I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 454 You don't want to die

Guo Chong sighed and quickly comforted: "Now is not the time to pursue responsibility. Our top priority is to find the person quickly. Logically speaking, with Fellow Daoist Qin's ability, she is enough for her to walk sideways in the world. Now that she has disappeared, she must have encountered some trouble."

When he said this, Wen Chi became even more anxious and hurriedly urged: "Then what are you waiting for? You two have been calculating all day long, but now you can't figure out where my junior sister is?"

When he said this, Guo Chong and Sui Han were silent.

It really can't be calculated. Sui Han has never been able to calculate anything related to Qin Shu. He can only make some inferences from some other things, and even then he will suffer some backlash.

As for Guo Chong, he can still glimpse some things, but the problem is...

He can't say it!

Facing the slightly guilty looks of the two men, Wen Chi was immediately furious, "Forget it, at this time, the third brother may be more useful than you."

Guo Chong and Sui Han, two proud sons of heaven, could not refute even if Wen Chi complained about their uselessness.

Wen Chi turned and walked out the door. Sui Han took out a Bagua array plate only after his figure left the yard.

Guo Chong saw his action and hurriedly asked, "Didn't Qin Daoyou not tell you to tell fortunes?"

Sui Han's eyebrows seemed to have no fluctuations, "I can't take care of these."

Guo Chong frowned and asked, "But... can you figure it out?"

Sui Han's hand did not stop moving, "I have to try again."

Guo Chong could not understand his self-sacrificing idea, stretched out his hand and pressed his Bagua array plate, and asked, "Are you going to die?"

Sui Han shook his head, "I can't give up another life."

Just half of it.

In the past, in Guo Chong's eyes, Sui Han was a dying man, and he would die on a snowy day five years later.

But he has always been in poor health, and Guo Chong has seen too many births, old age, sickness and death, so he never took it to heart.

But now that he is doing this, the scene in front of Guo Chong changes again and again, and he always feels that he will not live long.

Although he doesn't know what the relationship between Sui Han and Qin Shu is, in his eyes, Sui Han and Qin Shu have a good relationship. Now that Qin Shu is not here, he has to help keep an eye on her, so as not to let any accidents happen at this critical moment.

"Don't calculate it. If you can calculate it, it's fine to lose half your life. Knowing that you can't calculate it, why bother?"

Even he can only see a little bit of things, how can Sui Han be as good as him?

Just when the two were in a stalemate, Wen Chi suddenly came back angrily, stood at the doorway and scolded: "What are you still doing? Why don't you go out and find someone?!"

Guo Chong and Sui Han both stood up and looked over, only to see that he was holding a black wolfhound in his hand, and the hair exuded a healthy luster in the sun. It can be seen at a glance that the owner has raised it well.

"Go to Xiao Shu'er's room and take out her futon for Black Panther to smell. Now that you can't be relied on, we can only rely on it."

When metaphysics is unreliable, we can only find some down-to-earth methods.

Fortunately, this method is not bad. Guo Chong got up and found Qin Shu's futon. Just as he was about to reach out to touch Black Panther, he saw that the wolfhound was scared and hid behind Wen Chi.

Guo Chong's outstretched hand froze, and then he realized what was going on. He was so angry that he stuffed the futon in his hand into Sui Han's hand, "You go."

Sui Han took it, walked over and handed the futon to Black Panther.

Wen Chi reached out and touched Black Panther's head, commanding: "Go, Black Panther! I'll give you another pill when you find someone."

The pill he said was of course a pill, the most common Peiyuan Pill, which is a great thing for ordinary dogs.

It's not that Wen Chi is reluctant to give up other high-grade ones, but it's just that he, a mortal dog, may not be able to withstand the medicinal power in it.

If it really succeeds in finding someone, I can take it to the world of immortal cultivation when I return, which is also a kind of enlightenment for it.

When it heard that there was a pill to eat, the black panther excitedly wagged its tail and rushed to the futon.

It sniffed for a long time and suddenly called to Wen Chi twice.

Wen Chi also smiled, "Good boy, since you smell it, lead the way!"

As soon as he said this, he took the lead in shaking his sleeves, turned around and ran outside with the black panther.

Guo Chong found that what he saw with his right eye had changed again, and Sui Han only had five years left to live.

I have never seen such a fast change, but this also shows that as long as he doesn't mess around, at least five years of life will not be lost.

The two of them were stunned, and Wen Chi's voice came from outside the yard again, "Why are you still standing there?!"

Guo Chong quickly responded, and just took two steps, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

He clapped the back of his right hand on the palm of his left hand, glanced at Sui Han behind him in confusion, and said: "No, he is just a small Jindan stage cultivator. Who of us is not stronger than him? Why are you afraid of him?"

When he spoke, Sui Han had already stepped forward and walked to his side, glanced at him lightly, and said: "Although he is only a late Jindan cultivator, you may not be his opponent."

Guo Chong: "?"

Who is he looking down on?

But then he thought again, he is now in the process of losing his cultivation, and the Bai Ze clan is really not good at fighting, maybe he is right...

But...he can actually see through me?

This person doesn't seem to be as useless as I thought. Come to think of it, how could someone who was brought down to earth by fellow Taoist Qin Shu be a useless person?

The two of them had their own thoughts, but they still chased out quickly to prevent Wen Chi from jumping around.

Next, the people of Guye City saw a wolf dog running in front, followed by three men of different shapes chasing behind.

Behind him were a group of sparsely guarded guards, who seemed to be the king's people.

I heard the people around me whispering: "Look, that man seems to be a blind man."

"A blind man can still run so fast?"

"I guess he is a martial arts master. I once heard someone say that some people can tell the direction just by hearing."

Everyone's speculations were quickly left behind. Wen Chi and his party also left Guye City under the leadership of Black Panther and headed towards the deep mountains of Mianyang to the west.

The guard saw that the sun on the horizon was turning to the west, and quickly stepped forward to stop them, "Sir, it gets dark early in the mountains, and there are all kinds of ferocious beasts. It is too dangerous for you to go in, otherwise let's go tomorrow, right?"

When Wen Chi heard this, his expression suddenly changed, "We can wait, what will happen to my junior sister?! Stop talking nonsense, you guys stay here and we will go in by ourselves!"

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