I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 457: Dog’s life is not lived in vain

Only Suihan took out the formation flags on the spot and arranged them aside.

Others looked at his actions with great curiosity.

Qin Shu couldn't hold back her words, so she asked directly, "Old Sui, what are you doing?"

Sui Han put the formation flag in place and drew runes on the ground before taking the time to reply, "Since they want to summon some evil god, I will set up a formation here to make it impossible for him to come back."

When Wen Chi heard this, he couldn't help it and clicked his tongue twice.

"Zhenren Suihan, are you really good at formations?"

Sui Han didn't say anything, Wen Chi made a fuss, he touched his nose and his eyes fell on Qin Shu again.

"Junior sister, you still have to be prepared for this defense. Although your body training level is very high, you still need to be on guard against others when you go out..."

As he spoke, he hung the defensive weapons on Qin Shu's body.

Qin Shu was silent for a while as she looked at the seven necklaces around her neck and the five extra jade pendants around her waist.

As expected, he was indeed her senior brother, and his defensive skills were exactly the same as hers.

She raised her arm to expose the last flaw, and said unceremoniously to Wen Chi: "Senior brother, hurry up! Put a few more defensive charms on my armpits."

Wen Chi quickly filled in for her, while the other two had already stared blankly.

I don't know how to judge her behavior for a while. What if I say she is afraid of death? Let her run away but she won't, don't let her go, she acts so cowardly.

Seeing them all busy with their own business, Guo Chong was not idle either. His left eye looked at the iron chain covered with runes, and the past scenes unfolded in front of his eyes bit by bit.

Look at the past with your left eye, look at the future with your right eye, and look at the present with both eyes open.

This is his talent.

When they were ready, Qin Shu suddenly screamed, "Not good!"

The three of them were all startled by her, and Guo Chong jumped down from the stalactite on the side.

"What's wrong?" the three asked in unison.

Qin Shu made a starting gesture and said, "When I do two sets of boxing to consolidate, I will lose a little energy and blood."

The three of them were speechless for a while, but Suihan was the first to react.

He turned his wrist, took out a jade box from the storage bracelet and handed it over, saying only two words briefly, "Eat."

Wen Chi took it for her, opened the box, and his eyes suddenly lit up, "Yes, Yuxu Spirit Fruit, it can replenish qi and blood."

As a leader in Danfeng, Qin Shu naturally knew this spiritual fruit.

The fourth-grade spiritual fruit was a great tonic, and it was also the limit that her body could absorb after taking it.

Qin Shu was not polite to Sui Han, so she took it and said to Sui Han while chewing, "How much will be deducted from my salary?"

"Salary?" Wen Chi was keenly aware of the key points in their words.

He loves someone's junior sister, why does he need to work for someone else? Could it be that the thousand top-quality spiritual stones he gave each month were not enough?

Just when Wen Chi frowned and reflected on himself, Qin Shu whispered: "Well, I did a small favor for Master Sui Han, and he promised to give me some reward."

Wen Chi thought of how special Sui Han was to Qin Shu, and always felt that this drunkard didn't care about drinking.

Although he is powerful, he is not in good health.

His junior sister is so naughty and her ability to cause trouble is superb, why can't she find a strong man who can withstand a beating?

He pursed his lips and lowered his voice seriously, "What are you busy with? Xiao Shu'er, our family is not short of spiritual stones, how can our alchemist be short of spiritual stones? How much reward can he give you? You are in trouble What's the trouble? Senior brother, I'll help you."

Qin Shu was almost close to Wen Chi's ear, and her voice became softer, "Senior brother, Master Sui Han promised to give me two spiritual veins."

Wen Chi: "?"

He looked startled, and immediately changed the topic, "Even if you are in trouble, you still have to work well for Master Suihan. Does he still need help? Otherwise, why don't you bring me, senior brother? If there are not enough people, senior brother will also Call me, Senior Brother owes me half of my spiritual veins and it’s taken so many years..."

Qin Shu: "..."

Suihan: "..."

Have these two brothers and sisters forgotten that he is only blind, not deaf? Is it really okay to calculate his family wealth in front of him?

There is one person among the four who regards money as dirt. Guo Chong has saved all his belongings for so many years, but he is completely indifferent when he hears two spiritual veins.

At this moment, there was a sudden movement outside.

Sui Han was the first to twitch his ears and warned, "Someone is coming."

Qin Shu quickly said: "You guys hide quickly!"

Guo Chong subconsciously prepared to go out along the stairs, but Wen Chi quickly threw out an invisibility charm and stuck it on him.

"I almost forgot about this thing. Mortals shouldn't be able to see through this, right?"

While Wen Chi was talking, he affixed a rune to himself and Sui Han with his backhand.

Sui Han quickly added, "Please help Master Wenchi to activate the formation and direct the spiritual energy to that formation eye."

Only then did Wen Chi remember that among the group of people who had descended to earth, he was the only one who could use spiritual energy.

And activating the formation also requires spiritual energy. This formation is also the most powerful formation that Sui Han can draw without the help of formations. He hopes that he can keep the so-called "evil god" as he wishes.

Wen Chi shot out a burst of spiritual energy, and the formation in the cave was completely activated, and all the formation flags and formation disks disappeared in place.

At this moment, the sequence of footsteps gradually approached.

Qin Shu's ears moved and she listened carefully to the footsteps.

"Six people came."

Judging from the voices, three of them should be the three principals.

As the footsteps got closer and closer, the conversation between several of them was also heard.

One of them said: "Sir, a wolf dog was found on the top of the mountain."

"Wolfdog? Not a wolf?"

"No, he was the only one who didn't see the wolves."

Wen Chi's expression changed. If Black Panther died because of this, he would definitely blame himself.

He raised his feet and walked out of the cave. The people outside could not see his whereabouts at all.

"Is this the wolfdog you were talking about?"

"Yes, sir, didn't you say you were looking for the blood of a black dog? This wolfdog may have been given to you by Master Xiang Liu." The man in black knelt down on one knee and looked up with a pious look on his face.

Wen Chi snorted coldly in his heart, "Why is Mr. Xiang Liu so unworthy? It's the dog I brought! No one can touch my dog!"

The black panther's keen sense of smell detected Wen Chi's whereabouts, and its originally drooped ears suddenly stood up, and its limbs lying on the ground stood up, spinning in circles excitedly.

The older manager asked strangely, "What's wrong with this wolfdog?"

"Master, this wolf dog must have learned that it was going to sacrifice itself to Master Xiang Liu, and felt that the dog's life was not in vain!"

[Note: Black Panther is the name of a dog. 】

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