I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 461: Can’t delay any longer

Qin Shu felt that she could give it a try, but she was worried that doing so would cause Sui Han's spiritual energy to riot, which would then completely harm him.

Just as she was hesitating, Guo Chong suddenly ran out of the cave and shouted, "Come in and take a look, he seems to be in pain."

Qin Shu did not dare to delay any longer, and quickly jumped off the treetop and rushed into the cave.

She had tasted the pain of backlash, and she didn't want to try that feeling again in her life.

In the cave, Sui Han was lying on the ground alone, with many grass leaves on the ground.

He seemed to be in real pain, his facial features wrinkled into a ball, curled up, and opened his mouth and spit out blood again.

And this time, compared with the previous time, there seemed to be some tissue fragments mixed in the blood.

Qin Shu secretly cried out that it was not good, and she couldn't delay any longer!

She decided to give it a try. Since Sui Han didn't reject her spiritual energy before, he shouldn't reject the purple energy in the sea of ​​consciousness.

However, these were just guesses. She couldn't gamble with Sui Han's life, and she had to have a foolproof method.

She took out a Qianyuan Zaizao Pill and handed it to Wen Chi behind her, saying, "Brother, I will try to save Sui Han. You take this pill. If you find that the spiritual energy is rioting, give it to him."

This Qianyuan Zaizao Pill was exactly what Qin Shu exchanged from Nishang Pavilion to save Sui Han's life. She exchanged a total of five pills, and there were three left. The other one was given to him last night.

"What are you going to do?" Wen Chi looked very nervous.

Junior sister's spiritual energy has been sealed by the master, and she should not be able to unseal it.

If she forcibly uses spiritual energy, it will be life-threatening.

"Brother, don't be nervous, I don't use spiritual energy, I just want to try other methods."

"What method?" Wen Chi asked.

He must understand that it is not so easy for them, the immortal cultivators, to die in the mortal world. Basically, they are killed by themselves.

The last time he came to the mortal world, he was also seriously injured because of his unauthorized use of spiritual energy. Fortunately, the master rescued him in time.

With him watching this time, he would never let Xiao Shuer follow in his footsteps.

"Try using spiritual consciousness." Qin Shu said.

"Can spiritual consciousness heal injuries?"

Qin Shu shook her head, "I'll try first. His current condition is very bad. I'm worried that he won't even be able to go back."

Wen Chi thought so too. Now he could only try his luck.

Qin Shu lifted up her skirt and squatted down beside Sui Han.

Wen Chi hit the ground with a cleaning spell, and the blood disappeared.

Qin Shu's wrist automatically rested on Sui Han's wrist, felt his pulse, and then used her spiritual consciousness to wrap a strand of purple air as thin as a hair and injected it into his vital point.

In the past, the wood spirit energy that repaired Sui Han's meridians was transformed by Qin Shu's purple spirit energy, but this time it was genuine purple air.

The effect was a bit fierce, but the effect was also amazing.

Qin Shu saw that a crack was cut in the chaotic air lingering around his heart, and the heart that was originally imprisoned began to beat again.

Although it was only for a moment, it at least gave people a glimmer of hope.

Qin Shu continued to work hard and redirected a strand of purple air to help him connect the meridians in his heart.

Her spiritual consciousness level was not high, and this extremely mentally exhausting method made her forehead sweat.

Wen Chi on the side was even more nervous than her and watched everything closely.

When he saw that Sui Han did not seem to reject Qin Shu's spiritual consciousness, he was really surprised.

Not excluding spiritual energy, but also not rejecting spiritual consciousness? His spiritual consciousness level is obviously much higher than Xiao Shu'er!

Qin Shu suddenly felt a sharp pain in her brain, and she knew that this was because of her mental overdraft.

She used up her last bit of strength to connect the last bit of meridians, and the whole person showed a pale and relieved smile, and then fainted directly.

Wen Chi was startled, and casually stuffed the Qianyuan Rejuvenation Pill into Sui Han's mouth, and then turned around and stuffed a Yangshen Pill into Qin Shu's mouth.

Then he sighed and said helplessly: "One is more ridiculous than the other."

Guo Chong had no time to deal with him. The scene in front of him was jumping a little fast at this time, and he was still trying to adapt.

Another day and night passed, and Wen Chi sat beside Qin Shu, not moving an inch.

Black Panther also lay beside him obediently, not daring to say a word.

He only went out hunting when he was hungry, and he had to pay half of a rabbit to Wen Chi as tribute.

Wen Chi realized that ordinary dogs would be hungry.

He raised his hand and rubbed Black Panther's head, "Be good, eat by yourself, I'm not hungry."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a cough.

Wen Chi looked back reflexively and saw Sui Han slowly opening his eyes.

He quickly got up and ran over, "You are finally awake!"

Sui Han's consciousness gradually became clear, and his consciousness looked around and found Qin Shu lying on the ground.

He immediately asked: "What happened to her...?"

The only one who could save him was Qin Shu, and he knew it from beginning to end.

But she has no spiritual energy now, so she can only take herself back to the world of immortal cultivation. But now it seems that the surroundings are still the same cave, which means they are still in the mortal world.

So, how did Qin Shu do it?

"She overdrawn her mental strength to save you and fainted." Wen Chi's tone was unfriendly, and he was obviously angry, but he did save Qin Shu once before, so he reluctantly answered his question.

Sui Han frowned and wanted to sit up, but was held down by Wen Chi, "Don't move, don't torment yourself. Look at my sister, she was strong enough to carry a tripod, but now she is implicated like this."

Sui Han looked at Qin Shu, who was lying on the ground with a pale face and closed her eyes, and slowly lay back, "It's my fault."

Wen Chi's face lightened up when he heard this, and he took out another Qianyuan Zaizao Pill for him to take.

"Take the medicine honestly and recover well."

This pill was paid for by him. I'm afraid only the disciples of Lingxiao Peak can eat pills of this level like Qianyuan Zaizao Pill as candy beans.

Sui Han knew that this was not the time to be polite, so he accepted the pill and thanked Wen Chi sincerely.

Seeing that he woke up, Wen Chi no longer cared about him and went to guard his sister wholeheartedly.

Sui Han raised his head and swallowed the Qianyuan Rejuvenating Pill. The pain in his heart and lungs had eased a lot. Only the endless backlash force was still trying to tear him apart.

He suppressed the discomfort in his body and scanned with his spiritual sense. He found Guo Chong staring at him.

Guo Chong seemed to have noticed his spiritual sense and grinned at him, "Yes, you are really lucky!"

Sui Han nodded slightly. He was indeed very lucky.

Guo Chong came over and sat down beside him, "How do you feel now? I didn't expect her to come up with this idea. To be honest, if you hadn't met her, I'm afraid you would have died by now."

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