I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 453 When do you plan to see me?

"What do you think?" one of them asked.

Another person was on the side giving advice, "Tickling the soles of her feet."

After scratching for a long time, the person still didn't wake up, and these people finally felt relieved.

"This woman is too powerful. Fortunately, she can't resist the divine spell given by the Lord."

"Bring her back first. If she wakes up later, we won't be able to deal with her."


Qin Shu woke up again in a cave. She was tied to a stalactite by a thick iron chain. As soon as she moved, she could see strange red runes flashing on the chains.

She tried to raise her hand to cut off the chains tied to her limbs, but found that she couldn't do it at all.

Qin Shu stopped struggling and shouted into the cave: "Is there anyone there? Is anyone there?!"

When there was no response, she continued to shout: "If no one comes out, I will run away!"

This time, someone finally showed up.

There were three men in black, but the patterns on these three people were more complicated than the two messengers she had seen before, and they were probably at least executive level.

"You still want to run?" One of them snorted coldly.

The man on the left immediately sneered, "You don't overestimate your capabilities."

Qin Shu: "..."

The cooperation was quite good, but she really didn't want to run away just yet.

She was obviously being treated as a new weapon now, and she could be regarded as blocking the gun for Qin Mian.

She had to figure out whether everything behind this was really related to the devil world. What happened in the devil world? Why did they suddenly become collectively restless after living in peace for so many years?

"Do you think you can trap me with just these chains?" Qin Shu asked arrogantly.

The first way to find out information is to provoke the general.

The three people on the opposite side had obviously been tricked. The person in the middle was looking at Qin Shu with sinister eyes, but the corners of his lips were slightly raised. It looked scary no matter how he looked.

"The iron chain can't trap you, and we can't trap you, but this iron chain has been cursed by the gods. You can't even think of escaping!"

"Oh." Qin Shu responded calmly.

Her reaction was beyond the expectations of these three people, and they were somewhat unclear about this woman's thoughts.

Could it be that...she really has other trump cards?

"You can't escape!"

Qin Shu responded again, "Oh."

The man in the middle was anxious. He took two steps forward, but did not dare to get too close to Qin Shu. He raised his finger and pointed at her and said, "I said you can't escape!"

Qin Shu waved her hand impatiently, and the iron chain binding her wrists made a crisp sound of iron and stone colliding with her movements.

"I know, I know, I'm not deaf."

"Don't try to play any tricks!"

Qin Shu nodded, "No tricks, I just have to ask you, are you in charge of the food?"

A smile flashed in her narrow eyes.

The person in charge seemed to be very angry with her, so he turned around and left, and the other two people quickly chased after her.

Qin Shu looked at their hurried away figures and shouted, "More good wine!"

It wasn't until their figures disappeared that Qin Shu burst into laughter.

What curse? Is it so useful?

Qin Shu carefully extracted a trace of golden-green spiritual energy from the inner elixir in her dantian and applied it to the chain, only to find that a little of the runes on the chain had been wiped off.

Qin Shu was completely relieved when she saw this. As expected, she was invincible with the snake's inner elixir.

She hasn't used the serpent's spiritual energy for a long time. These people forced her to do so.

Of course, she didn't run away either.

On the premise of ensuring her own safety, she must first find out to what extent these demons have penetrated the mortal world.

She was not in a hurry, and every day besides eating she practiced boxing, and the four iron chains clattered as she danced.

The man guarding the door was always on guard. Seeing that she never stopped for a moment except when eating, he quickly reported it to the supervisor.

When the three principals came over, Qin Shu was still practicing boxing.

"You! What are you doing!"

Qin Shu punched out, causing a wave of energy to vibrate in the air. She stopped and looked at the three people in surprise.

"You only said you couldn't run away, but didn't you say you couldn't punch?"

"I didn't say it, but..."

Qin Shu interrupted him directly, "Isn't that okay? I don't have anything to do if I don't box. I just find something to do for myself to pass the time. Relax, I won't run away."

The three people called a guard to check whether the iron chain binding Qin Shu was still strong. The guard's face turned green when he was pointed out, but he still did not dare to resist. He could only tremble and watch Qin Shu. He looked at the chains on her hands and feet.

After checking, he quickly retreated. At this time, his whole body was already wet with sweat.

"Master, the chains are all intact."

The three principals breathed a sigh of relief and were about to leave, but they were stopped by Qin Shu again.

"Hey! Wait!"

They stopped and heard the woman behind them ask in a loud voice: "When do you adults plan to see me? My time is also very tight."

The three people's expressions changed, and without answering her words, they walked out of the cave again.

Qin Shu laughed, and her slightly childish voice echoed repeatedly in the dark and humid cave, "You can't find any extra human blood sacrifices, otherwise you can use your own blood? I think you people in this organization are quite capable." If one person sheds a little blood, wouldn’t he be able to see you adults? Are you even reluctant to give up this little blood? Could it be that you are not sincere?”

As soon as she said this, the expressions of the three principals changed drastically at the same time. They turned around and yelled at her: "Stop talking nonsense! You crazy woman! What a blood sacrifice! We don't understand!"

Qin Shu stood in the darkness, the purple energy in her eyes darkened, matching her long, narrow and upward eyes.

On the contrary, they are more like villains than these men in black.

She twitched the corners of her lips and revealed a nice curve, "Don't you understand? You'd better really not understand, otherwise I will write you a beastly ending someday."

The three of them thought she was "talking crazy" again. They never imagined that Judge Cui's pen was really in Qin Shu's hand.

Qin Shu was once again alone in the cave, so she wasn't in a hurry, and it didn't affect her practice anyway.

However, if she is not anxious, someone will always be anxious.

Wen Chi, Sui Han and others were as anxious as ants on a hot pot. They searched almost the entire Guye City, but still could not find Qin Shu.

Wen Chi almost fell out with Sui Han because of this, "Junior sister got lost because she was looking for you. You must take full responsibility for this!"

When Guo Chong heard this, he quickly intervened, "No, no, no, he is not responsible. It is still my fault. I should have gone out with her in the first place, so nothing would have happened."

Wen Chi glared at him, "It's good that you know!"

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