I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 458: Good will prevail over evil

The black panther also understood what he said and shouted at him twice in dissatisfaction.

In the eyes of the man in black, this cry became his joy.

He raised his hand and pulled the black panther in front of the three chiefs, and said: "Chief, when do you think this dog will be slaughtered?"

"Let's wait until we check out the person inside first." said the manager standing in the middle.

"Yes, Chief."

Wen Chi was about to save the Black Panther, but after hearing their words, he stopped moving.

Sorry, Black Panther, you have to suffer a little longer.

The Black Panther may have smelled the scent of several of them, and he was much more at ease now than when he was first captured.

Six people and one dog rushed into the cave, almost squeezing Sui Han and Guo Chong.

The two of them took a step back and heard one of the principals look around and ask in a cold voice: "Where are the guards?!"

Qin Shu was still practicing her boxing skills, her movements were smooth and fluid, without any pause.

When the principal saw that no one responded to his words, he turned his attention to Qin Shu again and asked her, "But what did you do?"

Qin Shu punched out and almost broke free of the iron chain. The remaining red runes on the iron chain lit up one after another, and then Qin Shu's movements were suppressed.

But even so, the principal's pupils still trembled, his Adam's apple moved slightly, a thin layer of sweat broke out on his entire back, and he took a step back.

"I've been tied up like this by you, why don't you worry? What if I could do anything, you were beaten to death by my punch just now." Qin Shu sneered and said in a disdainful tone.

Although her attitude was not very good, her words still made some sense.

The chief executive glanced at the man in black behind him and told him, "I asked him to search for you, but you dare to leave your post without permission! There is only one end!"


There were only five people left in the cave. Wen Chi sat down on a stone nearby and watched the excitement first.

The chief executive wanted to find out what was wrong with the chain, but he did not dare to approach Qin Shu.

Originally, she saw that there was less energy and blood being sent to the adults here, and thought she would finally be unable to hold on.

But who knew that this person would be so lively when he came over?

The big chief and the two little chiefs following him looked at each other, and the three of them formed seals and silently recited an obscure incantation.

The voices of the three people echoed in the cave, and the air became extremely quiet for a while.

Qin Shu stopped punching and just sat there watching what they were trying to do.

Just when their emotions were rising, Wen Chi picked up a piece of gravel on the ground and smashed it on the knee of the big boss in the center.

"Hiss—" The chief executive took a breath of air and felt as if his leg was broken.

He knelt on the ground with a pop, and the spell in his mouth stopped abruptly.

"Who is it!" He looked around with a dark face, but still didn't see anything.

However, when he just turned his head and looked in the direction of Wen Chi, Wen Chi raised his hand and threw a stone again, and this time the stone hit his forehead.

"Ouch! Who is it! He is plotting against people behind their backs! If you have the guts, come out!" The big boss's roar resounded throughout the cave.

Just when Wen Chi was about to speak, Qin Shu took the lead and said: "I have told you a long time ago that I am a virgin under Guanyin. You must have offended the gods by treating me like this. I don't know that you, sir, are protecting me." Who is better than Master Guanyin?"

Wen Chi was stunned and looked down at his hands.

etc? He was just a young master of the Wen family, so how could he become Master Guanyin?

Guo Chong almost couldn't hold back his laughter after hearing Qin Shu's words.

He also imitated Wen Chi's movements, picked up a stone and threw it at another person beside him. This person couldn't avoid it at all and was hit hard.

The three people hurriedly gathered together, and the two people they brought stood in front of them.

The principal's brows furrowed even more tightly, and he asked uncertainly to the two principals beside him: "How many people are there in Master Guanyin?"

"One, right?"

"But she can also bring people here."

"Could it be that she is really a virgin under Guanyin?" the chief officer asked with a frown.

"Sir, the legend of Guanyin Master saving all sentient beings has been passed down for so many years, so it cannot be groundless..."

"Can Lord Xiang Liu beat her?"

"The evil cannot prevail against the good..." the chief executive said with a sad look on his face.

Qin Shu was speechless after hearing this. Do they also know that they are an evil sect?

"Why don't you hurry up and get back to the shore?" Qin Shu raised her voice and said, "Worldly people have no reason to compete with each other, and you and I live and die. Some eat some, and some eat through others. The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, but there is a shore when we turn back." [1]

After all, Qin Shu was praised by Master Wan Chi for her talent, and she still had some ability in persuading people.

The chief executive snorted coldly when he heard this, "Stop talking about these useless things. Life is short, so you should enjoy yourself in time."

As soon as he finished speaking, three stones invariably bypassed the man in black blocking him and hit him on the forehead.

Qin Shu looked at the three people who took action and laughed, "Otherwise... think about it again, is your statement correct? Carpe diem, are you really happy?"

The big boss spread his hands, took the two young bosses and hid them between the four of them, and then said firmly: "How can you not be happy? The lives of so many people are in my hands."

This time the stone that hit him was even bigger, so he simply put up a protective shield.

There was not much spiritual energy on the protective shield, but it had a strange red pattern, which looked similar to the red runes on the iron chain that trapped Qin Shu.

Wen Chi was here to deal with all kinds of disobedience. He flipped his wrist and took out a talisman, wrapped the stone and threw it at him.

Qin Shu suspected that the explosion would collapse the cave. When the stalactites fell from the top of the cave and hit them, wouldn't it be like a thousand arrows piercing their hearts?

But when she opened her eyes, she found that they were all wrapped in a transparent protective shield.

Qin Shu was stunned. Can it be used like this?

Other people's protective shields are used to protect people, while her senior brother's protective shield is used to close the door and beat the dog.

This time the chief was really scared. He knelt on the ground, took out a dagger and cut his palm, and then handed the dagger to another chief.

Seeing this, everyone also showed their blood. The blood of the five people dripped from their palms onto the stone-covered ground, splashing a layer of barely detectable dust.

The blood gradually formed the shape of a netherworld flower on the ground, and then the aura of the chief changed.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked at Qin Shu in front of him...

[Note: [1] Taken from the first act of "Du Cui Liu" by Anonymous in the Yuan Dynasty]

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