I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 462: Eyes are broken again

Guo Chong's words were teasing, but Sui Han knew that he knew.

He looked at Guo Chong, and as soon as he opened his eyes, Guo Chong's voice sounded at the right time, "Don't mess around. I don't think you will be revolted. If you look at me..."

When he said this, he paused, glanced in the direction of Wen Chi, then chuckled and continued with some gloating: "I'm afraid he won't let Fellow Daoist Qin help you heal your wounds a second time."

Suihan: "..."

Forget it, he can take his own life, but she will not watch her die.

Guo Chong looked at his aggrieved look and suddenly laughed, "As long as you are honest, you will be fine for the time being."

Sui Han nodded briefly and heard Wen Chi exclaim, "Junior sister! You're awake!"

Suihan's consciousness also swept over and saw Qin Shu opening her eyes.

But when his consciousness glanced at Qin Shu's face, he was suddenly startled and was about to stand up with his hands on the ground.

Wen Chi, who was not far away, had already shouted out before him, "Xiao Shu'er, your eyes! What's going on?!"

Qin Shu opened her eyes and found that the lust she had finally recovered had returned to chaos again. She was silent for a moment and gradually accepted this misfortune.

However, she could roughly guess the reason. It turned out that her recovery of color was due to the purple energy stored in the sea of ​​consciousness, and it was precisely because of this purple energy that she had purple eyes.

Now that the bits of purple energy she collected in the sea of ​​consciousness have been used by Suihan, of course she can no longer see them with her eyes.

She quickly organized her thoughts. Since the purple energy was useful for Suihan's injury, she would just collect more in the future.

The mortal world restricts them everywhere, but the purple energy from the east really gives them a lot.

The reason why she couldn't see it was because she saw something she shouldn't have seen, which caused backlash.

Sui Han also saw something he shouldn't have seen, which caused a backlash.

Purple energy is useful for both of their symptoms at this time. From this, can she boldly speculate that purple energy is the nemesis of the backlash?

When Wen Chi saw Qin Shu sitting there with an extremely solemn expression, he thought she couldn't accept the changes in her eyes and was confused, so he quickly advised: "Junior sister, it doesn't matter if your eyes are broken. When we get back, senior brother will give it to you." Find the best alchemist.”

Qin Shu came back to her senses, glanced at him with her consciousness, and laughed, "Brother, what are you thinking about? My eyes are fine and they will recover after a while."

Wen Chi breathed a long sigh of relief, "As long as it's okay, it's okay."

Qin Shu smiled and spread her consciousness in the direction of Suihan. After doing so, she miraculously found that her sea of ​​consciousness seemed to be larger than before.

The sea of ​​​​consciousness before was at most the same size as the pond behind her cave, but now it was almost the size of her entire cave.

She felt happy, could this be an unexpected surprise?

Good people are rewarded, and the rewards in this world come too quickly.

Wen Chi watched as the depression on Qin Shu's face disappeared, and there was still a hint of excitement that she was trying to control.

He didn't know how excited she was, but looking at her uncontrollable joy, he knew it must be a good thing.

Qin Shu stood up from the ground, patted the dust on her body, and asked Wen Chi, "Senior brother, what kind of pill did you give me just before I fainted?"

Wen Chi understood as soon as he heard her tone and glared at her angrily, "Shen Yang Pill, specially used to replenish mental power."

After saying that, he took out another bottle of elixir and handed it to her. He also performed a cleaning technique on her to remove her mess.

Qin Shu took the elixir he handed over and shook her fresh hair. She smiled and narrowed her eyes. "Thank you, senior brother!"

Wen Chi put one hand behind his back, raised his other hand and touched his forehead, then smiled and teased: "Why do you look like a black panther now?"

The black panther, who was lying aside and taking a nap, heard Wen Chi calling his name and came over, wagging his tail happily.

Qin Shu twitched the corner of her mouth, raised her hand to knock off his big hand that fell on her head, snorted, and said dissatisfied: "I just wanted to make you the best senior brother in the world, but now it seems that I can only Give up."

Wen Chi laughed even louder when he heard this, "Whether you ban him or not, I will be the best senior brother in the world."

Qin Shu walked around him and walked to Sui Han who was standing aside. He subconsciously stretched out his wrist, and Qin Shu took it.

This action seemed to have been rehearsed countless times, and both Guo Chong and Wen Chi couldn't help but look sideways.

Qin Shu listened to his pulse carefully and felt that he would not die for a while, so she stretched her body and said, "Let's go, you can go back."

This visit was not without success, at least they knew that this snake was quite powerful.

Qin Shu told her feelings to the others, and Guo Chong laughed directly, "Where are you? If the big boss's body hadn't restricted him, he could have crushed us all to death with just one finger. indivual."

When he said this, his tone was very brisk, but if you look closely at his eyes, you can see the fear hidden deep in his eyes.

Let alone him now, even when he was in his prime, he was no match for Tang She.

It is precisely because of this that these mythical beasts have learned to hug their thighs.

For example, he himself has always followed Lao Xie, which indeed saved a lot of trouble.

Qin Shu also sighed after hearing this, but she soon felt relieved, "It doesn't matter. Since the way of heaven limits even our cultivation, there is no reason not to limit it. Otherwise... I will curse God!"

Guo Chong thought, "That's right."

Qin Shu found a folding fan from somewhere, waving it as she walked forward. She looked a bit like Wen Chi.

She shook her head and said, "Don't worry about this for now. We are no match for him. Let's find my mother's spiritual roots first, and then we will go back to the world of immortal cultivation to get help."

Guo Chong nodded repeatedly in agreement. The little boy finally figured it out. As long as she called out, Old Xie would help her. Why should she work hard herself?

Wen Chi also nodded slightly, "Yes, let's go back and call Master over, and let him feel the frustration of not being able to use his skills!"

Only Sui Han quietly exhaled, thinking that he was finally going back. If he stayed any longer, he would really doubt his life.

There were four of them, and he was the only one who was really useless.

Originally, he could calculate something without using spiritual energy, but what he could calculate, Qin Shu and Guo Chong could calculate, and Guo Chong could even calculate more than him...

How fast he rushed when he came, how slow he was when he went back.

Qin Shu told him about her plan to attack Qin Wuya, and Guo Chong immediately stood up and responded actively.

"If you can't deal with the Teng Snake, you can still deal with a mortal!"

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