Then I'll shave my head tomorrow."

Wen Chi: "..."

It doesn't have to be this way.

"Tie your hair up and stop shaving. It will get cold in a while and your head will hurt."

Qin Shu: "?"

Is it cold? How could she, a physical practitioner with a fire spirit root value of over 90, be afraid of the cold?

But she could more or less guess that her senior brother didn't want her to shave her head.

She wouldn't have listened to him before, but because of what he said just now, Qin Shu still chose to tie her hair.

Wen Chi returned to his yard, while Qin Shu turned to look for Guo Chong.

Guo Chong must know something, but I don't know if he will tell me honestly.

Qin Shu followed the cobblestone path to Guo Chong's yard. Guo Chong seemed to have known that she would come and sat in the yard to wait for her.

Qin Shu walked in, glanced at him, and asked, "Where is Suihan?"

Guo Chong was obviously taken aback, obviously he didn't expect that she would ask this.

He stared and asked, "Are you here to see Suihan?"

Qin Shu shook her head, "No, I came to find you."

Guo Chong breathed a sigh of relief and murmured in a low voice: "I thought my prophecy ability was wrong again when I met you."

Qin Shu asked again: "Where did Suihan go?"

Guo Chong glanced at her and said, "Don't worry, I knew you were coming, so I asked him to go out and set up a stall."

Qin Shu: "?"

"Set up a stall?!" Qin Shu was shocked.

Guo Chong responded, "I told him that we can't untie the pot and let him go out and make some money."

Qin Shu was dumbfounded when she heard this, "Lao Guo, is this how you exploited Suihan when I was away?"

Guo Chong glared at her, "How can you talk! What does it mean to squeeze? I paid for all the expenses for taking him from the capital to Fanyin City!"

Qin Shu touched her nose and said, "Let's not talk about this anymore. Did you see anything when we left the city?"

Guo Chong asked, "Did you see it too?"

Qin Shu nodded, frowned and asked with confusion: "It's a snake shadow, right? Could it be Xiang Liu?"

When Guo Chong saw that she had indeed misunderstood, he quickly corrected her: "No, no, no, that's a tan snake."

Qin Shu froze on the spot, "Teng She? That sculpture clearly says Xiang Liu?"

This is how the same thing? Could it be that some of their mythical beasts also engage in impersonation?

Qin Shu didn't know that her random guess had actually guessed the truth correctly. Guo Chong looked very ugly and said, "It's probably a coincidence. Although the enshrined sculpture says Lord Liu, it actually doesn't." More like a tango snake.”

"In other words, they summoned Tang Snake by mistake?" Qin Shu asked.

Guo Chong nodded slightly, "Yeah."

There were some things that he didn't fully tell Qin Shu. According to his guess, Tang She finally found a way to leave the demon world, and he could grasp anything he said.

No one wants to stay in that damn place forever.

"Then why did it disappear in an instant?" Qin Shu asked next.

Guo Chong held his chest with one hand and touched his chin with the other. He pondered for a moment before replying: "Maybe it's because their blood sacrifice was interrupted by us, so it didn't achieve the expected effect."

Qin Shu nodded slightly, feeling that the situation he mentioned was very possible.

However, Guo Chong's voice changed immediately and he continued: "Of course, it is also possible that he saw me and was scared away."

Qin Shu: "?"

She glanced at Guo Chong in surprise and said tactfully: "Old Guo, this situation should be ruled out."

Guo Chong: "?"

He stood up, looked down at Qin Shu and shouted dissatisfied: "Why! Why are they excluded? Is Guo so unworthy of mentioning?!"

Seeing that he was furious, Qin Shu quickly reassured him, "No, no, no, I'm just kidding. I think it's most likely that he was scared away by you."

Guo Chong was satisfied, "That's pretty much it."

His eyes swept across Qin Shu's body, and finally landed on Qin Shu's pubic area. He paused briefly and then moved away.

Qin Shu didn't notice this subtle change in him, so she stood up and said, "I'm going out to look for Suihan."

The world is not peaceful. Although Suihan has reached the fourth level of body refining, he may not be immune to disadvantages.

She still has to go and look for him. She brought the person down, so she has to take responsibility.

She went out, made a small six-pointed divination, and headed west.

There were not many pedestrians on the road. Many girls died in the city before, and most people didn't dare to go out at this time.

It would take a long time for the order here to return to normal.

"There are not many people. Who would ask him to tell fortunes? It would be strange if he could make money." Qin Shu muttered softly as she walked forward.

She had just walked into an alley and saw a person walking towards her in front.

Qin Shu always felt that something was wrong, so she stopped. At this time, footsteps came from behind her.

Qin Shu frowned and gritted her teeth and said, "Again?"

Although she was not afraid of these people, it was still annoying to be harassed by some ants all the time.

The man who was walking towards her suddenly accelerated and trotted. Qin Shu also accelerated and punched quickly, taking the initiative to attack!

However, the man dodged and passed by her.

Before she could react, a forbidden spell hit her on the back of her head.

Qin Shu fainted.

Just before she fainted, she was still thinking, didn't she practice the Iron Head Kung Fu? How could she be knocked unconscious?

She fell to the ground, and six more men in black appeared around her. They surrounded Qin Shu, and one of them said, "Let's see if she is really fainted or pretending."

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