I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 459 Abandoned by Heaven

What kind of eyes are these?

The khaki pupils are a bit blood red, and they look a bit weird.

Qin Shu guessed that the chief must have used his body as a medium to invite the so-called Lord Xiangliu to come. As for what price he paid, it is unknown.

She was a little curious and raised her head slightly. Her chaotic purple eyes met the weird eyes without dodging or evading. Her action surprised the other party.

She is actually fine?

Although these people are useless, the weapons they helped him choose are good.

Qin Shu has several brothers with her, so she is not fighting alone, and she has some confidence.

She raised her voice and asked, "Are you Xiangliu?"

The man did not answer. He stared at Qin Shu for a long time with his bloodshot eyes, then licked his lips. His strange and ethereal voice echoed in the cave, "Yes, although you are younger, your physique is much stronger than the previous one. I am very pleased."

Although his voice was still the voice of the head of the family, the feeling of speaking had changed completely.

At this time, listening to him speak, there was a strange feeling, as if something inexplicable was knocking on her eardrums, making it difficult for her to concentrate.

Qin Shu's heart sank, and she bit her tongue hard, trying to free herself from this weird state.

She took a deep breath, and her consciousness swept over the people around her, and found that Wen Chi and the other three seemed to be in good condition and were not affected.

Qin Shu was relieved a lot, and she came back to her senses and focused all her attention on this evil god, carefully guarding against him.

Although Wen Chi and his friends can only use one tenth of their abilities now, their spiritual awareness has actually improved with their cultivation. The evil god in front of them borrowed someone else's body, so his abilities were greatly limited, and everyone dealt with it very easily.

But even the little ability he used was enough for him to detect the other three people hiding in the cave.

"You brought helpers? Haha, could it be that you saw that it was too hard for me to cross the border, so you sent a few more nutrients? Humans are indeed a kind-hearted race."

Before he finished speaking, Wen Chi casually threw a talisman at him, "Nutrition? Let me be your nourishment, I'm not afraid that you won't be able to enjoy it!"

The "big boss" casually pushed the black-clothed men in front of him out of the cave. Although he didn't care about their lives, he could train too few people and couldn't afford to lose them anymore.

Wen Chi's talisman exploded behind him, and the black robe on his body exploded, and his originally dry body suddenly became full as if it was a last gasp.

The jade crown that bound his hair fell off, and his gray hair spread out and turned black at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"This body is really useless..." He clenched his fist and said to himself.

Guo Chong took the initiative and punched him in the face.

But he stretched out his hand to stop it, grabbed Guo Chong's hand, and smashed him against the wall beside him.

The two layers of the formation flashed at the same time, and Qin Shu's face turned black.

"This man is now in the Jindan stage!"

She couldn't beat him even when she was in her prime, and now she was in the Jindan stage? Isn't this going to kill her!

Guo Chong used one hand to hit the wall and fought back again.

He now realized that only he could resist at this time, and these Jindan stage cultivators were no match at all.

Although he was in good physical condition, the Bai Ze clan was not very good at fighting. They just wanted to delay for a while and buy some time for the other three to escape.

He quietly sent a message to Wen Chi and the others, asking them to quickly rescue Qin Shu and leave, and he would follow immediately.

With only the cultivation of this Jindan period, he could not be kept.

Qin Shu watched the "big boss" raise his hand, and a blood blade chopped down towards Guo Chong, and Guo Chong seemed to have no weapons, relying on his fists to block the whole process.

Qin Shu was anxious, "You use spiritual power like this in the human world, aren't you afraid of the punishment of the heaven!"

The "big boss" laughed particularly harshly, "We are abandoned by the heaven, so why are we afraid of his punishment?"

Qin Shu was stunned, abandoned by the heaven? What's going on?

"Besides, even if the heaven punishes, it is him who is punished, what does it have to do with me?" He laughed.

The harsh laughter echoed repeatedly in the whole cave, and Qin Shu got goose bumps when she heard it.

She raised her hand and used the snake's aura to wipe away the last trace of aura, and then broke the shackles.

As she moved, the smile on the face of the "big boss" also faded, "How do you have his aura?"

He did not say who "he" was, but Qin Shu and Guo Chong knew.

Qin Shu shrugged, "This is all my luck."

The "big boss" sneered, not knowing who he was laughing at.

After a long time, he slowly said: "At the beginning, he was so arrogant and wanted to fight against the sky, but he didn't expect that his aura would fall on such a little boy..."

He grinned, and the blood in his eyes became heavier, "But it doesn't matter, everything will be mine in the future! Hahahaha..."

Qin Shu drew out the sword, glanced at Guo Chong who was standing aside and panting, and said: "I'll go with you!"

She didn't dare to use Xie Shiyuan's aura too much. Now she didn't have her own purple aura to protect her body. The aura of the big snake was something that hurt the enemy a hundred times and hurt herself eight thousand times.

If she used it too recklessly, she might poison herself to death before she could be dealt with.

Without the blessing of spiritual energy, even the best swordsmanship would seem much more ordinary.

But fortunately, Qin Shu had comprehended a little bit of the sword art, which could help a little at this time.

In addition, with the good thing of Wen Chi's storage bracelet, he was holding them back, and the few people did not fall into a disadvantage for a while.

Wen Chi had never fought such a cowardly fight before, and he was angry and threw out a handful of talismans.

His talismans were also restricted, and those above the foundation building level could not be used.

It was probably done by the master, and everything was equal to his remaining cultivation now.

The "big boss" also knew that his split soul had a time limit to come to the mortal world. After a while, the blood and qi of this body were burned out, and he had to go back.

There was not much time left...

He suddenly changed his fighting style and rushed towards the direction where Qin Shu was!

Everyone was shocked by his action. If Qin Shu fell into his hands, they would really be passive!

Qin Shu quickly dodged backwards, but the speed was still a little slower.

Seeing the big hands approaching her, Qin Shu suddenly stepped back and distanced herself from him.

Qin Shu was stunned. This feeling... was a bit like the time when she stepped on the space node before?

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