I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 460 One cannot speak, one cannot see

The hand that the "chief" stretched out was empty. Qin Shu's consciousness swept around and her sight suddenly fell on Sui Han who was standing beside her.

He sat cross-legged in a corner of the cave, his eyes closed, his face calm and expressionless, as if he was wandering in the void.

He... seemed to have both time and space spiritual roots?

The "chief" obviously didn't expect that his move would fail. He withdrew his hand and his sight fell on Qin Shu, and he said with a sigh, "The power of space? The last time I saw the power of space was in..."

He stopped before he finished speaking, looked down at his suddenly dry hands, and chuckled, "Forget it, I'll keep you for a few more days."

As he withdrew and left, the body of the chief collapsed directly to the ground.

And the vitality of his whole body seemed to be drained away with the departure of the Teng Snake, and the whole person became shriveled and withered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He coughed heavily, as if he had finally taken control of his body.

He opened his eyes and stared at his hands for a long time before he began to pant violently.

"Ah!!!" He collapsed and screamed until he used up his last bit of strength.

His chest rose and fell, making a sound like an old bellows, for a long time...

"Sir, I am loyal to you and have been at your service all my life. Why do you want to take my life?" He muttered unwillingly.

Until the last tear fell across his eyes and fell into the dust, putting an end to his life.

Qin Shu sighed and said, "Your lord needs human blood to summon, so how can he be a good person?"

After saying this, her consciousness fell on the white hair on the head of the chief and the body that was so dry that it seemed to have no moisture. She suddenly thought of something and asked Wen Chi and the others, "Do you think this chief is only in his twenties?"

Is he just aging quickly because of his consumption of vitality?

Guo Chong: "This possibility cannot be ruled out."

Wen Chi was silent for a while, and finally asked helplessly with a smile on his face: "Don't you know how to look at bone age?"

Qin Shu: "?"

Oh, I almost forgot.

Guo Chong also laughed out loud to cover up his words, and the atmosphere suddenly became warm again.

But at this time, Qin Shu suddenly found that Sui Han had not made any movement from beginning to end.

She felt a little shocked, just now... Could it be that he really did it?

Qin Shu turned around and looked at Sui Han sitting upright in the corner. His cold figure was a little thin, and his back was very straight, but he looked a little bit forced.

She rushed to Sui Han with big strides and stretched out her trembling hand to feel his breath.

But he raised his hand and knocked it away, "Not dead yet."

Qin Shu just breathed a sigh of relief, and saw him spit out a large mouthful of blood, which just fell on the hem of Qin Shu's clothes.

Qin Shu was relatively calm. Sui Han always vomited blood in the past, and she had long been accustomed to it.

Although her spiritual energy could not be used for the time being, she still had a lot of pills on her body.

Qin Shu's spiritual sense swept and saw Sui Han's pupils returning to normal.

Qin Shu's face suddenly changed, and she quickly took out a bottle of pills and fed him, "Do you really not want to live?! You... don't think I will be grateful to you. He may not be able to kill me with one palm, but you are good at using spiritual energy and can kill people! What's the reason for using your life to exchange for mine?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Sui Han fell straight towards her.

Qin Shu quickly hugged him and raised her hand to pinch his Ren Zhong, "Old Sui, wake up!"

The scene in front of Guo Chong's right eye jumped again, and Wen Chi had already rushed over in one step.

He was grateful to Master Sui Han for saving Xiao Shu'er just now, but he didn't think that this was exchanged for his life.

Any future that carries the life of others is heavy, and he doesn't want his little sister to face this at such a young age.

He raised his hand and placed it on Sui Han's wrist. Qin Shu suddenly remembered that Wen Chi also had wood spiritual roots, and quickly reminded him: "Brother, hurry up! Use wood spiritual energy to repair him!"

Wen Chi turned his head and looked at him, with a look of surprise on his face.

Use wood spiritual energy to repair him? It is very dangerous to use your own spiritual energy to enter other people's meridians.

"Junior sister, don't dare to mess around. He has fainted now, and I don't know if he is conscious. If he is not conscious, my spiritual energy entering his meridians will cause autonomous spiritual energy to riot. According to his current state, if this really happens, he will definitely die."

Qin Shu calmed down. Her spiritual energy is special, but her brother's is not.

She gave the pill to Sui Han, raised her hand to help him wipe the blood from the corner of his lips, and then said to Wen Chi: "Brother, if he doesn't wake up within three days, I will take him back to the world of immortal cultivation first."

She brought him down, so she should protect him.

Wen Chi frowned and said: "Why not let Xiao Guo go?"

Guo Chong, who was standing there in a daze, was pulled back by his "Xiao Guo". He looked at Wen Chi in surprise.

Qin Shu was even more surprised than him, and then she heard Wen Chi explain: "One of them can't talk, and the other can't see. Don't you have something important to do? Otherwise, let Xiao Guo go and send True Man Sui Han back to Master to see."

The most powerful alchemist that the two brothers and sisters knew was their Master. Maybe they could still be saved if they handed him over to their Master.

As soon as he said this, the scene in Guo Chong's right eye changed again.

Just when he was thinking about whether to go, Qin Shu shook her head firmly, "No, I'll send him back, I can save him."

Wen Chi: "?!"

"You can save him?!"

Qin Shu nodded, "I was the one who saved him when he vomited blood before."

Guo Chong nodded beside her, "That's right, I can testify."

He saw it.

Wen Chi agreed, "Well, other things can be investigated later, go back and save people first."

"My aunt..."

Qin Shu looked up at him, "Of course I have to take her with me, but I don't want her to go back to the Wen family for the time being."

She must find her mother's spiritual roots back!

That night, the three did not return to the city, just because the current state of Sui Han could not withstand the tossing.

Qin Shu left the cave and sat on the treetop quietly waiting for dawn.

A night passed in the blink of an eye, and when the familiar purple air appeared on the horizon, Qin Shu immediately became energetic.

This is the third time, and the probability of encountering purple air coming from the east in the mortal world is indeed greater. No matter what else, the sky will fall and you have to rely on your cultivation to hold it up. Absorbing the purple qi is the most important thing!

She once again gathered a strand of purple qi and merged it into her sea of ​​consciousness. At this time, the purple in her eyes became more intense again.

When Qin Shu finished her practice, she suddenly thought of something.

Since her dantian can absorb purple qi, can she try to use the purple qi in her sea of ​​consciousness?

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